User:Yanping Nora Soong/literature
Papers with useful empirical data, kinetics on important reactions, or novel findings.
- Vittorio Saggiomo, Ulrich Lüning, Tetrahedron Lett 2009 DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2009.05.117: "In dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC), water which is produced by an imine formation will stay in the reaction mixture, and the question arises to which extent water can be tolerated ... Tashiro and co-workers reported excellent yields of imines when they reacted aldehyde 1a or1b with aniline (2) in water—a remarkable putative contradiction....
- Dichloromethane reacts with primary amines prior to injection loading in GC-MS: includes an impressive mass-spectrometry analysis where they find a major fragmentation product of the reaction between dichloromethane and primary amines has m/z of 84 and is an N-methylene substituted pyrrolidine formed from an intramolecular radical reaction after being ionized
- "Reactivity of dichloromethane towards amines" Secondary and tertiary amines are predominantly investigated. The half-life of butylamine in DCM at STP is given as 870h. (Table 1, page 472) Acta Chemica Scandinavica B 38 (1984)
- Effect of iodide ion in phase-transfer catalytic syntheses of benzyl esters, Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 1992 (38, pp 221-230: "iodide ions at a suitable concentration accelerate the reaction, whereas iodide ions in excess poison the [phase transfer] catalyst....Reuben reported that iodide ions prevent the quat from returning to the aqueous phase, so that catalysts are poisoned by iodide ions..."
- PTC catalysis: chemistry and engineering (large ref): also has a note on iodide poisoning
Non-journal sources