[edit]- I'm Japanese. I cannot understand "ABBREVIATION", "SLANG" and more.
- 私は日本人なので省略形やスラングなどを理解できません。
- I cannot understand delicate representation of "idioms", too.
- 慣用句の繊細な言い回しも理解できません。
- Usually I refer "the Google Translation".
- 普段はGoogle翻訳を参考にして英文を作っています。
- If you tell me anything, please speak "EASY" English.
- もし何か私に伝えたいことがあるのでしたら、簡単な単語でお願いします。
- Also, I might be using the bad taste word "in unconsciously".
- また、そうとは気づかずに品位の無い言葉を使ってしまうこともあるかもしれません。
- In that case, please "point out".
- その際は教えていただけると幸いです。
- Thanks.
- 謹んでお願い申し上げます。
My Bookmarks
[edit]I wish to translate these contents
[edit]Korea of plagiarism(Youtube)
Lie of sex slave(Youtube)
Texas daddy furious the monument of the comfort women.
Background of the comfort women issue
- August 10, 2012, South Korean President was trespassing on the territory of Takeshima in Japan. "Total Commander's trespass" is an invasion. This means that "South Korea is an enemy of Japan". Japan and Korea are during the information warfare. Third countries don't be fooled by only information about the Japanese enemy, please. And Japanese help me that work to correct the lie of Korean, please.
- 英語Wikiの反日的文章を修正する会