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Job design

Job Characteristics Model


The Job Characteristics Model proposed by Hackman & Oldham (1976)[1] stated that work should be designed to have five core job characteristics, which engender three critical psychological states in individuals—experiencing meaning, feeling responsible for outcomes, and understanding the results of their efforts. In turn, these psychological states were proposed to enhance employees’ intrinsic motivation, job satisfaction, quality of work and performance, while reducing turnover.[2]

Core job dimensions

  1. Skill variety — This refers to the range of skills and activities necessary to complete the job. The more a person is required to use a wide variety of skills, the more satisfying the job is likely to be.
  2. Task identity — This dimension measures the degree to which the job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work. Employees who are involved in an activity from start to finish are usually more satisfied.
  3. Task significance — This looks at the impact and influence of a job. Jobs are more satisfying if people believe that they make a difference, and are adding real value to colleagues, the organization, or the larger community.
  4. Autonomy — This describes the amount of individual choice and discretion involved in a job. More autonomy leads to more satisfaction. For instance, a job is likely to be more satisfying if people are involved in making decisions, instead of simply being told what to do.
  5. Feedback — This dimension measures the amount of information an employee receives about his or her performance, and the extent to which he or she can see the impact of the work. The more people are told about their performance, the more interested they will be in doing a good job. So, sharing production figures, customer satisfaction scores etc can increase the feedback levels.

Critical psychological states


The five core job dimensions listed above result in three different psychological states.

  • Experienced meaningfulness of the work: The extent to which people believe that their job is meaningful, and that their work is valued and appreciated.
  • Experienced responsibility for the outcomes of work: The extent to which people feel accountable for the results of their work, and for the outcomes they have produced.
  • Knowledge of the actual results of the work activity: The extent to which people know how well they are doing.

Influence on Job design


Job rotation


Job rotation is a job design method which is able to enhance motivation, develop workers' outlook, increase productivity, improve the organization's performance on various levels by its multi-skilled workers, and provides new opportunities to improve the attitude, thought, capabilities and skills of workers.[3] Job rotation is also process by which employees laterally mobilize and serve their tasks in different organizational levels; when an individual experiences different posts and responsibilities in an organization, ability increases to evaluate his capabilities in the organization.[4]

Job enlargement


Hulin and Blood (1976)[5] define Job enlargement as the process of allowing individual workers to determine their own pace (within limits), to serve as their own inspectors by giving them responsibility for quality control, to repair their own mistakes, to be responsible for their own machine set-up and repair, and to attain choice of method. Frederick Herzberg [6] referred to the addition of interrelated tasks as 'horizontal job loading'.

Job enrichment


Job enrichment increases the employees’ autonomy over the planning and execution of their own work. Job enrichment has the same motivational advantages of job enlargement, however it has the added benefit of granting workers autonomy. Frederick Herzberg[7] viewed job enrichment as 'vertical job loading' because it also includes tasks formerly performed by someone at a higher level where planning and control are involved.

  1. ^ Hackman, J.Richard; Oldham, Greg R. (August 1976). "Motivation through the design of work: test of a theory". Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. 16 (2): 250–279. doi:10.1016/0030-5073(76)90016-7.
  2. ^ Parker, Sharon K. (3 January 2014). "Beyond Motivation: Job and Work Design for Development, Health, Ambidexterity, and More". Annual Review of Psychology. 65 (1): 661–691. doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-010213-115208. PMID 24016276.
  3. ^ Casad, Scott (2012). "Implications of job rotation literature for performance improvement practitioners". Performance Improvement Quarterly. 25 (2): 27–41. doi:10.1002/piq.21118.
  4. ^ Asensio-Cuesta, S.; Diego-Mas, J.A.; Cremades-Oliver, L.V.; González-Cruz, M.C. (15 December 2012). "A method to design job rotation schedules to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders in repetitive work". International Journal of Production Research. 50 (24): 7467–7478. doi:10.1080/00207543.2011.653452.
  5. ^ Hulin, Charles L.; Blood, Milton R. (1968). "Job enlargement, individual differences, and worker responses". Psychological Bulletin. 69 (1): 41–55. doi:10.1037/h0025356.
  6. ^ Herzberg, F. (1968). One more time: How do you motivate employees. Boston: Harvard Business Review. pp. 46–57.
  7. ^ Herzberg, F. (1968). One more time: How do you motivate employees. Boston: Harvard Business Review. pp. 46–57.