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Army Tiers
Tier Unit Type Shoulder Sleeve Insignia (SSI) Description
1 Delta Force Simply known as "The Unit", Delta force was not officially recognized until recently. These Airborne-qualified Tier 1 operators are all highly experienced, with the overwhelming majority coming from the Ranger regiments or Special Forces groups.
2 Special Forces US_Army_Special_Forces_Insignia Also known as the "Green Berets", These are the original "best of the best", only second to Delta Force. They are Airborne-qualified, and most come to SF with the Ranger tab or obtain it shortly thereafter.
3 Rangers Ranger Tab US Army 1st Ranger BN CSIB These are considered the first special operations unit. One example is the 1st Ranger Battalion. All Rangers are Airborne-qualified. Members of the Ranger regiments do not automatically gain the yellow and black Ranger tab, they must earn it!
4 Airborne Units Airborne units are a step up from the regular Army units. All members are Airborne-qualified light infantry. Example shown is the 173rd Airborne Brigade
Regular Units The U.S. Army is mostly comprised of regular units. These soldiers are non-Airborne-qualified. Example shown is the 1st Calvary Division.