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User:Yadsalohcin/Wye press articles

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This page contains a select list of press articles regarding the River Wye.

For the wider picture, see the Wye-kipedia

NB unreferenced items are on the Wikipedia blacklist- see commented out source code for original URLs





Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook on ? ecotipus.co.uk CPRW planning objection[1]

Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook Aug 2021? Herefordshire planning:[2]

Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook Aug 2021? There's a lot of helpful information around, e.g.[3] -prepare for a shock regarding just how many IPUs there are...

Friends of the Lower Wye Facebook; -from FoD & Wye Valley Review Aug 13 2021 - WUF are engaging with farmers (mainly Herefordshire reported here...)[4]

Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook on 21 August 2021 from 3 Wyes Women FB - Top tips for objections to IPU permits on...[5]

Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook on 21 August 2021: Powys planning: CPRW say there are 21 live applications: 7 live applications in the Wye catchment 14 live applications in Montgomery, north of the Wye catchment. cf. Powys: Search on 'poultry' found several objectionable applications...[6]

Friends of the Lower Wye FaceBook 24 August 2021; More information about 3 planning applications mentioned before - Builth Wells, Powys, Lysonhall and Kinnersley[7]



Friends of the Lower Wye FaceBook 24 September 2021; This series is particularly useful for any activist "Rights of Rivers - Earth Talk with Paul Powlesland - Sacred Earth Activism" Paul Powlesland - Founder of Lawyers for NatureAs we approach our day of sacred action on World Rivers Day, we were joined by Paul Powlesland, Founder of Law...[8]



Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook on 2021-10-06 Facebook (FotLW) Smart Rivers might interest the group (via WildFish)[9]

Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook on 2021-10-06 Www.smartrivers.com SmartRivers home[10]



Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook on 2021-11-09 Facebook (FotLW) Emil Morfett re Powys planning and 2 new poultry buildings[11]

Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook on 2021-11-11 pa.powys.gov.uk Planning – Application 19/0743/FUL | Erection of 2 no. poultry buildings and associated infrastructure, Llanshay Farm Llanshay Lane Knighton Powys LD7 1LW[12]



Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook on 2021-12-13 Facebook (FotLW) 3 Wyes Women re factory chicken[13]

Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook on 2021-12-13 www.countytimes.co.uk Monbiot: Eating chicken 'adds to River Wye pollution'[14]





Mentioned on whatsapp chat 31/01/2022 www.bbc.co.uk news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-60189399.amp Well done FoUW & River Action. [15]



Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/02/2022 epwales.org.uk events/the-changing-fortunes-of-welsh-freshwaters-a-perspective-on-world-wetlands-day/ [16]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/02/2022 www.bbc.co.uk sounds/play/p0bkmchj [17]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 05/02/2022 www.eating-better.org blog/intensively-farmed-chicken-is-this-really-agriculture [18]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 05/02/2022 www.newscientist.com article/2307185-algal-blooms-in-freshwater-lakes-are-becoming-more-common-worldwide/ [19]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/02/2022 www.crowdfunder.co.uk p/river-action--1194995 [20]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/02/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/feb/09/identify-a-ha-moments-fast-climate-action-tipping-points[21]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/02/2022 twitter.com bbcwales/status/1491428675325251584?s=24 [22]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/02/2022 www.bbc.co.uk iplayer/episode/m0014czc/bbc-wales-live-09022022 main section is 18mins in [23]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/02/2022 www.bbc.co.uk news/uk-wales-60330355 [24]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/02/2022 www.crowdfunder.co.uk p/river-action--1194995 [20]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/02/2022 twitter.com feargal_sharkey/status/1491704795379519493?s=24 [25]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/02/2022 deframedia.blog.gov.uk 2022/02/10/consultations-launched-on-bathing-water-status-for-isle-of-wight-and-oxford-sites/ [26]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 11/02/2022 deframedia.blog.gov.uk 2022/02/11/minister-pow-visit-to-the-river-wye/ [27]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/02/2022 www.bbc.co.uk news/entertainment-arts-60349021 [28]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/02/2022 www.wyeuskfoundation.org news/wye-algae-phd-study [29]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/02/2022 www.telegraph.co.uk news/2022/02/16/citizen-scientists-fighting-clean-rivers/ [30]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/02/2022 www.southwalesargus.co.uk news/19925655.council-stops-short-calling-greater-protection-river-water-wye/ [31]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/02/2022 www.mid-wyedeanchurches.co.uk redbrook-youth-group-save-the-wye/ [32]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/02/2022 twitter.com hfdscouncil/status/1494276650393128963?s=24 [33]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/02/2022 www.thetimes.co.uk article/825ff076-9038-11ec-8d28-50e05b644342[34]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/02/2022 m.facebook.com story.php?story_fbid=3143507959225391&id=100006986528917&sfnsn=scwspwa [35]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/02/2022 speakout.38degrees.org.uk campaigns/environment-ofwat-openletter?utm_source=email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=blast2022-02-23 [36]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/02/2022 twitter.com riveractionuk/status/1497166184113971201?s=24 [37]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/02/2022 www.bbc.co.uk sounds/play/p0blgws5 [38]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/02/2022 www.herefordtimes.com news/19946810.herefordshire-mps-seek-reassurances-environment/ [39]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/02/2022 naturalresources.wales about-us/news-and-events/news/new-fishing-byelaws-come-into-force-on-wye-and-usk/[40]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/02/2022 secure.avaaz.org campaign/en/stop_the_war_loc/?zNuicab

Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook on 28 February 2022 Facebook (FotLW) Re CPRW planning objections[41]



Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/03/2022 www.herefordshirewt.org events/2022-04-05-hereford-city-branch-online-talk-regenerative-farming-project-knepp-rewilding [42]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 04/03/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/mar/04/agribusiness-giants-tried-to-thwart-eu-deforestation-plan-after-cop26-pledge[43]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 05/03/2022 action.greenpeace.org.uk end-russian-gas? This seems a sensible way[44]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/03/2022 www.gov.uk government/news/natural-england-and-environment-agency-launch-joint-legal-action-in-response-to-river-lugg-damage[45]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/03/2022 www.gov.uk government/news/natural-england-and-environment-agency-launch-joint-legal-action-in-response-to-river-lugg-damage[45]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 14/03/2022 www.imdb.com 'River' - I have spoken to The Courtyard to set up a screening there [of 'River'] on Saturday[46]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/03/2022 www.poultryconference.com SWCA/Default.aspx [47]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/03/2022 freshstartforhens.co.uk [48]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/03/2022 twitter.com duncanwestbury/status/ 1504043879280095232?s=12 [49]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/03/2022 uk.linkedin.com Duncan Westbury Principal Lecturer - Ecology and Environmental Management[50]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/03/2022 www.haveyoursaypowys.wales powyscc-feedback/survey_tools/give-us-your-feedback [51]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/03/2022 www.countytimes.co.uk news/20001912.plans-double-size-powys-chicken-farm-approved/ [52]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/03/2022 pa.powys.gov.uk 21/1381/FUL Erection of 2 additional broiler rearing [53]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/03/2022 twitter.com friendsupperwye/status/ Would any of the @PowysCC councillors who made this decision care to meet with our members to explain why they granted permission for another 90,000 chickens???[54]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/03/2022 www.bbc.co.uk "River Wye: Concerns over pollution in Wales' rivers"[55]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/03/2022 youtu.be yzNxLzFfR5w

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/03/2022 stmaryschurchhayonwye.co.uk index.php/ fr-richards-letter/?[56]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/03/2022 twitter.com afonyddcymru/status/ judicial review against Welsh Government's new control of agricultural pollution regulations. Full verdict here:[57]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 24/03/2022 fb.watch Chris Packham Scottish Atlantic salmon

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 24/03/2022 twitter.com RiverActionUK/status/ Our good friends @rwtwales have launched this important campaign to get @WelshGovernment & @NatResWales to step up and take urgent action to save the River Wye from the pollution onslaught of 🐓production[58]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 24/03/2022 www.herefordtimes.com news/ environment-agencys-river-wye-pollution-failures-break-law/ [59]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/03/2022 www.bbc.co.uk sounds/play/m0015r77 [60]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/03/2022 sas.org.uk EndSewagePollutionProtests/?[61]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 31/03/2022 action.wildlifetrusts.org page/100402/action[62]



Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/04/2022 www.sacredearthactivism.org voawbff [63]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/04/2022 consult.defra.gov.uk water-industry/storm-overflows-discharge-reduction-plan/ [64]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/04/2022 salmon-trout.org 2022/03/03/salmon-trout-conservation-takes-legal-action-on-wye-pollution[65]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/04/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/apr/04/ipcc-report-now-or-never-if-world-stave-off-climate-disaster[66]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/04/2022 www.mirror.co.uk news/uk-news/british-river-turns-open-sewer-26643442 [67]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/04/2022 www.telegraph.co.uk business/2022/03/14/autumn-ban-muck-spreading-review-amid-fertiliser-shortage/ [68]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/04/2022 www.charityjob.co.uk jobs/radnorshire-wildlife-trust/citizen-science-programme-manager/819054 [69]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/04/2022 twitter.com friendsupperwye/status/1511691525088067595?s=24&t=adOKq4sfuKxm1ysMYiofkg [70]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/04/2022 twitter.com georgemonbiot/status/1511329850140897284?s=21&t=JWILNyGTJIH4A65s4knqqw [71]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 08/04/2022 consult.environment-agency.gov.uk west-midlands/river-wye-water-quality/ [72]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 08/04/2022 twitter.com claredinnisea/status/1512186455392727050?s=24&t=0kT3Ms03-I7BQXLhbjouiA [73]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/04/2022 twitter.com riveractionuk/status/1513062384063111171?s=21&t=oWzi5Y0AH9TjsPBecGSj3Q [74]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/04/2022 yourherefordshire.co.uk all/news/news-concerns-that-algal-bloom-has-been-spotted-on-the-river-wye-earlier-than-ever-before/ [75]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/04/2022 www.facebook.com 469686820059083/posts/1616222688738818/ [76]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/04/2022 www.thetimes.co.uk article/chicken-manure-link-to-pollution-in-the-river-wye-ncnks6qhw let's see if they've got something more recent! [77]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/04/2022 deframedia.blog.gov.uk 2022/04/12/bathing-water-status-for-isle-of-wight-and-oxford-swimming-spots/ [78]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/04/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/apr/12/kfc-faces-backlash-over-misleading-portrayal-of-chicken-farming-niko-omilana [79]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/04/2022 www.bbc.co.uk news/uk-wales-61030312 [80]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/04/2022 twitter.com watsonchas/status/1516792008995753987?s=24&t=DNFzLK7t3eUa0YQr4MadgA [81]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/04/2022 www.crowdfunder.co.uk p/campaign-to-save-britains-rivers [82]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/04/2022 www.pan-uk.org british-chicken-linked-to-pesticide-poisonings-in-the-Amazon/ [83]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/04/2022 alisoncaffyn.co.uk wp2/research/ [84]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/04/2022 www.brecon-and-radnor-cprw.wales [85]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/04/2022 ffcc.co.uk field-guide-for-the-future/towards-an-agroecological-future [86]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/04/2022 petitions.senedd.wales petitions/244997

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/04/2022 www.countytimes.co.uk news/20094302.chickens-powys-caersws-egg-farm-clears-hurdle/ [87]



Mentioned on whatsapp chat 04/05/2022 www.wildlifetrusts.org events/2022-05-12-wild-live-are-our-river-protections-failing [88]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 08/05/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/may/07/secret-world-beneath-our-feet-mind-blowing-key-to-planets-future [89]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/05/2022 consult.defra.gov.uk nature-recovery-green-paper/nature-recovery-green-paper/ [90]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/05/2022 twitter.com riveractionuk/status Government’s proposal to reduce nutrient pollution of rivers from agriculture by just 40% by 2037 is a death sentence for the River Wye.[91]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/05/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/may/12/environment-tipping-points-fast-approaching-in-uk-says-watchdog[92]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/05/2022 The Wildlife Trusts via m.youtube.com Wild LIVE: are our river protections failing?[93]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/05/2022 twitter.com loosecollie/status/1525045691520798720?s=24&t=z1ll1pJ4l0x4kZiSRnI6Gg [94]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/05/2022 www.bbc.co.uk sounds/play/m0017cvl [95]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/05/2022 twitter.com suesustainable/status/1525383337476513793?s=24&t=DUKDwAykJmmlIfDgfqHt-g [96]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/05/2022 www.eventbrite.co.uk e/tyberton-talks-jay-griffiths-tickets-320520534547 [97]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/05/2022 www.herefordtimes.com news/20142785.governments-river-wye-protection-hopelessly-inadequate/ [98]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/05/2022 www.bbc.co.uk news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-61499873 [99]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/05/2022 deframedia.blog.gov.uk 2022/05/20/new-super-national-nature-reserve-created-to-protect-rare-wildlife-in-somerset/ [100]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/05/2022 youtu.be George Monbiot on Ending Hunger - Without Destroying Our Planet

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/05/2022 groundswellag.com sessions/saving-the-river-wye-from-death-by-chicken-manure/ [101]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/05/2022 www.friendsofthelakedistrict.org.uk under-the-light-of-the-moon [102]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/05/2022 www.wyeuskfoundation.org news/new-project-planned-to-reverse-the-decline-of-the-river-wye [103]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/05/2022 you.38degrees.org.uk petitions/don-t-put-innocent-campaigners-on-tag?source=whatsapp-sha [104]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 31/05/2022 twitter.com watsonchas/status/1531612154549395456?s=24&t=ws6o9CjTXcGDEHviRIn12g [105]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 31/05/2022 twitter.com rephokus/status/1531586553419644934?s=24&t=ws6o9CjTXcGDEHviRIn12g [106]



Mentioned on whatsapp chat 01/06/2022 www.shropshirestar.com news/environment/2022/05/25/volunteers-sought-for-group-that-leads-flood-plans[107]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/06/2022 consult.environment-agency.gov.uk psc/hr5-3er-tl-whittal-limited/ [108]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/06/2022 fishlegal.net 2022/06/01/questions-over-water-pollution-risk-from-new-intensive-poultry-proposal/ [109]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/06/2022 herefordshireruralhub.co.uk whatchats-on/muck-phosphate-water-whats-happening-on-the-ground/ [110]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/06/2022 www.theguardian.com commentisfree/2022/jun/10/factory-farming-british-river-sewer-wye-chicken-factories[111]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/06/2022 twitter.com nicolacutcher/status/1535259611242037250?s=24&t=-0ZpTG7yOQG0_zfedf3ewg [112]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/06/2022 deframedia.blog.gov.uk 2022/06/10/minister-reiterates-government-commitment-to-improve-water-quality/ [113]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 11/06/2022 www.oxfordmail.co.uk news/20156780.red-rebels-float-thames-oxford-sewage-protest/ [114]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 14/06/2022 twitter.com jimmysfarm/status/1536395550316273668?s=24&t=CbUUScegLDE-FGikbzaGvg [115]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/06/2022 twitter.com bbchw/status/1537062020633219084?s=24&t=muKpy7t5LSVgZrf5htoYIg [116]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/06/2022 www.itv.com news/central/2022-06-16/huge-sos-formed-on-the-banks-of-the-river-wye-to-protest-against-pollution [117]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/06/2022 chat.whatsapp.com Do0VuT8HWiFILjAQ80pg9x[118]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/06/2022 afonyddcymru.org plight-of-rivers-becoming-a-priority-for-welsh-government/ [119]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/06/2022 twitter.com steveormerod/status/1537756141085679616?s=24&t=_Kj5iYlnOc7u3ZJgPrKpgQ [120]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/06/2022 www.herefordtimes.com news/20216967.human-sos-begins-season-river-wye-conservation-events/ [121]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/06/2022 twitter.com guardianeco/status/1538766609728229376?s=24&t=JA7ALZxFlyu9f-XXnTwQbw [122]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/06/2022 theconversation.com british-farmers-are-being-offered-a-lump-sum-payment-to-leave-the-industry-but-at-what-cost-to-agriculture-183264 [123]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/06/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/jun/20/government-retracts-unlawful-pollution-guidance-for-englands-farms [124]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/06/2022 chat.whatsapp.com Do0VuT8HWiFILjAQ80pg9x[118]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/06/2022 www.theguardian.com commentisfree/2022/jun/20/minority-rural-britons-farmers-farming-countryside-environment [125]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/06/2022 twitter.com watsonchas/status/1539294260167598080?s=24&t=V-sbyO16l3Xlzd4fPaeIbA [126]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/06/2022 corporate.dwrcymru.com -Glas-Cymru-Annual-Report-Accounts-2021-2022.ashx if you can bear to wade through all the corporate s [127]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/06/2022 www.endsreport.com article/1790556/ea-suspends-nitrogen-phosphorus-emissions-reporting [128]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/06/2022 youtu.be _7j4-ysBlvo

