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User:WillowW/List of NCBI taxonomic journal references (part 08)

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This article lists the references with ref_IDs between 7001 and 8000 in the NCBI taxonomy citation database.

NCBI Reference IDs 7001-7100

  • Leadbetter, J. R.; Breznak, J. A. (1996). "Physiological ecology of Methanobrevibacter cuticularis sp. nov. and Methanobrevibacter curvatus sp. nov., isolated from the hindgut of the termite Reticulitermes flavipes". Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62 (10): 3620–3631. doi:10.1128/aem.62.10.3620-3631.1996. PMC 168169. PMID 8837417.
  • Leadbetter, Jared R.; Crosby, Laurel D.; Breznak, J. A. (1998). "Methanobrevibacter filiformis sp. nov., a filamentous methanogen from termite hindguts". Arch. Microbiol. 169 (4): 287–292. doi:10.1007/s002030050574. PMID 9531629.
  • Miller, Terry L.; Wolin, Meyer J. (1985). "Methanosphaera stadtmaniae gen. nov., sp. nov.: a species that forms methane by reducing methanol with hydrogen". Arch. Microbiol. 141 (2): 116–122. doi:10.1007/BF00423270. PMID 3994486.
  • Nunoura, Takuro; Akihara, Saki; Takai, Ken; Sako, Yoshihiko (2002). "Thermaerobacter nagasakiensis sp. nov. a novel aerobic and extremely thermophilic marine bacterium". Arch. Microbiol. 177 (4): 339–344. doi:10.1007/s00203-002-0398-2. PMID 11889488.
  • Sass, Henrik; Berchtold, Manfred; Branke, Jürgen; König, Helmut; Cypionka, Heribert; Babenzien, Hans-Dietrich (1998). "Psychrotolerant sulfate-reducing bacteria from an oxic freshwater sediment, description of Desulfovibrio cuneatus sp. nov. and Desulfovibrio litoralis sp. nov". Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 21 (2): 212–219. doi:10.1016/S0723-2020(98)80025-8. PMID 9704109.
  • Brennan, N. M.; Brown, R.; Goodfellow, M.; Ward, A. C.; Beresford, T. P.; Vancanneyt, M.; Cogan, T. M.; Fox, P. F. (2001). "Microbacterium gubbeenense sp. nov., from the surface of a smear-ripened cheese". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (6): 1969–1976. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-6-1969. PMID 11760936.
  • Keswani, J.; Orkand, S.; Premachandran, U.; Mandelco, L.; Franklin, M. J.; Whitman, W. B. (1996). "Phylogeny and taxonomy of mesophilic Methanococcus spp. and comparison of rRNA, DNA hybridization, and phenotypic methods". Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 46 (3): 727–735. doi:10.1099/00207713-46-3-727. PMID 8782682.
  • Burggraf, Siegfried; Fricke, Hans; Neuner, Annemarie; Kristjansson, Jakob; Rouvier, Pierre; Mandelco, Linda; Woese, Carl R.; Stetter, Karl O. (1990). "Methanococcus igneus sp. nov., a novel hyperthermophilic methanogen from a shallow submarine hydrothermal system". Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 13 (3): 263–269. doi:10.1016/S0723-2020(11)80197-9. PMID 11538305.
  • Franzmann, P. D.; Liu, Y.; Balkwill, D. L.; Aldrich, H. C.; Conway De Macario, E.; Boone, D. R. (1997). "Methanogenium frigidum sp. nov., a psychrophilic, H2-using methanogen from Ace Lake, Antarctica". Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 47 (4): 1068–1072. doi:10.1099/00207713-47-4-1068. PMID 9336907.
  • Paynter, M. J. B.; Hungate, R. E. (1968). "Characterization of Methanobacterium mobilis, sp. n., isolated from the bovine rumen". J. Bacteriol. 95 (5): 1943–1951. doi:10.1128/jb.95.5.1943-1951.1968. PMC 252229. PMID 4870286.
  • Ollivier, B.; Cayol, J.-L; Patel, B.K.C; Magot, M.; Fardeau, M.-L; Garcia, J.-L (1997). "Methanoplanus petrolearius sp. nov., a novel methanogenic bacterium from an oil-producing well". FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 147 (1): 51–56. doi:10.1111/j.1574-6968.1997.tb10219.x. PMID 9037763.
  • List Editor, IJSEM (2001). "Notification that new names and new combinations have appeared in volume 50, part 6, of the IJSEM". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 2): 267–268. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-2-267. PMID 11321069. {{cite journal}}: |last= has generic name (help)
  • Davidova, Irene A.; Harmsen, Hermie J.M.; Stams, Alfons J.M.; Belyaev, Sergei S.; Zehnder, Alexander J.B. (1997). "Taxonomic description of Methanococcoides euhalobius and its transfer to the Methanohalophilus genus". Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 71 (4): 313–318. doi:10.1023/A:1000103618451. PMID 9195005.
  • Mathrani, I. M.; Boone, D. R.; Mah, R. A.; Fox, G. E.; Lau, P. P. (1988). "Methanohalophilus zhilinae sp. nov., an alkaliphilic, halophilic, methylotrophic methanogen". Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 38 (2): 139–142. doi:10.1099/00207713-38-2-139. PMID 11540079.

