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The Tempest


Themes and motifs

  • The theatre
  • Magic
  • Nature vs. Nurture
  • Love
  • Power
  • Reconciliation
  • God and humanity
  • Colonialism
  • The storm
  • Masque

Interpretation and criticism


Modern criticism of The Tempest tends to be grouped under political, postcolonial, and feminist approaches.

  • Genre
  • Dramatic structure
  • Postcolonialist
  • Feminist
    • Thompson, Ann (1999)
  • Political
    • Power and social structure
    • In The Tempest, power is repeatedly contested
      • Boatswain vs. King and Courtiers
      • Antonio vs. Prospero
      • Ariel and Caliban vs. Prospero
      • Stephano vs. Prospero
      • Miranda (Ferdinand) vs. Propsero
    • Political critics have tended to focus on Prospero's usurpation by Antonio.
    • Greenblatt, Stephen (1988)
    • Kott, Jan (1965) Shakespeare Our Contemporary
  • Performance
    • Covered in Afterlife section
  • Psychoanalytic
    • The ambivalences and ambiguities have prompted much Psychoanalytic criticism
    • anxiety about absent mothers vs. sibling rivalry
    • Sexual anxiety
      • Prospero's incestous lust for Miranda
      • Prospero using Miranda as sexual bait to get an excuse to enslave Caliban
      • The sicklemen in the masque represent castration
    • Prospero imposes his memory of past events on Ariel and Caliban
    • Wish fulfilment: the play ends with Prospero not getting what he wants, sexually and socially alone
    • Milan as mother that Antonio usurps
    • Cannot be proved or disproved, highly speculative
    • Some critics discuss it as a psychiatric case history
    • Nevo, Ruth
  • Postmodern