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/06/2022 fishlegal.net 2022/06/23/natural-resources-wales-conclude-no-environmental-damage-on-the-wye/ [129]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/06/2022 twitter.com paulmatthews67/status/1540033714331308032?s=24&t=COwIMyX1fIwtDQtDbgPnyw [130]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/06/2022 www.facebook.com groups/441666380306431/permalink/754825452323854/?fs=e&s=cl [131]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 27/06/2022 www.theguardian.com commentisfree/2022/jun/24/rich-nations-climate-debt-cancelling-debts-emissions-global-debt-swap-campaign?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=news_tab&fs=e&s=cl [132]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 27/06/2022 twitter.com bbchw/status/1541406018550304768?s=24&t=486vlQOd2lYlMd9AsxpHpA [133]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 27/06/2022 www.bbc.co.uk sounds/play/p0ch81cd [134]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 28/06/2022 act.gp 3awL3Dw

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 28/06/2022 www.theoep.org.uk news/oep-launches-investigation-regulation-combined-sewer-overflows-csos [135]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/06/2022 www.bbc.co.uk news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-61985147 [136]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/06/2022 www.herefordtimes.com news/20243354.minister-rejects-herefordshires-river-wye-protection-plan/ [137]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/06/2022 www.herefordtimes.com news/20216967.human-sos-begins-season-river-wye-conservation-events/[138]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/06/2022 twitter.com loosecollie/status/1542255874319826944?s=24&t=8CssG2V26c-ujmb2WEThDw [139]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/06/2022 twitter.com steveormerod/status/1542443907463659520?s=24&t=45SlgQS4rVoF9-GerjL6bQ [140]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/06/2022 naturalresources.wales about-us/grants-and-funding/resilient-communities-grant-funding[141]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/06/2022 fishlegal.net wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Letter-to-Natural-Resources-Wales-16-June-2022.pdf [142]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/06/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/jun/30/uk-government-scrap-european-law-protecting-special-habitats[143]



Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/07/2022 gov.wales written-statement-wales-better-river-quality-taskforce [144]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/07/2022 gov.wales landmark-new-farm-support-proposals-wales-announced [145]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/07/2022 gov.wales sustainable-farming-scheme-outline-proposals-2025 [146]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/07/2022 www.theguardian.com power-wealthy-earth-politics-democracy-plutocracy George lamenting the WPZ decision. Hey hi. Maybe there will be a new SoS in the next few days. Get ready![147]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/07/2022 www.bbc.co.uk news/uk-england-hereford-worcester River Wye pollution: Tesco urged to help reduce Wye pollution[148]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/07/2022 twitter.com scottygb/status just for fun ... “Bye Bye Boris, Boris Bye Bye” is being inadvertently blasted out[149]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/07/2022 www.somersetlive.co.uk news/local-news/taunton-deane-mp-rebecca-pow-7302485 [150]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/07/2022 twitter.com jesse_norman/status Well done! ICYMI Here is my own contribution to the Return to the River event, recognising the vital work of local groups and setting out my ideas for an integrated all-river plan, a new National Rivers Recovery Fund and for new River Wye Commissioners[151]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/07/2022 afonyddcymru.org latest-phosphorus-modelling-published-for-four-welsh-rivers/ [152]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/07/2022 www.eventbrite.com e/guided-walk-around-hay-on-wye-taking-samples-of-streams-ending-at-event-tickets-[153]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/07/2022 www.eventbrite.com e/short-fun-family-guided-walk-taking-samples-of-river-wye-tickets[154]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/07/2022 www.jesse4hereford.com News/shell-store-conference-frames-new-5-year-cross-border-plan-save-river-wye [155]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/07/2022 www.abergavennyfoodfestival.com event/rivers-at-risk-what-can-we-do-to-protect-them/[156]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/07/2022 www.abergavennyfoodfestival.com event/the-price-of-food-is-it-too-expensive-or-too-cheap/ [157]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/07/2022 twitter.com wrurestore/status/1546757733659066368?s=24&t=PFxP6oXWRXJjgycZ_G5fSg [158]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/07/2022 news.sky.com story/environment-agency-chief-warns-of-irreversible-biodiversity-damage-that-could-eventually-kill-off-humans[159]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/07/2022 green-alliance.org.uk event/nurturing-nature-can-cop15-stop-a-silent-spring/ [160]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/07/2022 cdn.cyfoethnaturiol.cymru media/695186/agenda-july-board-public-session.pdf?mode=pad&rnd=133017627610000000 [161]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/07/2022 feeco.com processing-phosphates-for-use-in-animal-feed/ [162]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/07/2022 www.polifar.com White-Dicalcium-Phosphate-Granular-Feed-Grade-DCP-CAS-NO-7789-77-7-for-Chickens-pd47802676.html [163]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/07/2022 youtu.be 1hnKOSfj7sU

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/07/2022 www.herefordtimes.com news/20270291.agencies-agree-work-together-stop-river-wye-dying/ [164]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/07/2022 twitter.com rachsalv/status Fear not, anyone worried about the state of rivers in Wales. Natural Resources Wales is on the case.[165]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/07/2022 naturalresources.wales about-us/news-and-events/news/nrw-approves-plan-to-protect-vulnerable-fish-stocks[166]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/07/2022 www.soilassociation.org blogs/2022/july/12/thanks-for-your-support-in-our-battle-to-stop-poison-poultry/ [167]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 14/07/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/jul/14/tesco-chicken-deal-uk-favourite-river-wye-pollution[168]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/07/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/jul/14/jail-water-firm-bosses-over-appalling-pollution-says-environment-agency[169]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/07/2022 yourherefordshire.co.uk all/news/breaking-river-wye-in-herefordshire-placed-on-amber-alert-by-environment-agency/ [170]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/07/2022 www.endsreport.com article/1749338/plans-refused-36000-bird-chicken-farm-within-wye-sac [171]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/07/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/jul/14/jail-water-firm-bosses-over-appalling-pollution-says-environment-agency[169]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/07/2022 www.thenational.wales environment/20285431.welsh-government-organises-river-pollution-summit-royal-welsh/ [172]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/07/2022 gov.wales first-minister-hosts-summit-solutions-river-pollution [173]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/07/2022 cutcher.co.uk linklog/2022/07/16/wye-not-follow-the-science [174]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/07/2022 www.theguardian.com 2022/jul/18/heatwave-extreme-weather-uk-climate-crisis[175]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 19/07/2022 www.clientearth.org latest/press-office/press/historic-high-court-ruling-finds-uk-government-s-climate-strategy-unlawful/ [176]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/07/2022 www.windrushwasp.org single-post/webinar-link-for-wednesday [177]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/07/2022 afonyddcymru.org first-minister-holds-summit-on-excessive-phosphorus-in-rivers/ [178]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/07/2022 fishlegal.net 2022/07/20/industrial-chicken-complex-thrown-out-by-planners-on-environmental-grounds/ [179]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/07/2022 deframedia.blog.gov.uk 2022/07/22/plan-to-tackle-nutrient-pollution-announced/ [180]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/07/2022 www.bbc.co.uk news/uk-england-hereford-worcester Hereford: Extinction Rebellion blocks Avara Foods site[181]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/07/2022 marchesclimateaction.com [182]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/07/2022 rivercarnival.org.uk[183]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 27/07/2022 www.herefordtimes.com news/20518477.tesco-speaks-extinction-rebellion-protest-hereford/ [184]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 27/07/2022 www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk news/regional-news/extinction-rebellion-protests-outside-avaras-7378539 [185]



Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/08/2022 twitter.com feargal_sharkey/ status "Swimmers fall violently ill". That must be the 3rd or 4th case of people falling ill over the last few weeks after swimming in a local river...[186]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/08/2022 www.cheshire-live.co.uk "The truth behind raw sewage in Chester's River Dee as swimmers fall violently ill"[187]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/08/2022 twitter.com envagencymids/status Our latest River #Wye water quality monitoring report is now available. Data is helping to target regulatory and partnership...[188]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/08/2022 gov.wales written-statement-river-pollution-summit-royal-welsh-show [189]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 04/08/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/aug/04/ Sewage sleuths: the men who revealed the slow, dirty death of Welsh and English rivers[190]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/08/2022 BBC: River Crouch: Investigation launched as about 2,000 fish die in waterway[191]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/08/2022 www.transcend.org tms/2022/08/three-large-american-multinationals-bought-17-million-hectares-of-ukrainian-agricultural-land/ [192]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/08/2022 www.bbc.co.uk iplayer/episode/m0019mbl/arena-river "River takes its audience on a journey through space and time spanning six continents, showing rivers on a scale and from perspectives never seen before." [193]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/08/2022 lnks.gd [194]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 11/08/2022 www.shropshirestar.com Pioneer Shropshire pair plotted a poultry revolution and changed the way we eat[195]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 11/08/2022 www.bbc.co.uk River Wye at Hereford Bridge now 2cm deep amid dry spell No good.... [196]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 11/08/2022 youtu.be MZ8B8eZFwSI Herefs C Council - Friday 29 July 2022 10.00 am-debate is about 2.5 hrs in

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/08/2022 rossbenefice.files.wordpress.com 2022/08/heavens-above-the-wye-must-not-die-31.7.22.pdf [197]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/08/2022 m.facebook.com groups Angela Jones on Chepstow Community FB page[198]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/08/2022 act.gp 38yEq34 Greenpeace: UK govt: ban the burning of our natural land

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/08/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/aug/16/hail-mary-statues-trip-down-the-wye-raises-chicken-pollution-issue[199]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/08/2022 you.38degrees.org.uk petitions/stop-poultry-farms-from-turning-the-river-wye-into-a-wildlife-deathtrap[200]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/08/2022 twitter.com itvtonight/status On #ITVTonight @joe_crowley investigates water pollution in our rivers and lakes...[201]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/08/2022 chng.it Supermarkets: Stop Selling Suffering!

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/08/2022 m.youtube.com /SkyNews UK heatwave: Wildlife rescued as drought impacts river levels[202]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 19/08/2022 www.itv.com hub/tonight/1a2803a9352 [203]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/08/2022 twitter.com rupertmyers/status/ This country video of gushing outfall on beach[204]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/08/2022 photo on FB StW banner by the Wye in Monmouth awaiting the statue[205]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/08/2022 www.facebook.com groups/friendsofthelowerwyee Our Lady of the waters and the Wye arrived at Monmouth this evening... [206]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/08/2022 www.facebook.com groups/friendsofthelowerwyee Our Lady of the waters and the Wye arrived at Monmouth this evening...[207]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/08/2022 canwoodgallery.com whats-on/ [208]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/08/2022 chng.it tsFwswxKXP

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/08/2022 chng.it GHWwG5Fg

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/08/2022 www.theguardian.com politics/2022/aug/22/liz-truss-environment-agency-cuts-sewage-water-pollution[209]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/08/2022 fishlegal.net 2022/08/23/high-court-turns-down-fish-legal-bid-to-challenge-powys-poultry-expansion-plan/ [210]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/08/2022 twitter.com timesradio/status/ Liz Truss is asked why she cut funds to the Environment agency[211]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/08/2022 act.gp 3KadBjS

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/08/2022 www.abergavennyfoodfestival.com event/rivers-at-risk-what-can-we-do-to-protect-them/[156]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/08/2022 www.telegraph.co.uk politics/2022/08/25/france-accuses-britain-using-channel-sewage-dumping-ground[212]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 27/08/2022 apple.news Sewage-covered beaches risk turning England into the ‘dirty man of Europe’[213]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/08/2022 www.theguardian.com "Environment Agency tells staff to ignore pollution complaints, says ex-employee"[214]



Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/09/2022 www.youtube.com LIVE: Extinction Rebellion protest inside Parliament, demanding a Citizens' Assembly[215]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/09/2022 twitter.com friendsupperwye/status/ We were dismayed to read @BillWigginMP’s column in the @herefordtimes this week. We’ve written a letter in response, which makes the following points…[216]

Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook on 2022-09-04 watery-news.co.uk turbidity-is-how-shiny-total-suspended-solids-is-how-much-how-can-they-be-related[217]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/09/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/sep/07/environment-agency-told-to-protect-wetlands-in-landmark-court-case[218]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 14/09/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/sep/14/citizen-scientists-to-monitor-english-rivers-in-7m-scheme[219]

16 September 2022 www.herefordtimes.com "Herefordshire AD plant 'would turn chicken manure into gas'"[220]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/09/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/sep/20/dutch-rewilding-project-turns-back-the-clock-500-years-aoe[221]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/09/2022 StW on www.facebook.com Enjoying our day out at Abergavenny Food Festival calling out @Avara’s ecocidal greenwash. [222]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/09/2022 www.bbc.co.uk news/uk-england-hereford-worcester Herefordshire biodigester plans 'could enhance River Wye quality'[223]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/09/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/sep/20/volunteers-cant-save-our-rivers-from-this-tide-of-filth [224]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 24/09/2022 drive.google.com file AFF 18sep22_PriceOfFood_712_9500 edit1.mp3[225]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 24/09/2022 twitter.com rspbengland/status/ Make no mistake, we are angry. This Government has today launched an attack on nature. [226]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/09/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/sep/25/chicken-farm-giant-linked-to-river-wye-decline-was-sued-over-water-blight-in-us [227]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/09/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/sep/20/dutch-rewilding-project-turns-back-the-clock-500-years-aoe[228]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/09/2022 www.thetimes.co.uk article/sewage-spills-go-undetected-as-water-companies-give-watchdog-faulty-data-j3gnwxm02 [229]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 27/09/2022 twitter.com rachsalv/status It's time! Why are our rivers on their knees? ENDS' first ever film has some worrying answers...[230]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 27/09/2022 www.endsreport.com article/1800118/watch-ends-film-severn-poisoning-britains-amazon [231]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 28/09/2022 m.facebook.com photo.php RSPB map re investment zones and planning[232]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/09/2022 www.wildlifetrusts.org get-involved/our-campaigns/defend-nature [233]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/09/2022 councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk ieListDocuments.aspx see section 6[234]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/09/2022 twitter.com feargal_sharkey/status On the 8th Sep Secretary of State for @Defra @ranil told parliament that he had ordered water companies to produce a plan[235]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/09/2022 www.eventbrite.co.uk e/welsh-food-farming-what-does-the-future-hold-tickets-425704713257?aff=ebdssbcategorybrowse [236]



1 October 2022 www.herefordtimes.com "Could this idea help farms deal with phosphate problem?"[237]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/10/2022 brockinitiative.org river-wye-work-in-progress/ [238]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/10/2022 wiki.riteme.site wiki/Richard_Brock [239]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/10/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/oct/02/tory-mps-dismiss-critical-rspb-campaign-as-marketing-strategy?[240]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/10/2022 www.herefordtimes.com news/features/22960504.idea-help-farms-deal-phosphate-problem[241]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/10/2022 www.bbc.co.uk news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-63094738.amp New commission aims to restore river Wye and Lugg water quality 3 October 2022[242]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/10/2022 www.dailymail.co.uk news/article-11274975/Water-firms-blasted-missing-targets-polluting-rivers-150m-returned-customers.html [243]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 05/10/2022 gov.wales written-statement-biodiversity-deep-dive [244]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 05/10/2022 councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk ieListDocuments.aspx Agenda and minutes[245]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/10/2022 councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk documents/s50103911/Appendix%201%20-%20Terms%20of%20reference%20and%20membership.pdf [246]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/10/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/oct/06/chicken-in-british-supermarkets-linked-to-deforested-amazon?[247]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/10/2022 www.herefordtimes.com news/21861757.herefordshire-ad-plant-would-turn-chicken-manure-gas/ [248]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 08/10/2022 www.parliamentlive.tv Event/Index/56cda19b-45a8-4827-9872-cc6fbbd49645 Westminster Hall Wednesday 12 October 2022 Meeting[249]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 08/10/2022 www.bbc.co.uk news/uk-wales-63149599 Farming: New Welsh rules on reducing river pollution delayed 5 October 2022[250]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 08/10/2022 www.wtwales.org news/threat-more-pollution-our-welsh-rivers [251]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/10/2022 act.gp 3qiWmUy

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/10/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/oct/09/chicken-farms-may-explain-decline-of-the-river-wye-tests-suggest[252]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/10/2022 sweetishhill.com how-much-waste-do-chickens-produce/ [253]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 11/10/2022 www.wyesalmon.com wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Tech-note-Garren-soil-sampling.pdf?[254]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 11/10/2022 www.dieterhelm.co.uk natural-capital/environment/going-backwards-the-retreat-from-environmental-commitments/ [255]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 11/10/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/oct/11/britons-urged-help-monitor-state-rivers-streams-autumn-water-watch[256]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/10/2022 www.bbc.co.uk iplayer/episode/m001d2cz/politics-midlands-09102022 [257]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/10/2022 youtu.be PC8V_6826lE

