♥ A network is non-hierarchical . . .
It is a web of connections among equals. What holds it together is not force, obligation, material incentive, or social contract, but rather shared values and the understanding that some tasks can be accomplished together that could never be accomplished separately.
♥ D. H. Meadows, Beyond the Limits.
TRANSPARENCY as the engine of . . .

♥ Nobody is as smart as everybody.
♥ I am convinced that the full impact of the Wikipedia is still subterranean, and that its mind-changing power is working subconsciously on the global millennial generation, providing them with an existence proof of a beneficial hive mind, and an appreciation for believing in the impossible.
♥ The problem with Wikipedia is that it only works in practice. In theory, it can never work.
Kevin Kelly, quoted in the New York Times, 6 January 2008

ONENESS of even non-oneness alert ♥