NCBI Reference IDs 7101-7200

  • Kamagata, Y.; Kawasaki, H.; Oyaizu, H.; Nakamura, K.; Mikami, E.; Endo, G.; Koga, Y.; Yamasato, K. (1992). "Characterization of three thermophilic strains of Methanothrix ('Methanosaeta') thermophila sp. nov. and rejection of Methanothrix ('Methanosaeta') thermoacetophila". Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 42 (3): 463–468. doi:10.1099/00207713-42-3-463. PMID 1380291.
  • Ni, S.; Woese, C. R.; Aldrich, H. C.; Boone, D. R. (1994). "Transfer of Methanolobus siciliae to the genus Methanosarcina, naming it Methanosarcina siciliae, and emendation of the genus Methanosarcina". Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44 (2): 357–359. doi:10.1099/00207713-44-2-357. PMID 11536640.
  • Ni, S and Boone, DR (1991). "Isolation and characterization of a dimethyl sulfide-degrading methanogen, Methanolobus siciliae HI350, from an oil well, characterization of M. siciliae T4/MT, and emendation of M. siciliae". Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 41 (3): 410–416. doi:10.1099/00207713-41-3-410. PMID 1883716.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  • Elberson, M. A.; Sowers, K. R. (1997). "Isolation of an aceticlastic strain of Methanosarcina siciliae from marine canyon sediments and emendation of the species description for Methanosarcina siciliae". Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 47 (4): 1258–1261. doi:10.1099/00207713-47-4-1258. PMID 9336940.
  • González, Juan M.; Masuchi, Yaeko; Robb, F. T.; Ammerman, James W.; Maeder, Dennis L.; Yanagibayashi, Miki; Tamaoka, J.; Kato, Chiaki (1998). "Pyrococcus horikoshii sp. nov., a hyperthermophilic archaeon isolated from a hydrothermal vent at the Okinawa Trough". Extremophiles. 2 (2): 123–130. doi:10.1007/s007920050051. PMID 9672687.
  • Kawarabayasi, Y.; Sawada, M.; Horikawa, H.; Haikawa, Y.; Hino, Y.; Yamamoto, S.; Sekine, M.; Baba, S.; Kosugi, H.; Hosoyama, A.; Nagai, Y.; Sakai, M.; Ogura, K.; Otsuka, R.; Nakazawa, H.; Takamiya, M.; Ohfuku, Y.; Funahashi, T.; Tanaka, T.; Kudoh, Y.; Yamazaki, J.; Kushida, N.; Oguchi, A.; Aoki, K.; Kikuchi, H. (1998). "Complete sequence and gene organization of the genome of a hyper-thermophilic archaebacterium, Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3". DNA Res. 5 (2): 55–76. doi:10.1093/dnares/5.2.55. PMID 9679194.
  • Kawarabayasi, Y. (1998). "Complete sequence and gene organization of the genome of a hyper-thermophilic archaebacterium, Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 (supplement)". DNA Res. 5 (2): 147–155. doi:10.1093/dnares/5.2.147. PMID 9679203.
  • Keller, Martin; Braun, Franz-Josef; Dirmeier, Reinhard; Hafenbradl, Doris; Burggraf, Siegfried; Rachel, Reinhard; Stetter, Karl O. (1995). "Thermococcus alcaliphilus sp. nov., a new hyperthermophilic archaeum growing on polysulfide at alkaline pH". Arch. Microbiol. 164 (6): 390–395. doi:10.1007/BF02529736. PMID 8588740.
  • Marteinsson, Viggó Thór; Birrien, Jean-Louis; Reysenbach, Anna-Louise; Vernet, Marc; Marie, Dominique; Gambacorta, Agata; Messner, Paul; Sleytr, Uwe B.; Prieur, Daniel (1999). "Thermococcus barophilus sp. nov., a new barophilic and hyperthermophilic archaeon isolated under high hydrostatic pressure from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent". Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 49 (2): 351–359. doi:10.1099/00207713-49-2-351. PMID 10319455.
  • Duffaud, Guy D.; d'Hennezel, Olga B.; Peek, Andrew S.; Reysenbach, Anna-Louise; Kelly, Robert M. (1998). "Isolation and characterization of Thermococcus barossii, sp. nov., a hyperthermophilic archaeon isolated from a hydrothermal vent flange formation". Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 21 (1): 40–49. doi:10.1016/S0723-2020(98)80007-6. PMID 9741109.
  • Godfroy, A.; Meunier, J.-R.; Guezennec, J.; Lesongeur, F.; Raguenes, G.; Rimbault, A.; Barbier, G. (1996). "Thermococcus fumicolans sp. nov., a new hyperthermophilic archaeon isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent in the North Fiji Basin". Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 46 (4): 1113–1119. doi:10.1099/00207713-46-4-1113. PMID 8863444.