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/10/2022 youtu.be t1Xt47H4TIY

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/10/2022 m.facebook.com groups Chepstow event 'voices for the Wye' [258]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/10/2022 www.bbc.co.uk news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-62966984 This is the BBC link that mentions Avara. "Herefordshire biodigester plans 'could enhance River Wye quality'"[259]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/10/2022 www.countytimes.co.uk news/23050472.nature-emergency-powys-councillors-back-new-measures/ [260]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/10/2022 www.dieterhelm.co.uk natural-capital/water/water-a-new-start/ [261]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 24/10/2022 petition.parliament.uk petitions/619781

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 24/10/2022 twitter.com terramaterfs/status Is the #ColoradoRiver drying up? Its delta and reservoirs certainly are.[262]

24 October 2022 www.bbc.co.uk "River pollution: New phosphate rules hit thousands of planned new homes"[263]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 24/10/2022 www.bbc.co.uk "River pollution: New phosphate rules hit thousands of planned new homes"[263]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/10/2022 www.bbc.co.uk programmes/m001cmj3 "What's Killing Our Rivers?"[264]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/10/2022 www.bbc.co.uk iplayer/episode/m001cmj3 "What's Killing Our Rivers?"[265]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/10/2022 fishlegal.net 2022/10/24/fish-legal-loses-wye-case-at-court-of-appeal-after-long-battle/ [266]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/10/2022 mailchi.mp herefordshirewt/defend-nature Add your voice to this Wildlife Trust campaign to save nature. Very relevant to the Wye.[267]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/10/2022 twitter.com "10downingstreet/status/ The Rt Hon Dr Thérèse Coffey MP @ThereseCoffey has been appointed Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs"[268]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/10/2022 www.theyworkforyou.com mp/24771/therese_coffey/suffolk_coastal/votes#environment[269]



Mentioned on whatsapp chat 01/11/2022 twitter.com thechefie/status/1586770076618948609?t=wij80897SuTtxcdymdBonA&s=08 [270]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 01/11/2022 twitter.com MichaelTakeMP/status/1586844713373646854?t=3cmDGIB2IYfsHqbE05byGw&s=08 superb parody but oh how true. [271]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 01/11/2022 twitter.com AdamBienkov/status/1587147967982706688?t=nl0w3ETpEYd_ugfZaK2OtQ&s=09 [272]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/11/2022 fishlegal.net 2022/11/02/herefordshire-river-suffers-bankside-damage-by-landowner/ [273]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/11/2022 fishlegal.net 2022/11/03/fish-legal-highlights-risk-to-rivers-wye-and-lugg-of-anaerobic-digestor-plans-in-ledbury/ [274]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/11/2022 www.herefordshirewt.org events/2022-11-15-whats-killing-our-rivers-documentary-screening-and-qa [275]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/11/2022 theconversation.com zero-deforestation-in-the-amazon-is-now-possible-heres-what-needs-to-happen-193833 [276]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/11/2022 www.ledburyreporter.co.uk news/23102439.fish-legal-says-farm-plans-harm-herefordshire-rivers/ [277]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/11/2022 twitter.com jm0ses/status/1589543818508275713?s=48&t=jOdv4KDAKLKqbNZbVBjmrw [278]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/11/2022 thelead.uk londons-forgotten-river-and-barrister-who-saved-it [279]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/11/2022 riveractionuk.com news/riveraction-expansion-plans/ [280]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/11/2022 www.gov.uk government/case-studies/planning-document-to-limit-the-proliferation-of-takeaways Any of our Councillors want to take ths up? [281]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/11/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/nov/12/its-like-winning-the-lottery-lincolnshire-rewilding-plan-welcomed-by-some-others-not-so-happy[282]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 14/11/2022 www.herefordshirewt.org our-response-planning-application-p222728n [283]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/11/2022 www.herefordshirewt.org events/2022-11-15-whats-killing-our-rivers-documentary-screening-and-qa [275]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/11/2022 m.facebook.com groups/friendsofthelowerwyee/permalink/3320702814854227/ [284]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/11/2022 www.theguardian.com environment/2022/nov/15/only-official-bathing-spot-on-thames-fails-tests-for-bacteria-linked-to-sewage [285]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/11/2022 afonyddcymru.org second-river-water-quality-summit-announced-by-welsh-government/ [286]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/11/2022 record.senedd.wales Plenary/13045#A75802 [287]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/11/2022 www.herefordtimes.com news/23132185.next-campaign-save-herefordshires-river-wye/ [288]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/11/2022 twitter.com GeorgeMonbiot/status/1593546624860504064?t=uFbcyAbVqRJB1bSi8VAjkw&s=09 [289]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 19/11/2022 twitter.com loosecollie/status/1593990246777200640?s=48&t=1YVByzJDjAEOxhZrfrrYoQ [290]

22 November 2022 Conservative Environment Network "Changing Course - A manifesto for our rivers, seas, and waterways"[291]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/11/2022 www.cen.uk.com "Changing Course - A manifesto for our rivers, seas, and waterways"Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page).

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/11/2022 twitter.com "bbchw/status/1595127500392509440?s=48&t=-85gLn0j1zsLlAL1w3IR0w"[292]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/11/2022 m.facebook.com BBC H&W The River Wye: Is there hope at last? [293]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/11/2022 www.thebureauinvestigates.com "2022-11-22/swimming-in-superbugs-mrsa-and-e-coli-f"[294]

23 November 2022 www.bbc.co.uk Welsh Water upgrade at Weobley treatment plant nearly complete[295]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/11/2022 www.bbc.co.uk "Welsh Water upgrade at Weobley treatment plant nearly complete"[295]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/11/2022 www.herefordtimes.com "risk-becoming-gravely-ill-wye-superbugs-says-mp"[296]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/11/2022 www.thetimes.co.uk article/8c296cbc-6c9d-11ed-b8ae-c57034dfa905[297]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/11/2022 unearthed.greenpeace.org "2022/11/25/sewage-pollution-bathing-waters-environment-agency"[298]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/11/2022 twitter.com "wrurestore/status/1596243312947695619?s=46&t=VSOhjh7oU1M2tJQ7UBpWKQ"[299]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/11/2022 nation.cymru "opinion/a-question-of-chickens"[300]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/11/2022 twitter.com "matthayesfish/status/1596472800239243264?s=48&t=E_5-BmTTkPEUgA9byuYlnQ"[301]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/11/2022 twitter.com "midgiemuldoon/status/1596588055770501120?s=48&t=oBiqEQdZevxxen3VKpuVQg"[302]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 28/11/2022 pa.powys.gov.uk "online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=Q9X0HKMPH6E00"[303]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 28/11/2022 gamber.co.uk [304]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 28/11/2022 www.thetimes.co.uk article/59f8480a-6e85-11ed-8a5b-f385de7508fe[305]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 28/11/2022 twitter.com "riveractionuk/status/1597192752793812992?s=48&t=-4Mh8lH957KSXgZsAjzW6g"[306]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/11/2022 www.clientearth.org "environment-agency-missing-in-action-when-it-comes-to-enforcing-key-regulation-on-nitrogen-pollution"[307]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/11/2022 www.bristol.ac.uk "news/2022/november/uk-freshwater-programme.html"[308]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/11/2022 fishlegal.net "2022/11/28 natural-resources-wales-accept-publicly-for-the-first-time-that-poultry-industry-is-damaging-river-wye"[309]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/11/2022 afonyddcymru.org "nrw-finally-acknowledge-poultry-industry-is-damaging-river-wye"[310]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/11/2022 www.bfrepa.co.uk "new-wetlands-project-launched-by-the-wye-usk-foundation-and-noble-foods"[311]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/11/2022 www.gov.uk "water-company-fines-to-be-channelled-into-environmental-improvements"[312]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/11/2022 www.tescoplc.com "tesco-announces-close-to-14-million-of-additional-support-for-british-egg-industry" [313]



Mentioned on whatsapp chat 01/12/2022 twitter.com "(Rachel Salvidge)/ PERSONAL ANNOUNCEMENT In January I’ll launch WATERSHED, an investigative journalism nonprofit that will focus on all things water."[314]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 04/12/2022 www.bbc.co.uk sounds "Interview about the Whitwick Manor Anaerobic digester about 1hour 8 mins from programme start to 1hrs 16 -Well done journalist Nicola Goodwin, Christine HJ from FOUW and Richard Williams from CPRE"[315]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 04/12/2022 www.bbc.co.uk "Nature-based farming-subsidies scheme given green light"[316]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 04/12/2022 www.un.org en/observances/world-soil-day Can we put something out like? SOS: Save Our Soils And re-use our SOS picture?[317]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 04/12/2022 www.thebureauinvestigates.com "Swimming in superbugs: MRSA and E coli found in British rivers"[318]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/12/2022 www.nfuonline.com "A Working Landscape - Food, Farming and the River Wye"[319]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/12/2022 speakout.38degrees.org.uk "Send a sewage postcard to your MP"[320]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/12/2022 www.theguardian.com "Up to 3,000 ‘peak polluters’ given last chance to close by Dutch government"[321]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/12/2022 fishlegal.net "Legal Action Against Llynfi Polluter Hindered by Natural Resources Wales"[322]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 09/12/2022 www.theguardian.com "Government to weaken water pollution goals in ‘attack on nature’"[323]

Mentioned on FotLW FaceBook on 2022-12-10 Facebook (FotLW) Peter Hunt re Turbidity Measurements[324]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/12/2022 www.leeds.ac.uk "UK needs to use phosphorus sustainably"[325]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/12/2022 riveractionuk via twitter.com "We are appalled at the lack of ambition shown in the #EnvironmentAct targets."[326]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/12/2022 www.private-eye.co.uk "Private Eye In The Back: Why oh-Wye"[327]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/12/2022 www.herefordtimes.com "Plan to restart housebuilding in Herefordshire hits snag"[328]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/12/2022 youtu.be

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/12/2022 watershedinvestigations.com "Sewage dumping in British rivers"[329][330]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/12/2022 www.theguardian.com "Target date for cleaning up waterways in England is moved back by 36 years "[331]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/12/2022 deframedia.blog.gov.uk "2022/12/24/coverage-on-water-targets-and-river-basin-management-plans"[332]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/12/2022 www.eea.europa.eu "chemical-status-of-surface-water-bodies"[333]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/12/2022 naturalengland.blog.gov.uk "catchment-sensitive-farming-and-the-river-wye"[334]

31 December 2022 www.bbc.co.uk "Citizen scientists join fight to clean up rivers"[335]





Mentioned on whatsapp chat 05/01/2023 www.bbc.co.uk "Citizen scientists join fight to clean up rivers"[335]

5 January 2023 Nicola Cutcher via Twitter "BREAKING: Just when it looked like @PowysCC was on the brink of likely approving another 100,000 chickens in the Wye catchment there has been an intervention from Welsh Gov." [336] See WG letter here.[337]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 05/01/2023 twitter.com "BREAKING: Just when it looked like @PowysCC was on the brink of likely approving another 100,000 chickens in the Wye catchment there has been an intervention from Welsh Gov." [336]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 05/01/2023 pa.powys.gov.uk "05 Jan 2023 / Other / WELSH MINISTERS HOLDING DIRECTION"[338]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/01/2023 www.ukeof.org.uk "Farmers, citizen science & environmental monitoring symposium - 13 January 2023"[339]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/01/2023 www.crowdfunder.co.uk "support-citizen-scientists-protecting-the-wye"[340]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/01/2023 www.herefordtimes.com "flood-warnings-herefordshire-wye-lugg-burst-banks"[341]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/01/2023 www.theguardian.com "Landmark decision on mega poultry farm could mean ‘life or death’ of River Wye"[342]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/01/2023 pa.powys.gov.uk "Planning – Application for IPUs near Builth Wells"[343]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 11/01/2023 www.crowdjustice.com "The River Wye is under threat"[344]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 11/01/2023 Jane Dodds on twitter.com "Yesterday I asked the Welsh Government to bring forward a statement on pollution in the River Wye and intensive poultry units (IPUs)."[345]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/01/2023 www.herefordtimes.com "Chicken farming protest planned at Hereford Tesco supermarket"[346]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/01/2023 www.avarafoods.co.uk "Our roadmap for the future management of poultry manure"[347]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/01/2023 herefordshirefoodcharter.org.uk[348]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/01/2023 groups/Xr.hereford via www.facebook.com "Tesco management ‘chickened out’ of receiving the 136 signed postcards collected in under 2hours outside the Bewell St store today!"[349]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/01/2023 secure.avaaz.org

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/01/2023 secure.avaaz.org

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/01/2023 ne_westmids via twitter.com "Join our #CatchmentSensitiveFarming Team in the #RiverWye Catchment for their "Re-gen in Reality" #Farmer event."[350]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/01/2023 www.bbc.co.uk "Chicken producer Avara makes River Wye phosphate pledge"[351]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/01/2023 www.theguardian.com "Have we reached ‘peak meat’? Why one country is trying to limit its number of livestock"[352]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/01/2023 twitter.com "Thoughts? Chicken producer Avara makes River Wye phosphate pledge"[353]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/01/2023 docs.google.com "Dirty Water Wave One"[354]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/01/2023 www.herefordtimes.com "Avara and Tesco defend record on river Wye following demo"[355]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 19/01/2023 www.endsreport.com "UK’s largest chicken producer makes zero phosphate pollution pledge"[356]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 19/01/2023 www.herefordshirewt.org "Our response to Avara Food’s Manure Management plan"[357]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/01/2023 www.fwi.co.uk "New ‘roadmap’ from poultry processor"[358]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/01/2023 apnews.com"Tyson, others, lose Oklahoma lawsuit..."[359]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/01/2023 robin_eveleigh/ twitter.com "This is huge news"[360]

Mentioned (twice) on whatsapp chat 23/01/2023 www.fwi.co.uk "New ‘roadmap’ from poultry processor"[358]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 24/01/2023 Avara, twitter.com "We’ve published our River Wye Roadmap"[361]

24 January 2023 www.brecon-radnor.co.uk "Call for government talks over halting Powys poultry units"[362]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/01/2023 www.brecon-radnor.co.uk "Call for government talks over halting Powys poultry units"[362]

25 January 2023 FoUW via Twitter "Hold the front page! Great to see @BnRExpress cover our joint letter to Minister Julie James calling for government intervention to protect the Wye & wider environment from more chicken factories.[363]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/01/2023 twitter.com "Hold the front page! Great to see @BnRExpress cover our joint letter to Minister Julie James calling for government intervention to protect the Wye & wider environment from more chicken factories."[363]

25 January 2023 Richard Fleming, "Avara/Cargill have a cunning plan..."[364]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/01/2023 richardfleming.substack.com "Avara/Cargill have a cunning plan..."[364]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/01/2023 open.substack.com "Avara/Cargill have a cunning plan..."[364]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/01/2023 www.herefordshire.gov.uk "Whitwick Manor AD planning application Lower Eggleton Ledbury Herefordshire HR8 2UE"[365]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/01/2023 twitter.com "Aled Davies - Show me a graph of the phosphate levels in the Wye over the last 50 yrs"[366]

27 January 2023 The Rivers Trust has got behind the Farmers Weekly writeups: "Always great seeing problems being tackled collaboratively!"[367]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 28/01/2023 naturalresources.wales "river-wye-compliance-report"[368]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 28/01/2023 inews.co.uk "River Wye death uk longest best loved rivers"[369]

30 January 2023 StW Coalition "Dear Mr Andrew Dawkins, CEO @AvaraFoods Here is OUR River Wye Roadmap." Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page).

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 31/01/2023 www.herefordshirewt.org "kington branch talk state of our rivers"[370]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 31/01/2023 illinoisriver.org "frizzell-decision-poultry-28632.pdf"[371]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 31/01/2023 twitter.com "Dear Mr Andrew Dawkins, CEO @AvaraFoods Here is OUR River Wye Roadmap." Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page).

