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About Me

I am a very creative person. I am into independent research.Doing research is my interest.In my free time i like investigating and exploring more of this world.I get to know interesting things that way.This keeps me excited about all that i come to know and learn.

One of my research works is an investigative research which into the publishing house for reveiwing. This research challenges the exsisiting research on Stars which seems to claim that they undergo Supernova explosion etc.

The second one has been through a lot of research and its been discovered that we can react to sounds and its effects our body as well as mind.A complete research has been done to prove it and it has an approval from Dr.Akhilesh Gupta who is a Cardiologist and a Neurologist .He resides in India and he is a great doctor. Updates in the abstract of the research will be given here soon.

You can read an abstract of my research on the following site
My another research which is being edited can be read in abstract form on the following URL. Have an ineresting time.

--Wizziwizard (talk) 14:27, 4 October 2008 (UTC)