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Alexander Gregory


Alexander Gregory ( October 15, 1987 - Present) is the screen name of Alexander Wishner. He has been in minor television and movies roles since 1991.

Even while a small child, growing up in the not-so-small town of New York City, Alex knew at one point he was going to be something and make something of himself. In school, he would often write topics about how famous he was going to be, or how one day everyone would turn on their television sets and see him everywhere. He knew that eventually, he was going to make his way into the big-league of TV acting...or so he thought.

In 1991, Beef Council was auditioning for an Italian-looking child, they found Alex. Of course he wasn't Italian, but who cares. Not only did he make it on TV after that, but he was granted a few minor roles in independent movies, such as Amelia and the King of Plants, and numerous commericals.

However later in life, he realized he true calling was to help the wounded animals of Stony Brook, New York, and has since quit acting and gone to SUNY Stony Brook to care for those sick, helpless animals.