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 31/01/2023 www.gov.uk "Ambitious roadmap for a cleaner, greener country "[372]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 31/01/2023 www.herefordshirewt.org "Defend nature workshop"[373]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 31/01/2023 www.herefordshirewt.org "Celebrating 60 years of Herefordshire Wildlife Trust – and planning for the next 60!"[374]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/02/2023 Farmers Weekly podcast at www.buzzsprout.com "New environmental payments for farmers, NFU job losses and regional restructuring"[375]



Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/02/2023 twitter.com "theriverstrust: Alway great seeing problems being tackled collaboratively!"[367]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/02/2023 from 28 January 2023 inews.co.uk "River Wye: Why the impending ‘death’ of one of the UK’s longest and best loved rivers should worry us all"[376]

3 February 2023 www.theguardian.com: "Tesco chicken supplier should pay to clean up River Wye, says charity"[377]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/02/2023 www.theguardian.com "Tesco chicken supplier should pay to clean up River Wye, says charity"[377]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/02/2023, 'quite a gentle article I thought but very well written with some excellent points. Great header.' "Tesco chicken supplier should pay to clean up River Wye, says charity"[378]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 04/02/2023 from 17 July 2017 www.thebureauinvestigates.com "Intensive farming in the UK, by numbers"[379]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 04/02/2023 www.fwi.co.uk "New ‘roadmap’ from poultry processor to clean up River Wye"[380]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 04/02/2023, Struggling with their publication model which seems to have a hardcopy version that's got different stuff from their website versions... But there's this: "New 'roadmap' from poultry processor to clean up River Wye"[381] (as a non subscriber I only get to view the first half page... -anyone able to see the lot and illicitly send me the rest of the Griff?)

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 05/02/2023, If you want to find out more about the environmental damage caused by the Tesco-Avara-Cargill supply chain visit marchesclimateaction.com[382]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/02/2023, twitter.com: bbchw/status[383]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/02/2023, Mike Dunsbee will be interviewed on bbch&w just after 7am tomorrow after John Reed denying he knew anything about Oklahoma case until 2 weeks ago live now Mike on at 07:42... [384]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/02/2023, "Save The Illinois River, Inc.; Oklahoma"[385]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/02/2023, Robin Eveleighs article was published 25 September. Seems very surprising that John Reed not aware of the Cargill Oklahoma case if it was in national U.K. press… "Chicken farm giant linked to River Wye decline was sued over water blight in US"[386]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/02/2023, Meanwhile Nicola C was on farming today about the Avara' plan "Farming Today - 07/02/2023 River pollution and poultry farming; Peat; Eco homes. - BBC Sounds"[387] about 7 minutes in

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/02/2023, bad headline on great article... It goes on: ...But others say it’s too little, too late. "Avara boss pledges action on Wye pollution 'as soon as possible'"[388]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/02/2023[389]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/02/2023 on StW WhatsApp, from 2017 "Cargill: The worst company in the world that you’ve never heard of" [390]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/02/2023 on StW WhatsApp 11 June 2019 "Cargill kept showing up when our investigations identified bad actors." [391]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 9 February 2023: Bravo Geraint Davies and Angela twitter.com[392]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 9 February 2023: Another perspective on AD plants and their role in Methane production in the US. They are being used as a supposedly 'carbon negative' fuel and earning farmers significnat income from green energy funds. Danger of turning dairy farms into manure farms that also produce milk. Sustainability is complex... www.theguardian.com manure-renewable-natural-gas-california[393]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 9 February 2023: www.grocerygazette.co.uk tesco-river-wye[394]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 9 February 2023: Well done Mike cardiffjournalism.co.uk local-campaigners-aim-to-save-iconic-welsh-river-under-threat-from-pollution[395]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 9 February 2023: Refused! (herefordtimes: decision-new-herefordshire-farm-sheds-120-000-chickens) [396]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 10 February 2023: Richard Tyler: We talked about river restoration but that it needed to be financially viable. See this US farm website where they are doing just that. www.whiteoakpastures.com Mixed farm, organic etc Richard Tyler: Their blog on regenerative farming is here:[397]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 11 February 2023: Billy Lewis, soil farmer of the year is based in Herefordshire[398] and there are many other local examples of financially viable agroecological practice. See farming tag on the food allowance blog, and some case studies on zero carbon hshire site. Happy to talk through / share methods that work. There is a brilliant leaflet called 'why we need small farms' from landworkers alliance I will share.[399][400]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 11 February 2023: Ben Taylor-Davies/ 'Regen Ben'[401]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, February 2023, Yup there's one! Claire Howlett is who I know. One thing the food alliance is working to connect the positive shopping choices to the state of rivers /biodiversity, signing the food charter is a good step...[402]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, February 2023, taking-the-biscuit, at act.soilassociation.org[403]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, February 2023 coverage-of-payments-to-farmers-following-the-uks-exit-from-the-eu[404]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, February 2023, Clean It Up: four ways to clean the UK’s water — from rivers to the sea at 'thetimes'[405] Both the i paper and the Times have launched clean water campaigns. 4 interesting demands by the Times - any comment/feedback? 'Four ways to clean the UK’s water — from rivers to the sea'[406]

  • Jail and other criminal penalties for water chiefs under beefed-up Environment Agency
  • Bring forward the target date of three quarters of storm overflows near sensitive sites suffering no local ecological harm
  • Hundreds of clean bathing sites by the end of the decade
  • Incentivise farmers to curb their pollution of rivers

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, February 2023, She has tweeted that plus "Widemarsh brook, tributary of the Wye downstream from Avara's giant abattoir. The real cost of Tesco's cheap chickens? Toxic fungus replaced thriving biodiversity. Dead brooks and polluted rivers?"[407]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, February 2023, PS I also heard of serious poisoning from Heineken brewery waste accidentally discharged, but I think that was more historic... Ahah, 2017[408]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, February 2023, Water quality and designated bathing survey, please share[409]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, February 2023, Sounds like they are on the back foot ..[410]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, February 2023, It all sounds good but it is TOO LATE 'toughest-targets-ever-introduced-will-crack-down-on-sewage-spills' from www.gov.uk[411]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, February 2023, nutrient-management-managing-application-livestock-manures-sustainably[412]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, February 2023, How £4 chicken is killing one of Britain’s biggest rivers[413]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, February 2023, Guidance from UK Environment department to regulator allowed increased pollution of River Wye (& elsewhere) from chicken manure - The guidance 'allowed' spreading manure on fields at times when phosphate would likely be washed into river[414]

15 February 2023, S-metolachlor, typically used in maize, sunflower and soya crops, is to be pulled from sale after studies found ‘unacceptable levels,’ including in water destined for human consumption[415]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 15 February 2023, [15/02, 22:35] Rachel Bomford: Rattled cages! If even half of this is true why aren’t farmers taking up these grants?[416]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 16 February 2023, [16/02, 07:35] Rachel Bomford: some answers to my own question.[417]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 16 February 2023, [16/02, 07:47] +44 7771 902663: Jesse Normans letter in Times today

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 16 February 2023, [16/02, 08:04] Bryony John: Good article (£4 chicken) - shame no mention of Oklahoma ruling - that would make John Reed seem less reasonable - plus Cargill Avara could take on cost of incineration rather than saying the farmers can’t afford it

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 16 February 2023, [16/02, 08:29] +44 7771 902663: Welsh Government seem to have called in another application, this time on 7 Feb - post Powys planning meeting?[418]

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 16 February 2023, ElganHearnLDR tweet ...Main item is a Chicken Farm application near Kerry - and some people are why this is being discussed at all - considering there is still an ongoing consultation[419] [16/02, 12:14] +44 7974 770212: Why not start by not spreading chicken shit & making it worse? [16/02, 12:54] Nick Day: Hmm... Why indeed? Elgan Hearn Local Democracy Reporter @ElganHearnLDR Bore da pawb - after days of meetings discussing the budget - it's nice to have a Planning meeting to cover. Main item is a Chicken Farm application near Kerry - and some people are why this is being discussed at all - considering there is still an ongoing consultation -Elgan Hearn Local Democracy Reporter 2 Feb Replying to @ElganHearnLDR "The manure produced by the chickens will be taken to an anaerobic digester plant in Shropshire explains Ms Evans." 2 Feb "John Rowlands is now speaking against the proposal"

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 16 February 2023, [16/02, 12:56] +44 7771 902663: Comment please. Rob has sent this as a private message to us - saying some nuance perhaps? 🤔 His letter in Times today (Rob Yorke- 'mentions the free-range issue... remove/repurpose waste for energy/food production elsewhere')

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 16 February 2023, [16/02, 13:55] Nick Day: Already 20% of the chickens are FR. But it'd be interesting to know what % of the poo from so called FR chickens actually goes on the land, since 'FR' is such a weakly defined category and in most cases just means 'have [in theory] access to an outside area' whilst in practice the bulk of their food is probably served up indoors... Anyone got a good reference for this?

Mentioned on StW WhatsApp, 16 February 2023, [16/02, 13:58] Nick Day: Good general point tho': "remove/repurpose waste for energy/food production elsewhere"

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/02/2023, 00:19 - Nick Day: If we're talking technical solutions, we need to see previous research, such as this summary of the Cons of AD systems:

"Systems are typically not cost-effective for smaller operations (under 400 cows) because the process requires a relatively large area for manure containment and can be very expensive. "Although nutrients are concentrated, most are retained in a sludge by-product that — unless an advanced separation method is used — is not cost-effective to transport long distances. "Without advanced separation, the nutrient-rich liquid by-product must be stored and managed as a wet nutrient source to be used as crop fertilizer on nearby fields."[420]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/02/2023, 11:48 - Richard Tyler: I have just realised that we don't need technical solutions to deal with the poo so we can transport nutrients elsewhere, we need the chickens to be grown in those nutrient poor areas so transport of poo is no longer an issue. I am sure Avara won't see it that way but we need to design these processes around our society's socio-environmental needs, not commercial ones. Either that or stop bloody eating chickens... 17/02/2023, 12:16 - : Absolutely new IPUs only in east anglia not here 17/02/2023, 12:20 - Richard Tyler: I think it is an easier argument than getting tied up in the merits or demerits of different technologies. Although we may need something to deal with the existing waste stream whilst we transition away from the 20million. 17/02/2023, 12:21 - Nick Day: Remaining problem then is what to do about the existing IPUs over here... Is there a way to turn them into intensive Vege farms? 17/02/2023, 12:25 - Richard Tyler: Do we have any evidence source for the assertion that the Amazon forest is being destroyed to grow chicken feed? Its the sort of thing that Avara-Cargill could sue over unless we get the facts right. 17/02/2023, 13:05 - Nick Day: There's a growing list of Wye related links at User:Yadsalohcin/Wye press articles - I don't recall a specific source (but I thought I'd seen plenty of reasonably reliable sources repeating it), it has become 'accepted/ received wisdom' etc. Would Nicola C know? 17/02/2023, 13:08 - Nick Day: PS contributions to 2021 and before particularly welcome! 17/02/2023, 13:42 - : There’s a Greenpeace investigative report that was covered in the guardian and by itv news last year. And indeed by HT. Before that there was the original Mighty Earth report labelling Cargill as ‘the worst company in the world’. They’ve been doing it for 40 years so it’s widely accepted as fact in Brazil, by Survival International etc etc 17/02/2023, 13:43 - : Can always check sources with Nick Sherwood if needs be 17/02/2023, 16:03 - Richard Tyler: Just had a long chat with a BBC journo Craig Duggan who wants to talk about the idea of Avara paying compensation for damage done. I suggested he speak to Christine too. Looks like he will try and record a piece in a couple of weeks time with her and me. Any facts or figures etc welcome 17/02/2023, 16:15 - : I've been wondering if yet another solution is to grow the animal feed in the catchment. Majority of phosphorus comes into the catchment as feed. They want high protein feed. Beans of some sort? I'm guessing that typical Brazil gives higher yield than here, maybe worth a thought. 17/02/2023, 16:24 - Nick Day: 👍 I think offering solutions like this could give us a more conciliatory public image (hides guillotine) 17/02/2023, 16:43 - Richard Tyler: It might be worth talking to someone who understands the practicalities. I think you would have to import bag P into the catchment from somewhere. Once through the chicken we would still need to find somewhere for the P to go though. Would avoid destruction in S America but might not stop the 3000t of P per year coming in. Might even enhance it as there would be losses from the cultivation of the beans. On the other hand, if the soils were P rich enough not to need more P added, maybe this could be used to reduce soil P? We would need to understand the detail. 17/02/2023, 17:42 - Richard Tyler: Thanks Sally. Sorry for the delay.

How about: As Rob Yorke suggests, badly managed free range hens can be as polluting as intensive units. So let us reduce the number of hens in the Wye catchment. If the hens were in those parts of the country that need the manure as fertilizer then it would not be polluting. The soils in the Wye catchment are full to overflowing with phosphates. It doesn't matter which technology you use, the phosphates are still there to cause damage to the river. Pick what you like from that!

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/02/2023, 17:47 - Nick Day: Typically, about half the manure from a FR establishment is collected in the sheds. A FR chicken takes about 8 weeks from egg to table whereas an IPU hen can be harvested in 4-5 weeks. Or so I was told this morning by someone with extensive experience of chicken farming.

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/02/2023, 08:44 - Rachel Bomford: Mega food companies hedging their bets …. But if it leads to less animal cruelty and environmental destruction I’m all for it.[421]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/02/2023, 08:45 - Rachel Bomford:[422]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/02/2023, 10:18 - : Confirmation of second call in[423]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/02/2023, 12:08 - : HTimes with strong arguments for destocking as better solution than ADs, incineration or transportation. Note the very long Comment to this Letter by 'Study the Facts' (who is it?)....

Reader's letter

Herefordshire's big farming firms should be held to account (Image: Hereford Times)

Your reports in of February 9 ('Farmer pledges to never plant potatoes again' and 'Avara’s vow on pollution') clearly illustrate the position of national and local authorities in their approach to small farmers compared with vast global corporations.

In the former, a farmer in Much Birch has been formally warned about silt deposits and the impact on river pollution relating to potato and maize cultivation. In the latter, Avara, Herefordshire’s largest employer “has pledged to make good pollution its farms have caused”. The pledge is that Avara will by 2025 have ceased contributing to excess phosphate in the river Wye catchment. There is no mention of mitigation for the incalculable harm that has already and continues to be done by Avara’s operations.

2025 is too long a time frame, and Avara with its massive financial resources should be pledging to clean up the rivers not simply offering to cease contributing pollutants. Neither should our administration be leaving this to a vague pledge; rather it should be enforced.

Avara, whose parent company Cargill has a 50% stake in the company, has known of the nutrient pollution its farms have caused to river systems for at four decades; a ruling in Oklahoma in January 2023 found against Cargill for that offence dating back to the mid 1980s. As a huge global corporation Cargill and its subsidiary Avara have escaped scrutiny or sanction in the UK and in Herefordshire in particular (where a large part of its activities is based).

Whilst the pursuit of the small farmer for environmentally unfriendly practices is appropriate, the failure to bring corporate giants to account over two decades is reprehensible.

