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This page will summarize my views on life, mostly through quotes. I feel people identify more to an idea if portrayed through a medium not subjective to either party.

Puppet Master: Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you.

Puppet Master: It can also be argued that DNA is nothing more than a program designed to preserve itself. Life has become more complex in the overwhelming sea of information. And life, when organized into species, relies upon genes to be its memory system. So, man is an individual only because of his intangible memory... and memory cannot be defined, but it defines mankind.

Major Motoko Kusanagi: There are countless ingredients that make up the human body and mind, like all the components that make up me as an individual with my own personality. Sure I have a face and voice to distinguish myself from others, but my thoughts and memories are unique only to me, and I carry a sense of my own destiny. Each of those things are just a small part of it. I collect information to use in my own way. All of that blends to create a mixture that forms me and gives rise to my conscience. I feel confined, only free to expand myself within boundaries.

Warren Vidic: [discussing the unreliable nature of books] I believe there was a book that claimed the world was created in seven days. Best-seller too!

Epicurus: Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he in not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Thne he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able, nor willing? Then why call him God?