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Heya. Thanks for looking me up.

Let’s get this detail out of the way: Xnej is “Jen X” backwards, a reference to how I feel about myself as someone who seems to have lived her xennial life backwards. (And yes, Jen is a name I go by.)

I used to be User:D.valued. Yes, I’ve been around since 2002. Lost access to that account a long time ago.

I’ve changed a lot in the last two decades plus.

I used to be “an opinionated, urbane, wise little hacker who knows a little about everything and help to clean up errors and omissions.”

Now, I’m happily a fool who knows she knows less than Socrates. At least he could hold an audience and a job.

I used to work as a professional writer. I’m attempting to move into writing again after diversions in the technical space, in government, in law enforcement, and living now in three countries.

My current foci are in nationality law, where I actively help folks with claiming additional nationalities, and in deradicalization.

I currently hold three passports, will be eligible for a fourth within five years, and I’m currently working on a Master’s in derad, probably moving towards a doctorate in the near future.

I'm fluent in bullshit, per the Harry Frankfurt definition.

And I’ve got a shocking number of connections to subjects of Wikipedia articles, including doctors, politicians, activists and hackers. It’s been a surreal twenty years.

It won’t surprise me if I become one of those subjects in the near future. :)