Dr Richard Williams, Hereford

COMMENT Study the facts 1 hr ago

Reducing the phosphorous imported in feedstock is a very good start but the real issue is what to do with the half million tonnes a year of chicken litter from 20 million chickens. Transportation out of the catchment is costly in particulate emissions and impacts on air quality, noise, light plus all natural ecosystems. Two types of complex process plants are used to reduce the volume. Anerobic digesters reduce the nutrient to a liquid concentrate that can shipped and combustion furnaces reduce the litter to a dry ash for shipment. These end products, when sold, reduce the need for imported phosphate fertilisers. All well and good for farmers if they have access to capital to invest, but they don't. Avara says it will address the portion of waste their farms contribute but many more are contributing. Avara has access to capital and a strategy to build much larger plants to concentrate the processing in regional centers. To avoid a headlong rush into another dead-end for the industry we must consider the full cumulative impacts in a declared Climate and Ecological Emergency. Anerobic digesters require balanced feedstock with hungry crops like maize. This may help draw down legacy phosphorous held in soils faster. Building lots of ADs will multiply regional transport issues, soil losses and poor air quality from particulate and ammonia emissions during transport. In short they are a route to industrialise the farming sector and further degrade the environment. Similar issues are raised over combustion in modern furnaces with the obvious need to capture carbon dioxide when burning not to mention the potential for far worse pollutants like dioxins from poor combustion controls and the quality control of feedstock. Smaller 5000 tonne a year combustion plants are more affordable than giant Anerobic Digesters. They are constructed quickly, proven technology and offer a small scale solution to the nutrient surplus. This may be the preferred route for non Avara farms but lead to a proliferation of small less regulated furnaces throughout the catchment. Planning laws are such that the wealthy farms linked to global agribusiness can build incinerators and digestors first applying for retrospective permission later. The smaller farms can likewise build first if smaller furnaces are installed. This is the real problem because the environmental impact of increased intensity of industrial process plant on fragile or failing ecosystems is not measured until operations are up and running. To this end, planners are forced to let these operations grow as a partital solution or the lesser of two evils, compounding risk of catastrophic failure. Taking these issues to a local government planning committee is hardly fair on elected decision makers. They need clear unbiased independent advise on the regional long term impact of these developments. Instead of this they are fed the manufacturers technical specifications and a slick summary of operations. Planning Committees are not qualified to decide on the National issues leaving planning officers to take it forward. Mistakes are made and compound the catchment degradation. See the Good Law Supreme Court Case against retrospective planning in the Dore catchment for example. Another case in point is the repeatedly poisoned Afon Lynfi where regulators failed to prosecute. Pollution during construction and operations killed thousands of fish with unmeasured negative impact observed on the river systems. Like the Titanic we have a failing system but instead of repairing the leaks we are rearranging the deckchairs. The inadequate planning departments, poorly prepared elected Councillors and powerful lobby from wealthy land owners results in a free for all to destroy our precious natural resources for profit. To avoid another catastrophic failure, like the US example, expert advice to the UK Environmental Select Committee recomended de-stocking the intensive farms. By the time this was debated and delivered its recommendations were diluted to exclude the obvious de-stocking option. Here-in lies the problem. The influence of the agri-lobby groups, like the NFU over DEFRA, through vested interests, will drive our ecosystems into collapse if we let it. Complex problems with one simple solution, destocking, ignored for this catchment because so little value is assigned to our diminishing natural world. "

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 19/02/2023, 11:31 - Nick Day: See also Bureau of investigative journalism 25/11/20 "British chicken driving deforestation in Brazil's 'second Amazon'" published in partnership with the guardian, unearthed, itv 19/02/2023, 18:52 - : Hello all, I find the chat stream a difficult one to engage with - sorry, and I hope I can come to you next meeting as an alternative! Specifically I'd like to input on farming alternatives. I wonder if any specific people would like to work with me on pulling together info? Perhaps a Google Doc with arguments and links, pulling them from in this thread and further? Someone mentioned Kate Speke Adams at rural hub - yes that's a great shout. FR Vs Non chickens is I think a misnomer - there are a raft of agroecological farming systems that would reduce the phosphate output of a farms land. They don't involve chickens. As someone else said further up, it's not really our problem what happens outside of this geographical area, so we can campaign for GOOD farming methods and farms, (mixed, not chicken, with different ways of managing the soil and what's grown) and the supply of chicken is not our problem ( globally, it is, I know). Hope this all make sense. Could someone work with me on pulling arguments together? 19/02/2023, 19:11 - Richard Tyler: Absolutely Rebs. Very interested in the alternative visions. Count me in. Happy to start this off (at least) with an in person session. Will depend on numbers I guess but I am sure we can find a cheapish space if necessary.

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/02/2023, 08:30 - Bryony John: Richard Williams wrote CPREs objection to the Whitwick Manor AD. We should get to know him better I think - he is so well informed! And it would be good to talk to the comment writer too. She/ he articulates where we should be going next with our messaging - destocking - restore the river - planning system not fit for purpose - look at what Welsh govt thinks of Powys planning committee - ADs not a solution, nor incinerators So what is…? Plant based diets and lab cultured meat? Would like to talk about this at the next Save the Wye zoom 🤔

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/02/2023, 19:59 - Nick Day: Speaking to this guy and seeking information, I asked if he had a feeling for the proportion of chicken manure that can be collected from the sheds where the poultry are 'Free Range'. He said words to the effect of 'not exactly, but... Ordinary chickens are raised in 4-5 weeks, FRC in 7-8, and the amount of poo collected from the sheds per bird is about the same, at 1.2-1.3kg/ bird'. If they're eating and pooing at the same rate per unit time (a gross oversimplification, but let's start somewhere) then <50% of the FRC poo is going on the fields. ('Harvest' was my word, somehow it feels appropriate in a sense). 20/02/2023, 20:06 - Nick Day: Now where I'm going with this is that certain sectors would like to complicate matters by reference to the FR part of the industry. But across Powys (as an approximately representative distribution of things similar to what we have in the Wye catchment) the FR units are only about 20% of the birds, and if <50% of their poo goes on the fields that's <10% of the total problem going from IPUs onto the soil, so for the moment we can leave that aspect as a second-order effect. In fact, if they're that much slower growing, it comes down to more like ~6% of the poo on the soil.

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/02/2023, 22:28 - Christine H-J: Aren’t you muddling broilers raised for about 38days and free range egg layers which are introduced to sheds as 16 weeks pullets and kept for a year or more? Less than 50% - about 20% if that - of FRE layer shit goes on range and they are eating more and shitting more as they are adult for whole year. 20/02/2023, 22:35 - Nick Day: Thanks for this Christine, yes I am erroneously conflating all FR Poultry while trying to work out the contribution of poo that they deposit directly on the fields - the comparison was only good for the 'ordinary' vs FR *broiler* section- back to the drawing board, must think again. Sorry for any confusion. Cancel previous offering. 20/02/2023, 22:40 - Nick Day: Taking your very different poo proportions (the ratio indoor: on field) for layers, my estimate must be very much the top end of a massive overestimate, and the issue of FR poo on fields should therefore be an even smaller % of the problem as a whole.

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/02/2023, 08:40 - : "If you are a farmer... worried that you may be prosecuted for allowing... fertiliser and slurry to pollute the river skirting your land, relax. The chances of being caught are slim, and the chances of being served a penalty are near to non-existent."

The Times view on preventing river pollution: Willing Accomplice[424]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/02/2023, 08:42 - : “Charles Watson, chairman of River Action UK, said: “Despite irrefutable evidence all over the country that the farming rules for water are being breached on a daily basis, the fact that not one successful prosecution has taken place confirms our worst fears that law enforcement against agricultural polluters has effectively been abandoned by the government.”

thetimes.co.uk: No penalties for polluting farmers[425]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/02/2023, 08:42 - Nick Day: [426]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/02/2023, 10:01 - : For info new article by Richard Fleming:[427]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/02/2023, 10:07 - : Yes very “clever” by Avara to link the proposed industrial AD with their oh so credible Roadmap 21/02/2023, 10:18 - Nick Day: Wow! Another belter from RF ... 21/02/2023, 22:22 - Nick Day: Have we discussed this one (dismay-bid-effluent-lagoon-near-herefordshire-river/ dismay-bid-effluent-lagoon-near-herefordshire-river)?[428] 21/02/2023, 22:45 - Bryony John: Ffs How can the farmer claim - ‘they didn’t know they would need planning permission for digestate’ right next to the river. Who is this farmer? Is this the application Toni is asking us to object to?

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/02/2023, 08:47 - Bryony John:[429] 22/02/2023, 08:49 - Bryony John: Fine words in the past from Philip Dunne - leader of the Environment Audit Committee who recommended the water companies clean up their act but in practice - voting record- no different from Bill Wiggin - shameful

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/02/2023, 09:35 - :[430] “Endlessly blaming the death of the Wye on chicken shit is chicken shit.” 22/02/2023, 09:49 - Nick Day: Blame the vegans. Or the gays, gypsies, Jews... Any convenient minority, it's all the same to a populist apologist... But face up to a multinational's failure to deal with their own waste? No way, Jose 22/02/2023, 09:59 - Bryony John: I’ve always liked his writing - I think he makes some good points in this article - he does say it’s ALL conventional farming that’s to blame - from potatoes to poultry and everything in between plus nit forgetting the sewage pollution. I think he’s actually on the same side as all river Wye campaigners - he just clearly doesn’t want to be a vegan … yet!! 22/02/2023, 10:31 - Christine H-J: This is the point of the Kindle centre meeting….to widen debate. 10th March. 22/02/2023, 14:12 - Nick Day: Seems to me that John Lewis-Stempel's anti-vegan rant here is just as guilty of misrepresentation as any of the utterances of the arch-enemy Monbiot... It is indeed not exclusively 'all about chickens', but few would be so naive as to make such a claim. What is JLS' solution to the disposal of the huge amounts of IPU poo? And yes, aren't we all in favour of sustainable approaches to farming, and no, how can any farmer afford to be losing countless tons of soil when regenerative approaches are available? We have indeed a multifaceted problem on our hands, but surely, as a first step, addressing the industrial abuse of the good name of agriculture would tackle the vast majority of the issue. 22/02/2023, 16:19 - Christine H-J: Take a look at DCWW updated Sagis for Upper Wye - just out.

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/02/2023, 17:34 - Nick Day: Nice! 72% from 'Rural Land Use'. Perhaps we should ask for clarification as to exactly what they mean. 23% STW, 2% 'intermittent', 3% 'other'. Data and map Available from[431]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/02/2023, 07:44 - : For info. First of the Watershed investigations[432] Rachel Salvidge and Leanna Hosea for the Guardian Revealed: scale of ‘forever chemical’ pollution across UK and Europe | PFAS | The Guardian[433]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/02/2023, 21:27 - : Is this the right link/paper? Cabinet Commission Prospectus for our River Restoration[434] 24/02/2023, 09:18 - : Only just been published and I haven't had a chance to look. My synopsis from briefing is that half a million set aside to develop Phosphate Trading System which pays polluter to get rid of their phosphate - suspect strong link to Whitwick AD (director is a fan and working with Avara) - but I haven't read the papers - will try over weekend. 24/02/2023, 09:33 - : How many phosphate 'credits' would the AD earn its operator? Just started reading it, favourite line so far is: "Realistic assessments suggest it will take many years, and potentially longer, to fully manage out legacy phosphate from the soils of the catchment.” How long is longer than 'many years'? Is that code for 'forever'? 24/02/2023, 09:37 - : Yes. From a Spoken Word point of view "Many years and potentially longer" is a phrase I could imagine weaving into a chorus or a spell.. 24/02/2023, 09:42 - Nick Day: My favourite was "The Commission has concluded that, on fact specific assessment of the Wye catchment, the present voluntary NMP and voluntary NMB do not contain sufficiently certain steps and measures and therefore the NMP is no longer capable of being compliant with..." -followed by recommendations for a further voluntary scheme... 24/02/2023, 09:48 - Bryony John: Useful thoughts from Nicola and Nick - making me re-evaluate some of what JLS said - he’s not accurate and not well informed enough even though he totally believes in regen farming 24/02/2023, 09:52 - : I also feel it was unnecessarily personal related to George 24/02/2023, 10:12 - Nick Day: Amongst all the 'whataboutery' he manages not to mention one of the few things that the individual can do to help - consider reducing phosphates in detergents etc...

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 24/02/2023, 12:04 - : From the HC commission report para 35. Why should Herefordshire Council invest in this project proposal? “The Financial Case” The present NMP is a voluntary plan with voluntary measures from each of the statutory bodies. It is evident that there is no spare project capacity or change management capacity of sufficient scale to implement the proposals of the Cabinet Commission. Developing a submission to DEFRA is a complex process and requires complex technical work with stakeholders. There is also a need for effective consultation with the farming community, who will be most impacted by this proposal through changes to working practices. Halting the project at this stage to secure partnership contributions would result in a significant loss of momentum." Any idea what this means anyone? Is it just 'too hard' to sign up the necessary partners?

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/02/2023, 08:28 - Rachel Bomford: environment-plan-for-england-asks-farmers-to-restore-nature-but-changes-are-likely-to-be-superficial[435]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 26/02/2023, 15:35 - : 6.08 mins in Jamie Audesley, Charles Watson and Whittern farm on Sky:[436]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 28/02/2023, 11:48 - : Hello all, I have a question about this event, and not sure who to direct it to. My question is: is there a chance we could get a nature-friendly farmer on the bill? I may be misunderstanding the event but if it is exploring agricultural risks it is a good opportunity to build links with those farmers offering agricultural solutions. I can help make this happen but I have no idea who to go to first or if it's worth doing... Thanks! 28/02/2023, 12:04 - : Thank you Andrew, when I publicise the event I'll mention this so that it's clear this is not a one-off. I'm working with others on this thread on this issue of what 'good' looks like so hope that I can help with both info and contacts. My email is hfdsfoodalliance@gmail.com 28/02/2023, 12:09 - : A little addition to this - it feels like the parts of the brief that involved working with farmers haven't happened, and are still "this needs to happen". It strikes me that if you are tasked with creating a "catchment specific roadmap with agreed milestones and dates on which progress will be monitored"  then  you need the roadmap first, before the phosphate trading scheme?



Mentioned on whatsapp chat 01/03/2023, 13:17 - : Jean Atkin on Facebook “Here's a glimpse of BBC Countryfile filming for the River Wye in Hereford yesterday! The brilliant volunteers and citizen scientists of SaveTheWye worked so hard on this, and hopefully the programme will draw attention to the current dire state of this wonderful river. I made spells for the river with children from St Thomas Cantilupe primary school. Only the BBC know how much of this will get through the editing process, but the whole Countryfile programme of 19 March is to be dedicated to the Wye. Thanks so much Eamon Bourke!”[437]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 01/03/2023, 15:57 - : hereford-city-branch-talk-monitoring-river-wye[438]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 01/03/2023, 21:27 - : River Ouse (Sussex) may become first in England to gain legal rights[439]

Worth a read for all concerned about the river Wye.

"A charter on the river’s rights is now being developed, which will be sent to the council to endorse within the next two years. This is likely to be based on the Universal Declaration of River Rights, which says rivers should have the right to flow, perform essential functions within the river’s ecosystem, be free from pollution, feed and be fed by sustainable aquifers and have native biodiversity, as well as the right to regeneration and restoration.A charter on the river’s rights is now being developed, which will be sent to the council to endorse within the next two years. This is likely to be based on the Universal Declaration of River Rights, which says rivers should have the right to flow, perform essential functions within the river’s ecosystem, be free from pollution, feed and be fed by sustainable aquifers and have native biodiversity, as well as the right to regeneration and restoration." 01/03/2023, 23:13 - Bryony John: Good to have the charter but what will make the difference is enforcement - and that needs political change So pr essential to keep pressure on to make this an election issue - great news re Countryfile programme

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/03/2023, 07:58 - Christine H-J: Plenty of info on DCWW sites dwrcymru.com community/environment/river-water-quality/sac-rivers[440] 02/03/2023, 08:18 - Nick Day: I thought the overall numbers look like the same as the ones coming from the latest DCWW report (SAC SAGIS reports section on the DCWW web page - now I see the actual map under the SAC phos load o'view maps section)- thanks, Christine

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/03/2023, 08:28 - Rachel Bomford: we-have-a-high-court-hearing-to-force-the-government-into-tougher-action-on-sewage-dumping[441]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/03/2023, 08:34 - : Nicola Goodwin - 'Greener targets expected in River Wye pollution fight'[442] 02/03/2023, 08:41 - : Sorry just forwarded it but should have explained. As part of our local election efforts we are going to create a 'briefing pack' for councillors that includes a 'manifesto for the river' that we'd like them to sign up to. Should we be asking that they support a 'charter for the Wye'? And that it's then put in place once they're elected. It might have a similar effect to getting unanimous support for the Climate Emergency declaration. 02/03/2023, 08:42 - Rachel Bomford: Great to hear Ben Chilman’s comments - I still feel we need a whole lot of farmers, including young farmers singing our song. By the way - what day and time is the Countryfile Wye prog? 02/03/2023, 10:34 - : Apparently there'll be more on this story on Midlands Today at 6:30 tonight 02/03/2023, 10:35 - : 19th March apparently for Countryfile episode on the Wye. 02/03/2023, 18:02 - : Great chat with Richard and Nick today, I've started a doc to gather the specific evidence of farming methods that reverse phosphate levels and support the health of the river. Please use the comments to add thoughts and give it a rigorous critique, will be helpful! Aim is that this will be a document useful for going towards part of a briefing. Much to add, just a start! cheers[443] 02/03/2023, 18:09 - : Rebs - if you can, get a copy of Tom Philpott’s book Perilous Bounty (second hand from Abe books on the net) As a shortcut read chapters 6 and 7 it will help inform. It is a US book but the issues are the same. You will not be disappointed but possibly horrified. I think there is so much more work to do in changing farming methods. Andrew 02/03/2023, 18:39 - : 👏 Nicola Goodwin BBCH&W - lead story on Midlands Today just now 18.35 BBC1

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/03/2023, 19:24 - Rachel Bomford: FYI soilassociation.org campaign peak-poultry[444]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 02/03/2023, 20:14 - : BBC One - Midlands Today, Evening News, 02/03/2023[445]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/03/2023, 09:46 - Bryony John: Hi all We’ve received this email from the Soil Association I’ll reply yes we’re interested - can we add to Monday’s agenda pls

Dear Richard, Bryony and the Save the Wye coalition,

Apologies for emailing you out of the blue.

The Soil Association is starting to plan for a citizens engagement campaign focused on intensive poultry units for launch this Autumn. We’ve been looking into the issue and talking to a few individuals and it’s clearly complex and multifaceted.

