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User:WilyD/William Case/William Jones

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William Jones was a Methodist circuit rider. Owing to his small stature and boyish appearance, he was also known as Little Willy Jones.

In 1816, Jones was received on trial as a circuit rider. That year, he was assigned to the New Amsterdam circuit. The following year, he was assigned to the Caledonia circuit in New York state. In 1818, he received his deacon's orders, and was assigned to the Thames circuit. Membership in the Methodist church on the Thames circuit decreased by five people that year.[1] In 1820, he rode the Malone circuit.[2] In 1821, he was assigned to the Rideau circuit.[3] Church membership on the circuit decreased by twelve, owing in part to Perth being moved to a different circuit.[2]


  1. ^ Carroll, volume II, page 152
  2. ^ a b Carroll, volume II, page 382
  3. ^ Carroll, volume II, page 372


  • Carroll, John (1869). Case and his cotemporaries, or, The Canadian itinerants' memorial constituting a biographical history of Methodism in Canada, from its introduction into the Province, till the death of the Rev. Wm. Case in 1855. Vol. II. Toronto: Wesleyan Conference Office.