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User:Windfarmer1799/Music Box

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This is basically my sandbox for music.

Finished Pieces


The Battle Upcoming

\relative c'
\new Staff {
 \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"french horn"  

ces4. d8 ees4. f8 ges4. a8 bes4. c8 r4 ces4. d8 ees4. f8 ges4. a8 bes4. c8 r4 c2 g8 c8 g8 ais4 ais4 r2 g,2 g,4 ais2 bis2 cis2 dis2 eis2 f2 g2 g4 r1~ r1 g4 g2 g4 a4 a2 a4 b8 b4 b8 c4 c8 c4 r2 g,2 a4 a4 d'2 e4 -> 

A Bright Morning


\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"flute"} {
 g'' b'' g'' r4 g'' b'' g'' r4 bes'' bes'' f'' f'' r4 f'' a'' f'' r4 f'' a'' f'' r4 bes'' bes'' f'' f'' bes'' r4 ces''' r4 f''2 r1 f''2 g''2 bes''1 c''' f''1 
Work-In-Progress Pieces


A Dark Day

\relative c
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"trumpet"}
\key c \minor
g''8 a c ees c a g r4 g16 g g g g g g g g r2 g2 aes8. bes4. c2 bes4. aes8. g1 g4 g a a ais8 g4 fes8 fes fes e fes4 r e d c2

Unto Glory

\relative c
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"alto sax"}

b''8 b b b b r f d f d f4 r b8 b b b b r f d f d <f g>2 ~f4 f8 f2