Would you be willing to please join us for a 30 minute Teams meeting in the next few weeks to outline for us your priorities on this issue and what value a Soil Association campaign might bring to help address it? This will really help us find the right focus for our campaign.

Thanks very much in advance. I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards, Cathy

Cathy Cliff

— Policy Advisor (Campaigns), Soil Association, ccliff@soilassociation.org

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/03/2023, 12:43 - Richard Tyler: If anyone wants to watch the Cabinet discussion it is here. You just need to see the last 20 minutes[446] 03/03/2023, 13:01 - : Soil Association are part of the partnership that we've applied for funding from! (And who are 1 week late with a response! ) I'll email and make a connection... 03/03/2023, 14:12 - Richard Tyler: <Media omitted> 03/03/2023, 16:48 - : I think the point has been made and accepted about hearing all the different voices and bringing them to the table. It was made again at final full council meeting for this term. Agreement made to consider by law giving river rights

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/03/2023, 17:56 - : In the light of Ann Cottringers photos of Yazor be Avara today this sheds interesting light [447] 03/03/2023, 18:34 - : Good spot @447771902663 “WASHINGTON, March 1 (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency intends to update its water pollution rules for slaughterhouses for the first time in nearly 20 years, the agency announced on Wednesday, following a lawsuit from environmental groups arguing current standards are too weak.”

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 03/03/2023, 17:56 - :twitter.com/cantilupe "This a.m. encountered horrific fungal blooms in Widemarsh Brook (part of Yazor Brook)"[448] 04/03/2023, 08:37 - : With something apparently serious like this, I think good to call it into their emergency line 0800 807060 04/03/2023, 15:35 - : Anne Cottringer is a member of the Yazzie Brook Restoration Project as are HWLT city branch members. Presumably they’ve called it in. Is it worth reaching out to them to see if they need assistance?

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/03/2023, 08:13 - : paul-whitehouse-our-troubled-rivers-series-1-episode-2[449] 06/03/2023, 08:28 - : Episode 2 available now. Fisherman John Bailey on wye with Paul Whitehouse. 20 million chickens. The river is now to all extent and purpose now dead

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 06/03/2023, 22:00 - Richard Tyler: the-guardian-view-on-dutch-farmer-protests-a-european-test-case - Interesting experiences from NL

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 07/03/2023, 07:40 - Richard Tyler: And now our P is causing algal blooms in the ocean. How daft can humans be? [450]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 08/03/2023, 08:36 - : Phosphate summit today in Sennedd[451] 08/03/2023, 10:25 - Christine H-J: Farming today about 0.6 in on energy costs impact on broiler industry.

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 08/03/2023, 11:06 - : afonyddcymru- second-summit-on-phosphorus-pollution-in-wales[452]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 08/03/2023, 12:18 - Richard Tyler: I have been contacted by Alex Wijeratna of an org called Mighty Earth (?in the US?) - campaigning against rainforest deforestation for western markets, in this case soya. I have written back saying to let us know if there are things we can do together. However lookign at thier website this report is of significance to the Tesco/Cargill link. Looks like Tesco are committed to not using Amazon soya in their supply chain. Those more involved in that debate may pick up useful markers and evidence. I will keep you in touch if Alex responds at all.[453] 08/03/2023, 12:39 - Richard Tyler: Here's one for the books. Narrative from BBC Farming Today 'One of the big issues facing the dairy farming sector is pollution. Slurry that's not stored properly can pollute both air and rivers. Last year two thirds of dairy and beef farms in one region of England were found to be causing pollution, when the Environment Agency inspected 187 farms in Devon between 2016 and 2020. The EA report concluded that dairy farmers were taking a calculated business risk not to invest to stop pollution because the chances of being fined are so tiny. The Environment Agency has committed to introducing a system of environmental permits for dairy and beef farms to clamp down on pollution incidents, but the industry is worried.' What an admission.... Not seen the report. 08/03/2023, 13:43 - : I’d be very happy to be working with Mighty Earth as they wrote the definitive ‘Worst Company in the World’ report on Cargill. I imagine they will have some pointed comments to make on the Oklahoma case. No to soya from the Amazon is something marches climate action are keen to keep a focus on in their Tesco campaign 08/03/2023, 15:06 - Mollie Meager: 💩💦💩💦💩💦💩💦💩 ‘Save the Wye’ Meet in Chepstow 11:00 Sunday March 12th at Welsh Street Car park. Targeting Tesco for killing the River Wye via chicken & egg production. Samba band march down High Street - some street theatre - then move on to Tescos 💪🏻💪🏻

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/03/2023, 07:04 - Rachel Bomford: Was looking up how much water abstracted from the Wye … Fishlegal: "Gaps in River Wye abstraction data raise questions over regulatory oversight during times of drought"[454]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/03/2023, 12:21 - : Chicken shed protestors in Powys flock to council meeting[455]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/03/2023, 14:25 - : Second Phosphorus Summit: Our Summary | Afonydd Cymru[456]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 10/03/2023, 21:34 - Bryony John: Outrage as major rainfall in months triggers sewage discharges in rivers across England and Wales — inews[457] 10/03/2023, 23:15 - Nick Day: According to Afonydd Cymry, Afonydd Cymry have done very well... "Welsh Government have already committed additional funding to support Natural Resources Wales to step up their enforcement of the new Agricultural Regulations. At the summit, there was also a commitment from NRW and WG to make enforcement reporting more visible.

"And what about agriculture, by far the largest contributor of nutrients to most Welsh rivers? Afonydd Cymru have extended an offer to work with the sector and the Nutrient Management Boards to help accelerate measures that reduce agricultural nutrients. We very much hope this offer is accepted and that tangible results begin to show in the near future.

"We welcome the First Ministers summary ‘we need to do more and we need to do it quicker’. We also welcome his commitment to lead the governance structure being developed. What we absolutely need to see is more action."

Lots of good words in the report from Afonydd Cymry, let's hope it translates into actions...

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 11/03/2023, 10:53 - Rachel Bomford: 😡

BBC will not broadcast Attenborough episode over fear of rightwing backlash[458] Mentioned on whatsapp chat 11/03/2023, 16:30 - : Chicken suit-clad protesters return to Hereford Tesco supermarket[459]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/03/2023, 17:28 - Richard Tyler: Scientists warn of ‘phosphogeddon’ as critical fertiliser shortages loom[460]. We just can't afford to waste all this phosphorus, and that's before the impact on seas and rivers.

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 12/03/2023, 19:19 - : River's salmon could be extinct in ten years amid warnings of species "apocalypse"[461]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 13/03/2023, 09:35 - : www.gov.wales water-resources-control-of-agricultural-pollution-wales-regulations-2021-guidance-for-farmers-and-landmanagers [462] 13/03/2023, 10:24 - : Best to ask Christine Hugh-Jones, christinehughjones@gmail.com. She’s our Welsh planning expert 13/03/2023, 11:13 - Richard Tyler: I can confirm that Sally. As you will have seen the regs focus on nitrogen and escalate over the next few years. This was in response to the whole of Wales being designated a NVZ. However some prescriptions are helpful for P too and this is one. No organic manure to be spread within 10m of open water or 6m if using precision equipment. Not only that but poultry manure, slurry or digestate must be ploughed into the soil within 24hrs. As from Jan 2023 farms have to make and keep a risk map showing surface water, slopes etc.

They are getting a lot right in Wales. The P issue has caught them unprepared as they were focusing on N. Just hope they catch up (and actually enforce the regs....). 13/03/2023, 11:16 - : Thank you Richard. What should we make of this? Avara farmer on BBC, how many other Avara farmers are acting illegally. This is a huge issue! Press statement? 13/03/2023, 11:17 - : Approximately 13 minutes in 13/03/2023, 11:38 - Nick Day: Would be good to pick up on this and other points around farming and chicken manure - e.g. seemed to be a very gung-ho attitude about their pile of manure and didn't go out of their way to explain... And almost wilfully ignorant about what Avara supplies them with. But the 3m Vs 10m seems pretty definitively wrong. And this when Avara are acknowledging 'a part in the problem' and claiming they're conscientious about manure... 13/03/2023, 11:45 - : Stand out scene for this campaign. A paltry river buffer for poultry 🐔 💩. Avara farmer also claiming ignorance with regards to what is in the feed. Day old chickens arriving in container to be housed in industrial shed. 13/03/2023, 13:28 - Richard Tyler: Ooops, did mean to post at that point! Good idea to raise with Paul W. Not sure it is sufficient though. Could just be ignored. Our main point is that even those farmers who as Paul says are 'doing their best to deal with the issues' do not even know what the current rules are. And although Avara is keen to organise everything for their farmers they havent told them how to deal with pollution issues. And WG/NRW havent got out there and got the message out.... Good regulations NRW but where is the education, where is the enforcement? We hope you will be organising an advisory visit to this farm soon. 3 m is not enough. 13/03/2023, 14:32 - Richard Tyler: Just for the record, the 10m rule applies to England too (6m if using precision equipment). Thankfuilly they seem to have coordinated their regs. 13/03/2023, 14:35 - Richard Tyler: The admission that Avara basically organises everything to do with chick supply and feed design is a huge hole in their defense that it isnt them that cause the pollution, its the farmer. Maybe a letter to Avara telling them they are not doing enough to educate their farmers?

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 14/03/2023, 08:49 - : River Action challenges Environment Agency for failing to protect rivers from agricultural pollution - River Action UK[463]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 14/03/2023, 10:22 - : Stop Anaerobic Digester Pollution of Rivers | Afonydd Cymru[464] 14/03/2023, 10:41 - Nick Day: 👍 (Could be clearer about not doing anything to the phosphorus, but hey...) "One potential solution would be for Welsh Government to devise schemes to export manures out of Wales to other parts of the UK, where fertiliser is desperately needed. Providing the right scheme is put in place, there is considerable opportunity for agriculture here." 14/03/2023, 10:47 - : Wow it’s all kicking off today @447421456251 @447974770212 can we have a couple of sentences of support re: RiverActionUK and Afonyddcymru/fish legal press releases (above) from StW - for commenting/engagement with these posts on Facebook etc? 🙏 14/03/2023, 11:56 - : WRT River Action can we simply say: 'We're pleased to be a party to River Action's Judicial Review which simply seeks to get the EA to do their job and enforce the regulations that exist to protect our beloved River Wye. If we had a proper enforcement regime in this country then the Wye would not be in such a dreadful state." 14/03/2023, 14:41 - Nick Day: How about: "FotLW Welcomes the statement from AC &FL recognising that there is a downside to biogas generation from anaerobic digestion plants. The bad news about ADs is that the digestate, its nutrient-rich liquid end-product, makes containment of the problem experienced from excess nutrients more difficult. A complete review by Welsh Government should investigate alternative approaches to eliminating the current problems which are largely the result of industrial- scale intensive rearing." 14/03/2023, 16:38 - : Be good to mark next Wednesday with some kind of statement? World Water Day - 22nd March The theme of this year’s World Water Day is accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crises. You, your family, school, community and business can all make a positive difference by changing the way you use water in your life - and any commitments you make will be added to the Water Action Agenda, to be launched at the UN 2023 Water Conference.

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 14/03/2023, 22:45 - : Brexit bonfire of EU laws could let water companies conceal sewage discharges, campaigners warn - inews [465]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/03/2023, 12:39 - Rachel Bomford:

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/03/2023, 13:04 - : Good article about RA's court action on the Beeb- River Wye pollution prompts High Court review[466] 15/03/2023, 14:38 - Nick Day: Makes some good points but misses the one that an AD only repackages the phosphate and makes it harder to take out of catchment...

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 15/03/2023, 19:05 - : For info for anyone available: -Event: "Restoring river health: priorities for government"[467] 16/03/2023, 06:48 - Rachel Bomford: Great news - our local WI have voted to support Restoring Rivers …. That then goes to the great WI mother ship to be voted on !! Could be a national campaign for them 🤞! 16/03/2023, 07:24 - Bryony John: Think Herefordshire WI have done the same and made rivers their top campaign - and are planning to take it to their national conference and ask if it will be a national campaign 16/03/2023, 07:26 - Bryony John: Woke up this morning and turned on Today programme just before the weather about 6.50 and Charles Watson was being interviewed by Amol Rajan - great interview

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/03/2023, 10:37 - : For info- Welsh Affairs Committee Wednesday 15 March 2023: Water quality in Wales[468]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 16/03/2023, 11:10 - : Sharon Hammond farms next to the Ithon. She appears in this masterful piece of greenwash and PR:[469] - she's NFU Cymru Brecon & Radnor Chair and she doesn't know the law! I suspect her appearance on Paul W's show would have been OKed by Avara as she's a presentable friendly & 'well-informed' farmer. If this is the best the industry can do it's a really poor show. Later in that NFU greenwash they say: "Farms are heavily regulated, manure and soil management plans are in place and food production, alongside environmental protection, remains a priority" Yeah right!! 16/03/2023, 13:08 - Bryony John: Is there a story here? NFU Chair unaware of Farming Rules for Water stipulations? 16/03/2023, 13:44 - : It's a massive own goal for Avara. 16/03/2023, 16:46 - Richard Tyler: If you read the NFU newsletter it says she observes the 10m limit. I suspect it will be passed off as a slip of the tongue. Btw the regs are different in Wales. It's the Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) Regulations 2021. 16/03/2023, 17:23 - : This document contains case studies of good farming methods.. would you say it's green wash because those methods don't go far enough, or because they are only a handful of farms, or because they're a lie? Or- because the bumf around the case studies is nonsense? 16/03/2023, 20:57 - : It seems like green washing to me because it fails to properly identify the devastation caused by the intensive farming practices currently dominating the Wye catchment and instead focuses on what is "already being done" (not nearly enough). Like the river buffer featured on the BBC there is a real sense from this piece that these farmers with the measures they are taking are doing their upmost. The evidence on the ground suggests otherwise. I thought Paul Whitehouse did a brilliant thing in his piece by pointing out the river bed (visible in the shot was all but dead) and the 3m buffer was failing to protect the river. 16/03/2023, 22:36 - : Thank you this is really helpful. It's like in the event today, noone mentioned IPUs as 'bad', just the possible good. But there are farmers doing proper work and we need to shine the light on that because in my opinion they are key. (And the policies, planning processes etc need to support the lower impact farming properly) Cheers

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/03/2023, 08:17 - : ‘The BBB aims to fight government plans to slash nitrogen emissions harmful to biodiversity by dramatically reducing livestock numbers and buying out thousands of farms’ - Farmers' protest party win shock Dutch vote victory[470] 17/03/2023, 08:49 - Nick Day: 'against closing farms' is a simpler message than 'need to change the system because we're eating too much and that's generating chemicals which are destroying the environment' 17/03/2023, 09:50 - Nick Day: Ok folks, from what I can see of the CitSci results, it looks as if Phosphate levels have tended to be higher further up the Ithon, but not far from the regulatory limit immediately below the farm in question. So Paul Q's footage of 'dead river' needs further investigation... And NRW's 'not consistent with the hypothesis' seems to be borne out on this occasion... But of course we don't know how much poo has been spread and exactly where

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/03/2023, 10:40 - : I'm working on 'farming methods that will save the wye' doc and came across this from Wessex Water. Offering payments to farmers to undersow grass into their crops - preventing run off throughout the season and beyond. Anyone know of any other initiatives in this area where water companies are offering payments to farmers to engage with farming methods that will in essence save the water companies money...? stour-undersowing-grass-into-maize-spec-spring-2022[471] 17/03/2023, 11:22 - : This is the document about farming methods. I would really appreciate someone taking a look who doesn't know much about regenerative / agroecological methods taking a look and letting me know if it makes sense to you? THanks! Nature Friendly Farming | River Wye| docs.google.com[472]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/03/2023, 18:28 - Christine H-J: River pollution rules choke the life out of rural communities[473]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/03/2023, 20:45 - : WHAT HOPE FOR WYE IF FARMERS DON’T KNOW THE RULES? – Brecon & Radnor Branch of CPRW[474]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 17/03/2023, 21:20 - : NRW board meeting coming up. Link for Teams here if anyone could attend?[475]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 18/03/2023, 19:01] +44 7946 756926: Judge extends agreement date for Oklahoma poultry lawsuit -[476] Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/03.2023, 08:29] +44 7771 902663: River Wye catchment area residents may have legal claim against chicken producers for pollution | Leigh Day[477] Mentioned on whatsapp chat 20/03.2023, 16:17] Richard Tyler: That's an interesting scheme. Hadnt heard of it but useful. The place I went to was using clover as a 'scavenger' plant. Better than grass as it provides the nitrogen itself. Therefore can search out the phosphorus in the soil. Not sure DCWW would feel the need for this, they are not really in the dock for this one. Maybe Avara should do it... Mentioned on whatsapp chat 21/03.2023, 17:15] +44 7771 902663: Just had this message come through from Gavin (local democracy reporter).

Were you aware of this? Appears to be a bid for an enviro permit for 300,000 broilers in seven former turkey sheds at a farm near Ledbury. Non-tech summary says litter "will be removed from the site and used on operator-controlled land":[478]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/03/2023, 08:26] +44 7817 927862: New strategy agreed on reducing river pollution[479]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/03/2023, 08:47] +44 7771 902663: Details to join NRW board meeting tomorrow

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/03/2023, 09:38] +44 7946 756926: I love that countryfile has managed to reach The Sun readers (if only in Scotland) and cause ‘outrage’ ![480]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/03/2023, 09:42] +44 7771 902663: Fuming in Gloucestershire Live too![481]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/03/2023, 15:46] +44 7771 902663: This planning appeal has apparently been dismissed; more to follow from Gavin when the inspector's report appears 👍🏻 (Herefordshire farmer can appeal refusal of new chicken sheds)[482]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 22/03/2023, 16:40] Nick Day: I haven't seen EA/NRW, but DCWW new numbers for upper Wye are here: (Source Apportionment Reports)[483]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/03/2023, 08:17] +44 7771 902663: 'Wye oh Wye, Tesco?' - river campaigners protest poultry farming in Chepstow[484]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/03/2023, 10:10] Mollie Meager: Never mind the H20: this scheme to move water from Severn to Thames could be the new HS2[485]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 23/03/2023, 12:43] Rachel Bomford: Facilitated by WWF, RSPB and National Trust

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 24/03/2023, 15:52] +44 7974 770212: Decision on whether Herefordshire should get 300,000 more chickens[486]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/03/2023, 19:30] +44 7974 770212: 'a-watershed-moment-for-phosphates-and-the-river-wye... poultrynews.co.uk (link blacklisted)

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 25/03/2023, 19:36] Nick Day: "Now, major poultry businesses are committing to change." Are they indeed? Selection of the usual weasel words quoted... But at least there are some hints here about the smoke-screen they're laying. Can we tighten things up via the Courtauld Commitment? No, that's got a date of 2030, the roadmap promised "2025" (but now they'll blame missing that deadline on these meddling activists for not handing them an AD on a plate...)

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 27/03/2023, 10:09] Sally Butler: extinction-rebellion-activists-target-avaras-allensmore-feed-mill[487]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 27/03/2023, 12:58] Sally Butler: For info - new EA wye dedicated page[488] [27/03/2023, 13:03] Nick Day: Thanks Sally! Looks very glossy... Several useful links, including the WCP list of CitSci groups. [27/03/2023, 16:04] Richard Tyler: Does look glossy but no data in their reports since last June! Too busy on their web page... Interesting that the page was produced by 'Bang the Table, Engagement HQ'...

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/03/2023, 07:45] Rachel Bomford: anaerobic-waste-digesters-green-technology-welsh-river-pollution-poisoning[489]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/03/2023, 08:31] +44 7946 756926: Application for "Retention of Anaerobic Digester Plant... R Teifi on facebook[490] Is this linked to expansion of Avara-Cargill-Noble Foods expansion into Ceredigion? Can we offer any support with objecting to ADs besides adding more objections? [29/03/2023, 09:41] Nick Day: Application for "Retention of Anaerobic Digester Plant including digester and slurry tank and related developments"... Feel sure we could send our Whitwick analyses and summaries... Shame this is a bit close to their deadline! [29/03/2023, 10:48] Nick Day: Application Reference Number: A170414 Application Type: Section 63 (Retention) PLMK how you get on I haven't had time to go any further... [29/03/2023, 11:53] +44 7565 886793: A quick review of the 23 documents on the website suggests that Habitat Regulations Assessment is satisfied with the bund to contain digestate spills. Therefore the objection may need to be more genetic related to ADs on principle and where the muck and slurry is spread? [29/03/2023, 11:57] Nick Day: Remote hilltop site, they must truck in all the waste for digestion... AD has been there for at least 12years, had major spill in 2016, £40,000 fine...[491] [29/03/2023, 11:58] Sally Butler: authorities-leave-teifi-exposed-to-repeat-major-pollution[492] [29/03/2023, 12:00] +44 7565 886793: There are 3 “sedimentation” ponds, presumably for digestate. Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/03/2023, 12:03] Sally Butler: river-benefits-after-polluter-pays[493] [29/03/2023, 12:05] Nick Day: 100m above and 1km along a tiny brook above Abercoed, on the Teifu below Tregaron. [29/03/2023, 12:14] Sally Butler: anaerobic-waste-digesters-green-technology-welsh-river-pollution-poisoning[494]very timely. Just been tagged by FishLegal, but it’s behind a paywall. Anyone got an account? [30/03/2023, 07:07] Nick Day: Nearest I can get is the headline and first para... "Green tech intended to fix Welsh rivers is actually poisoning them, warn campaigners SAVE BRITAIN'S RIVERS "Anaerobic digesters have been linked to substantial pollution because after the residue, called digestate, has been spread on fields it can be washed downhill and into rivers..." Anyone able to get more?

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/03/2023, 13:00] Rachel Bomford: actnow.thehumaneleague.org.uk[495]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/03/2023, 13:24] Nick Day: Message from Charles Watson: Apparently there has been a major digestate spill here - 'near Hengoed' (Map of Hengoed, Gladestry attached) Might anybody be nearby with a camera - or know someone who could document? Thanks [29/03/2023, 13:44] Nick Day: I've asked for more detail as I can't see any AD on Google satellite nor listed either at r-e-a.net[496] nor at biogas-info.co.uk[497]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/03/2023, 16:29] +44 7793 825848: in the nature friendly farming doc - specifically the chicken litter burning (when talking about intensive units - there's loads of ways to farm that don't leach phosphate but they don't involve intensive chickens)[498] [29/03/2023, 16:30] +44 7793 825848: and included in the AD section of the briefing being worked on.[499]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 29/03/2023, 20:42] +44 7946 756926: Just a general FYI :factchecker[500]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/03/2023, 08:09] Sally Butler: For info Future Gen Cymru raising issue of IPUs and Welsh rivers[501]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/03/2023, 09:14] Nick Day: And over in the Severn catchment...[502] "...A spokesperson for Müller said there was "no evidence of environmental harm" however it acknowledged the incident "fell short of the expectations we set ourselves to be a responsible and sustainable business"."

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 30/03/2023, 21:50] +44 7565 886793: remove-councils-responsibility-wye-plan-herefordshire-mp-demands[503]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 31/03/2023, 11:07] Nick Day: DCWW's CSO and EDM (event duration monitoring) data for 2022 is out now: [504]

Mentioned on whatsapp chat 31/03/2023, 22:19] Sally Butler: For info ‘A new map has been created to illustrate all of the Intensive Poultry Units (IPU) within the entire catchment area of the river Wye. This is an updated version of the map CPRW previously created showing IPUs in Powys Local Authority area – this version includes areas outside of that, including in England that form part of the Wye Catchment.’[505]



Mentioned on whatsapp chat 1/04/2023, 12:30] +44 7974 770212: [506]


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  2. ^ Darke, Christopher (August 2021). "Planning Search". Herefordshire Council. Retrieved 7 February 2023.
  3. ^ "Herefordshire, Shropshire & Powys: Intensive Poultry Units 3 Counties Map". Brecon & Radnor Branch of CPRW, /www.brecon-and-radnor-cprw.wales. August 2021. Retrieved 7 February 2023.
  4. ^ "Friends of the Lower Wye; Another newspaper article worth noting from FoD & Wye Valley Review Aug 13 2021 - this time WUF are engaging with local farmers (mainly Herefordshire ..." www.facebook.com. 13 August 2021. Retrieved 7 February 2023.
  5. ^ "3 Wyes Women - Top tips for objections to IPU permits on..." www.facebook.com. 21 August 2021. Retrieved 7 February 2023.
  6. ^ "Simple Search". pa.powys.gov.uk. 21 August 2021. Retrieved 7 February 2023.
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  8. ^ "Friends of the Lower Wye; This series is particularly useful for any activist". www.facebook.com. 24 September 2021. Retrieved 7 February 2023.
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  75. ^ all/news/news-concerns-that-algal-bloom-has-been-spotted-on-the-river-wye-earlier-than-ever-before/ yourherefordshire.co.uk
  76. ^ 469686820059083/posts/1616222688738818/ www.facebook.com
  77. ^ let's see if they've got something more recent! article/chicken-manure-link-to-pollution-in-the-river-wye-ncnks6qhw let's see if they've got something more recent! www.thetimes.co.uk
  78. ^ 2022/04/12/bathing-water-status-for-isle-of-wight-and-oxford-swimming-spots/ deframedia.blog.gov.uk
  79. ^ environment/2022/apr/12/kfc-faces-backlash-over-misleading-portrayal-of-chicken-farming-niko-omilana www.theguardian.com
  80. ^ news/uk-wales-61030312 www.bbc.co.uk
  81. ^ watsonchas/status/1516792008995753987?s=24&t=DNFzLK7t3eUa0YQr4MadgA twitter.com
  82. ^ p/campaign-to-save-britains-rivers www.crowdfunder.co.uk
  83. ^ british-chicken-linked-to-pesticide-poisonings-in-the-Amazon/ www.pan-uk.org
  84. ^ wp2/research/ alisoncaffyn.co.uk
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  86. ^ field-guide-for-the-future/towards-an-agroecological-future ffcc.co.uk
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  88. ^ events/2022-05-12-wild-live-are-our-river-protections-failing www.wildlifetrusts.org
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  90. ^ nature-recovery-green-paper/nature-recovery-green-paper/ consult.defra.gov.uk
  91. ^ riveractionuk/status Government’s proposal to reduce nutrient pollution of rivers from agriculture by just 40% by 2037 is a death sentence for the River Wye. riveractionuk via twitter.com
  92. ^ environment/2022/may/12/environment-tipping-points-fast-approaching-in-uk-says-watchdog www.theguardian.com
  93. ^ Wild LIVE: are our river protections failing? The Wildlife Trusts / m.youtube.com
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  95. ^ sounds/play/m0017cvl www.bbc.co.uk
  96. ^ suesustainable/status/1525383337476513793?s=24&t=DUKDwAykJmmlIfDgfqHt-g twitter.com
  97. ^ e/tyberton-talks-jay-griffiths-tickets-320520534547 www.eventbrite.co.uk
  98. ^ news/20142785.governments-river-wye-protection-hopelessly-inadequate/ www.herefordtimes.com
  99. ^ news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-61499873 www.bbc.co.uk
  100. ^ 2022/05/20/new-super-national-nature-reserve-created-to-protect-rare-wildlife-in-somerset/ deframedia.blog.gov.uk
  101. ^ sessions/saving-the-river-wye-from-death-by-chicken-manure/ groundswellag.com
  102. ^ under-the-light-of-the-moon www.friendsofthelakedistrict.org.uk
  103. ^ news/new-project-planned-to-reverse-the-decline-of-the-river-wye www.wyeuskfoundation.org
  104. ^ petitions/don-t-put-innocent-campaigners-on-tag?source=whatsapp-sha you.38degrees.org.uk
  105. ^ watsonchas/status/1531612154549395456?s=24&t=ws6o9CjTXcGDEHviRIn12g twitter.com
  106. ^ rephokus/status/1531586553419644934?s=24&t=ws6o9CjTXcGDEHviRIn12g twitter.com
  107. ^ news/environment/2022/05/25/volunteers-sought-for-group-that-leads-flood-plans/?fbclid=IwAR3yKr81zLFh5bV7fz8hxv17xEMTfCz2d0wq9PFM2cDXqbaTGB6bQhYmTTU www.shropshirestar.com
  108. ^ psc/hr5-3er-tl-whittal-limited/ consult.environment-agency.gov.uk
  109. ^ 2022/06/01/questions-over-water-pollution-risk-from-new-intensive-poultry-proposal/ fishlegal.net
  110. ^ whats-on/muck-phosphate-water-whats-happening-on-the-ground/ herefordshireruralhub.co.uk
  111. ^ commentisfree/2022/jun/10/factory-farming-british-river-sewer-wye-chicken-factories www.theguardian.com
  112. ^ nicolacutcher/status/1535259611242037250?s=24&t=-0ZpTG7yOQG0_zfedf3ewg twitter.com
  113. ^ 2022/06/10/minister-reiterates-government-commitment-to-improve-water-quality/ deframedia.blog.gov.uk
  114. ^ news/20156780.red-rebels-float-thames-oxford-sewage-protest/ www.oxfordmail.co.uk
  115. ^ jimmysfarm/status/1536395550316273668?s=24&t=CbUUScegLDE-FGikbzaGvg twitter.com
  116. ^ bbchw/status/1537062020633219084?s=24&t=muKpy7t5LSVgZrf5htoYIg twitter.com
  117. ^ news/central/2022-06-16/huge-sos-formed-on-the-banks-of-the-river-wye-to-protest-against-pollution www.itv.com
  118. ^ a b Do0VuT8HWiFILjAQ80pg9x chat.whatsapp.com
  119. ^ plight-of-rivers-becoming-a-priority-for-welsh-government/ afonyddcymru.org
  120. ^ steveormerod/status/1537756141085679616?s=24&t=_Kj5iYlnOc7u3ZJgPrKpgQ twitter.com
  121. ^ news/20216967.human-sos-begins-season-river-wye-conservation-events/ www.herefordtimes.com
  122. ^ guardianeco/status/1538766609728229376?s=24&t=JA7ALZxFlyu9f-XXnTwQbw twitter.com
  123. ^ british-farmers-are-being-offered-a-lump-sum-payment-to-leave-the-industry-but-at-what-cost-to-agriculture-183264 theconversation.com
  124. ^ environment/2022/jun/20/government-retracts-unlawful-pollution-guidance-for-englands-farms www.theguardian.com
  125. ^ commentisfree/2022/jun/20/minority-rural-britons-farmers-farming-countryside-environment www.theguardian.com
  126. ^ watsonchas/status/1539294260167598080?s=24&t=V-sbyO16l3Xlzd4fPaeIbA twitter.com
  127. ^ if you can bear to wade through all the corporate s -/media/Project/Files/Page-Documents/Corporate/Library/Group-Annual-Report-and-Accounts/Glas-Cymru-Cyfyngedig/2021-2022/Glas-Cymru-Annual-Report-Accounts-2021-2022.ashx if you can bear to wade through all the corporate s corporate.dwrcymru.com
  128. ^ article/1790556/ea-suspends-nitrogen-phosphorus-emissions-reporting www.endsreport.com
  129. ^ 2022/06/23/natural-resources-wales-conclude-no-environmental-damage-on-the-wye/ fishlegal.net
  130. ^ paulmatthews67/status/1540033714331308032?s=24&t=COwIMyX1fIwtDQtDbgPnyw twitter.com
  131. ^ groups/441666380306431/permalink/754825452323854/?fs=e&s=cl www.facebook.com
  132. ^ commentisfree/2022/jun/24/rich-nations-climate-debt-cancelling-debts-emissions-global-debt-swap-campaign?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=news_tab&fs=e&s=cl www.theguardian.com
  133. ^ bbchw/status/1541406018550304768?s=24&t=486vlQOd2lYlMd9AsxpHpA twitter.com
  134. ^ sounds/play/p0ch81cd www.bbc.co.uk
  135. ^ news/oep-launches-investigation-regulation-combined-sewer-overflows-csos www.theoep.org.uk
  136. ^ news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-61985147 www.bbc.co.uk
  137. ^ news/20243354.minister-rejects-herefordshires-river-wye-protection-plan/ www.herefordtimes.com
  138. ^ news/20216967.human-sos-begins-season-river-wye-conservation-events/?ref=wa www.herefordtimes.com
  139. ^ loosecollie/status/1542255874319826944?s=24&t=8CssG2V26c-ujmb2WEThDw twitter.com
  140. ^ steveormerod/status/1542443907463659520?s=24&t=45SlgQS4rVoF9-GerjL6bQ twitter.com
  141. ^ about-us/grants-and-funding/resilient-communities-grant-funding naturalresources.wales
  142. ^ wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Letter-to-Natural-Resources-Wales-16-June-2022.pdf fishlegal.net
  143. ^ environment/2022/jun/30/uk-government-scrap-european-law-protecting-special-habitats www.theguardian.com
  144. ^ written-statement-wales-better-river-quality-taskforce gov.wales
  145. ^ landmark-new-farm-support-proposals-wales-announced gov.wales
  146. ^ sustainable-farming-scheme-outline-proposals-2025 gov.wales
  147. ^ George lamenting the WPZ decision. Hey hi. Maybe there will be a new SoS in the next few days. Get ready! commentisfree/2022/jul/06/power-wealthy-earth-politics-democracy-plutocracy www.theguardian.com
  148. ^ news/uk-england-hereford-worcester River Wye pollution: Tesco urged to help reduce Wye pollution 6 July 2022 www.bbc.co.uk
  149. ^ just for fun ... scottygb/statusjust for fun ... “Bye Bye Boris, Boris Bye Bye” is being inadvertently blasted out twitter.com
  150. ^ news/local-news/taunton-deane-mp-rebecca-pow-7302485 www.somersetlive.co.uk
  151. ^ jesse_norman/statusWell done! ICYMI Here is my own contribution to the Return to the River event, recognising the vital work of local groups and setting out my ideas for an integrated all-river plan, a new National Rivers Recovery Fund and for new River Wye Commissioners twitter.com
  152. ^ latest-phosphorus-modelling-published-for-four-welsh-rivers/ afonyddcymru.org
  153. ^ e/guided-walk-around-hay-on-wye-taking-samples-of-streams-ending-at-event-tickets-377207376417?aff=efbevent&fs=e&s=cl www.eventbrite.com
  154. ^ e/short-fun-family-guided-walk-taking-samples-of-river-wye-tickets-377251367997?aff=efbevent&fs=e&s=cl www.eventbrite.com
  155. ^ News/shell-store-conference-frames-new-5-year-cross-border-plan-save-river-wye www.jesse4hereford.com
  156. ^ a b event/rivers-at-risk-what-can-we-do-to-protect-them/ www.abergavennyfoodfestival.com
  157. ^ event/the-price-of-food-is-it-too-expensive-or-too-cheap/ www.abergavennyfoodfestival.com
  158. ^ wrurestore/status/1546757733659066368?s=24&t=PFxP6oXWRXJjgycZ_G5fSg twitter.com
  159. ^ story/environment-agency-chief-warns-of-irreversible-biodiversity-damage-that-could-eventually-kill-off-humans news.sky.com
  160. ^ event/nurturing-nature-can-cop15-stop-a-silent-spring/ green-alliance.org.uk
  161. ^ media/695186/agenda-july-board-public-session.pdf?mode=pad&rnd=133017627610000000 cdn.cyfoethnaturiol.cymru
  162. ^ processing-phosphates-for-use-in-animal-feed/ feeco.com
  163. ^ White-Dicalcium-Phosphate-Granular-Feed-Grade-DCP-CAS-NO-7789-77-7-for-Chickens-pd47802676.html www.polifar.com
  164. ^ news/20270291.agencies-agree-work-together-stop-river-wye-dying/ www.herefordtimes.com
  165. ^ rachsalv/status Fear not, anyone worried about the state of rivers in Wales. Natural Resources Wales is on the case. twitter.com
  166. ^ about-us/news-and-events/news/nrw-approves-plan-to-protect-vulnerable-fish-stocks naturalresources.wales
  167. ^ blogs/2022/july/12/thanks-for-your-support-in-our-battle-to-stop-poison-poultry/ www.soilassociation.org
  168. ^ environment/2022/jul/14/tesco-chicken-deal-uk-favourite-river-wye-pollution www.theguardian.com
  169. ^ a b environment/2022/jul/14/jail-water-firm-bosses-over-appalling-pollution-says-environment-agency www.theguardian.com
  170. ^ all/news/breaking-river-wye-in-herefordshire-placed-on-amber-alert-by-environment-agency/ yourherefordshire.co.uk
  171. ^ article/1749338/plans-refused-36000-bird-chicken-farm-within-wye-sac www.endsreport.com
  172. ^ environment/20285431.welsh-government-organises-river-pollution-summit-royal-welsh/ www.thenational.wales
  173. ^ first-minister-hosts-summit-solutions-river-pollution gov.wales
  174. ^ linklog/2022/07/16/wye-not-follow-the-science cutcher.co.uk
  175. ^ 2022/jul/18/heatwave-extreme-weather-uk-climate-crisis www.theguardian.com
  176. ^ latest/press-office/press/historic-high-court-ruling-finds-uk-government-s-climate-strategy-unlawful/ www.clientearth.org
  177. ^ single-post/webinar-link-for-wednesday www.windrushwasp.org
  178. ^ first-minister-holds-summit-on-excessive-phosphorus-in-rivers/ afonyddcymru.org
  179. ^ 2022/07/20/industrial-chicken-complex-thrown-out-by-planners-on-environmental-grounds/ fishlegal.net
  180. ^ 2022/07/22/plan-to-tackle-nutrient-pollution-announced/ deframedia.blog.gov.uk
  181. ^ news/uk-england-hereford-worcester Hereford: Extinction Rebellion blocks Avara Foods site 25 July 2022 www.bbc.co.uk
  182. ^ marchesclimateaction.com home marchesclimateaction.com
  183. ^ rivercarnival.org.uk home rivercarnival.org.uk
  184. ^ news/20518477.tesco-speaks-extinction-rebellion-protest-hereford/ www.herefordtimes.com
  185. ^ news/regional-news/extinction-rebellion-protests-outside-avaras-7378539 www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk
  186. ^ feargal_sharkey/ "Swimmers fall violently ill". That must be the 3rd or 4th case of people falling ill over the last few weeks after swimming in a local river... twitter.com
  187. ^ The truth behind raw sewage in Chester's River Dee as swimmers fall violently ill 1 August 2022, www.cheshire-live.co.uk
  188. ^ envagencymids/status Our latest River #Wye water quality monitoring report is now available. Data is helping to target regulatory and partnership... twitter.com
  189. ^ written-statement-river-pollution-summit-royal-welsh-show gov.wales
  190. ^ Sewage sleuths: the men who revealed the slow, dirty death of Welsh and English rivers www.theguardian.com
  191. ^ River Crouch: Investigation launched as about 2,000 fish die in waterway 5 August 2022, www.bbc.co.uk
  192. ^ tms/2022/08/three-large-american-multinationals-bought-17-million-hectares-of-ukrainian-agricultural-land/ www.transcend.org
  193. ^ iplayer, arena: river www.bbc.co.uk
  194. ^ no title available lnks.gd[dead link]
  195. ^ Pioneer Shropshire pair plotted a poultry revolution and changed the way we eat www.shropshirestar.com
  196. ^ River Wye at Hereford Bridge now 2cm deep amid dry spell www.bbc.co.uk
  197. ^ 2022/08/heavens-above-the-wye-must-not-die-31.7.22.pdf rossbenefice.files.wordpress.com
  198. ^ Angela Jones on Chepstow Community FB page m.facebook.com
  199. ^ environment/2022/aug/16/hail-mary-statues-trip-down-the-wye-raises-chicken-pollution-issue www.theguardian.com
  200. ^ petitions/stop-poultry-farms-from-turning-the-river-wye-into-a-wildlife-deathtrap you.38degrees.org.uk
  201. ^ itvtonight/status On #ITVTonight @joe_crowley investigates water pollution in our rivers and lakes... twitter.com
  202. ^ UK heatwave: Wildlife rescued as drought impacts river levels SkyNews via m.youtube.com
  203. ^ hub/tonight/1a2803a9352 www.itv.com
  204. ^ rupertmyers/status/1560643314608906240?s=24&t=ipS5A9Ff2pydBYYIxteZ2w twitter.com
  205. ^ photo on FB StW banner by the Wye in Monmouth awaiting the statue www.facebook.com
  206. ^ groups/friendsofthelowerwyee... Our Lady of the waters and the Wye arrived at Monmouth this evening... www.facebook.com
  207. ^ groups/friendsofthelowerwyee Our Lady of the waters and the Wye arrived at Monmouth this evening... www.facebook.com
  208. ^ whats-on/ canwoodgallery.com
  209. ^ politics/2022/aug/22/liz-truss-environment-agency-cuts-sewage-water-pollution www.theguardian.com
  210. ^ 2022/08/23/high-court-turns-down-fish-legal-bid-to-challenge-powys-poultry-expansion-plan/ fishlegal.net
  211. ^ Liz Truss is asked why she cut funds to the Environment agency. timesradio/status twitter.com
  212. ^ p france-accuses-britain-using-channel-sewage-dumping-ground www.telegraph.co.uk
  213. ^ Sewage-covered beaches risk turning England into the ‘dirty man of Europe’ 27 August 2022 apple.news / cnn
  214. ^ Environment Agency tells staff to ignore pollution complaints, says ex-employee www.theguardian.com
  215. ^ watch?v=SfbGdhz_K3c www.youtube.com
  216. ^ friendsupperwye/status/1566083144226316288?s=24&t=ZSNy49fPfQB9EWijEo2xpw twitter.com
  217. ^ "turbidity-is-how-shiny-total-suspended-solids-is-how-much-how-can-they-be-related". watery-news.co.uk. 2022-09-04. Retrieved 2022-12-10.
  218. ^ environment/2022/sep/07/environment-agency-told-to-protect-wetlands-in-landmark-court-case www.theguardian.com
  219. ^ environment/2022/sep/14/citizen-scientists-to-monitor-english-rivers-in-7m-scheme www.theguardian.com
  220. ^ Herefordshire AD plant 'would turn chicken manure into gas' 16 September 2022 www.herefordtimes.com, accessed 3 February 2023
  221. ^ environment/2022/sep/20/dutch-rewilding-project-turns-back-the-clock-500-years-aoe www.theguardian.com
  222. ^ groups/441666380306431/permalink/810506300089102/ www.facebook.com
  223. ^ news/uk-england-hereford-worcester Herefordshire biodigester plans 'could enhance River Wye quality' 20 September 2022 www.bbc.co.uk
  224. ^ environment/2022/sep/20/volunteers-cant-save-our-rivers-from-this-tide-of-filth www.theguardian.com
  225. ^ file AFF 18sep22_PriceOfFood_712_9500 edit1.mp3 drive.google.com
  226. ^ rspbengland/status/1573366815568580613?s=48&t=zwCL_7u-qkuZ4AoO4lhuFw twitter.com
  227. ^ environment/2022/sep/25/chicken-farm-giant-linked-to-river-wye-decline-was-sued-over-water-blight-in-us www.theguardian.com
  228. ^ environment/2022/sep/20/dutch-rewilding-project-turns-back-the-clock-500-years-aoe www.theguardian.com
  229. ^ article/sewage-spills-go-undetected-as-water-companies-give-watchdog-faulty-data-j3gnwxm02 www.thetimes.co.uk
  230. ^ rachsalv/status It's time! Why are our rivers on their knees? ENDS' first ever film has some worrying answers... twitter.com
  231. ^ article/1800118/watch-ends-film-severn-poisoning-britains-amazon www.endsreport.com
  232. ^ photo.php RSPB map re investment zones and planning 24 September 2022 m.facebook.com
  233. ^ get-involved/our-campaigns/defend-nature www.wildlifetrusts.org
  234. ^ see section 6 ieListDocuments.aspx see section 6 councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk
  235. ^ feargal_sharkey/status On the 8th Sep Secretary of State for @Defra @ranil told parliament that he had ordered water companies to produce a plan twitter.com
  236. ^ e/welsh-food-farming-what-does-the-future-hold-tickets-425704713257?aff=ebdssbcategorybrowse www.eventbrite.co.uk
  237. ^ Could this idea help farms deal with phosphate problem? 1 October 2022 www.herefordtimes.com, accessed 3 February 2023
  238. ^ river-wye-work-in-progress/ brockinitiative.org
  239. ^ wiki/Richard_Brock wiki.riteme.site
  240. ^ environment/2022/oct/02/tory-mps-dismiss-critical-rspb-campaign-as-marketing-strategy www.theguardian.com
  241. ^ news/features/22960504.idea-help-farms-deal-phosphate-problem/?fbclid=IwAR3OLe5cUco-1bCS91qj02unyIiVMyljzNLFx3y7VlN-5-2a62oLHHwqIqM www.herefordtimes.com
  242. ^ news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-63094738.amp New commission aims to restore river Wye and Lugg water quality 3 October 2022 www.bbc.co.uk
  243. ^ news/article-11274975/Water-firms-blasted-missing-targets-polluting-rivers-150m-returned-customers.html www.dailymail.co.uk
  244. ^ written-statement-biodiversity-deep-dive gov.wales
  245. ^ ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=251&MId=8394&Ver=4 Agenda and minutes councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk
  246. ^ documents/s50103911/Appendix%201%20-%20Terms%20of%20reference%20and%20membership.pdf councillors.herefordshire.gov.uk
  247. ^ environment/2022/oct/06/chicken-in-british-supermarkets-linked-to-deforested-amazon? www.theguardian.com
  248. ^ news/21861757.herefordshire-ad-plant-would-turn-chicken-manure-gas/ www.herefordtimes.com
  249. ^ Event/Index/56cda19b-45a8-4827-9872-cc6fbbd49645 Westminster Hall Wednesday 12 October 2022 Meeting www.parliamentlive.tv
  250. ^ news/uk-wales-63149599 Farming: New Welsh rules on reducing river pollution delayed 5 October 2022 www.bbc.co.uk
  251. ^ news/threat-more-pollution-our-welsh-rivers www.wtwales.org
  252. ^ environment/2022/oct/09/chicken-farms-may-explain-decline-of-the-river-wye-tests-suggest www.theguardian.com
  253. ^ how-much-waste-do-chickens-produce/ sweetishhill.com
  254. ^ wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Tech-note-Garren-soil-sampling.pdf www.wyesalmon.com
  255. ^ natural-capital/environment/going-backwards-the-retreat-from-environmental-commitments/ www.dieterhelm.co.uk
  256. ^ environment/2022/oct/11/britons-urged-help-monitor-state-rivers-streams-autumn-water-watch www.theguardian.com
  257. ^ iplayer/episode/m001d2cz/politics-midlands-09102022 www.bbc.co.uk
  258. ^ Chepstow event 'voices for the Wye' m.facebook.com
  259. ^ This is the BBC link that mentions Avara. news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-62966984 Herefordshire biodigester plans 'could enhance River Wye quality' 20 September 2022 www.bbc.co.uk
  260. ^ news/23050472.nature-emergency-powys-councillors-back-new-measures/ www.countytimes.co.uk
  261. ^ natural-capital/water/water-a-new-start/ www.dieterhelm.co.uk
  262. ^ terramaterfs/status is the #ColoradoRiver drying up? Its delta and reservoirs certainly are. twitter.com
  263. ^ a b River pollution: New phosphate rules hit thousands of planned new homes 24 October 2022 www.bbc.co.uk, accessed 3 February 2023
  264. ^ programmes/m001cmj3 What's Killing Our Rivers? www.bbc.co.uk
  265. ^ iplayer/episode/m001cmj3 What's Killing Our Rivers? www.bbc.co.uk
  266. ^ 2022/10/24/fish-legal-loses-wye-case-at-court-of-appeal-after-long-battle/ fishlegal.net
  267. ^ Add your voice to this Wildlife Trust campaign to save nature. Very relevant to the Wye. herefordshirewt/defend-nature?e=abb59bf1db Add your voice to this Wildlife Trust campaign to save nature. Very relevant to the Wye. mailchi.mp
  268. ^ 10downingstreet/status/ The Rt Hon Dr Thérèse Coffey MP @ThereseCoffey has been appointed Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs twitter.com
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  491. ^ fine-for-pencefn-feeds-ltd-after-river-pollution westwalesriverstrust.org
  492. ^ authorities-leave-teifi-exposed-to-repeat-major-pollution fishlegal.net
  493. ^ river-benefits-after-polluter-pays naturalresources.wales
  494. ^ anaerobic-waste-digesters-green-technology-welsh-river-pollution-poisoning inews.co.uk
  495. ^ actnow.thehumaneleague.org.uk actnow.thehumaneleague.org.uk
  496. ^ uk-anaerobic-digestion-sites-map www.r-e-a.net
  497. ^ biogas-map www.biogas-info.co.uk
  498. ^ nature friendly farming doc docs.google.com
  499. ^ briefing being worked on
  500. ^ factchecker hereford.greenparty.org.uk
  501. ^ not-enough-action-is-being-taken-to-prevent-damage-to-our-rivers-says-future-generations-commissioner-for-wales-derek-walker www.futuregenerations.wales
  502. ^ uk-england-shropshire www.bbc.co.uk
  503. ^ remove-councils-responsibility-wye-plan-herefordshire-mp-demands www.herefordtimes.com
  504. ^ DCWW's CSO and EDM (event duration monitoring) data for 2022 corporate.dwrcymru.com
  505. ^ map of IPU in entire catchment area cprw.org.uk
  506. ^ science-environment www.bbc.co.uk