  • Godfroy, Anne; Lesongeur, Françoise; Raguénès, Gérard; Quérellou, Joël; Antoine, Elisabeth; Meunier, Jean-Roch; Guezennec, Jean; Barbier, Georges (1997). "Thermococcus hydrothermalis sp. nov., a new hyperthermophilic archaeon isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent". Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 47 (3): 622–626. doi:10.1099/00207713-47-3-622. PMID 9226891.
  • Morikawa, M.; Izawa, Y.; Rashid, N.; Hoaki, T.; Imanaka, T. (1994). "Purification and characterization of a thermostable thiol protease from a newly isolated hyperthermophilic Pyrococcus sp". Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60 (12): 4559–4566. doi:10.1128/aem.60.12.4559-4566.1994. PMC 202019. PMID 7811092.
  • Canganella, F.; Jones, W. Jack; Gambacorta, Agata; Antranikian, Garabed (1997). "Biochemical and phylogenetic characterization of two novel deep-sea Thermococcus isolates with potentially biotechnological applications". Arch. Microbiol. 167 (4): 233–238. doi:10.1007/s002030050438. PMID 9148682.
  • Brennan, N. M.; Brown, R.; Goodfellow, M.; Ward, A. C.; Beresford, T. P.; Simpson, P. J.; Fox, P. F.; Cogan, T. M. (2001). "Corynebacterium mooreparkense sp. nov. and Corynebacterium casei sp. nov., isolated from the surface of a smear-ripened cheese". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 3): 843–852. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-3-843. PMID 11411705.
  • Kämpfer, Peter; Dreyer, Ute; Neef, Alexander; Dott, Wolfgang; Busse, Hans-Jürgen (2003). "Chryseobacterium defluvii sp. nov., isolated from wastewater". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 53 (Pt 1): 93–97. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.02073-0. PMID 12656158.
  • Schleper, C.; Puehler, G.; Holz, I.; Gambacorta, A.; Janekovic, D.; Santarius, U.; Klenk, H. P.; Zillig, W. (1995). "Picrophilus gen. nov., fam. nov.: a novel aerobic, heterotrophic, thermoacidophilic genus and family comprising archaea capable of growth around pH 0". J. Bacteriol. 177 (24): 7050–7059. doi:10.1128/jb.177.24.7050-7059.1995. PMC 177581. PMID 8522509.
  • Darland, Gary; Brock, Thomas D.; Samsonoff, William; Conti, S. F. (1970). "A thermophilic, acidophilic mycoplasma isolated from a coal refuse pile". Science. 170 (3965): 1416–1418. doi:10.1126/science.170.3965.1416. PMID 5481857.
  • Zeikus, J. G.; Wolfe, R. S. (1972). "Methanobacterium autotrophicus sp. n., an anaerobic, autotrophic, extreme thermophile". J. Bacteriol. 109 (2): 707–713. doi:10.1128/jb.109.2.707-713.1972. PMC 285196. PMID 4550816.
  • Van Der Wielen, Paul W J J.; Rovers, Gerben M L L.; Scheepens, Judith M A.; Biesterveld, Steef (2002). "Clostridium lactatifermentans sp. nov., a lactate-fermenting anaerobe isolated from the caeca of a chicken". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 52 (Pt 3): 921–925. doi:10.1099/00207713-52-3-921. PMID 12054258.
  • Sutra, L.; Christen, R.; Bollet, C.; Simoneau, P.; Gardan, L. (2001). "Samsonia erythrinae gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from bark necrotic lesions of Erythrina sp., and discrimination of plant pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae by phenotypic features". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (4): 1291–1304. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-4-1291. PMID 11491325.
  • Deckert, Gerard; Warren, Patrick V.; Gaasterland, Terry; Young, William G.; Lenox, Anna L.; Graham, David E.; Overbeek, Ross; Snead, Marjory A.; Keller, Martin; Aujay, Monette; Huber, Robert; Feldman, Robert A.; Short, Jay M.; Olsen, Gary J.; Swanson, Ronald V. (1998). "The complete genome of the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus". Nature. 392 (6674): 353–358. doi:10.1038/32831. PMID 9537320.
  • Takai, Ken; Horikoshi, Koki (2000). "Thermosipho japonicus sp. nov., an extremely thermophilic bacterium isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent in Japan". Extremophiles. 4 (1): 9–17. doi:10.1007/s007920050002. PMID 10741832.
  • Nogi, Y.; Kato, Chiaki (1999). "Taxonomic studies of extremely barophilic bacteria isolated from the Mariana Trench and description of Moritella yayanosii sp. nov., a new barophilic bacterial isolate". Extremophiles. 3 (1): 71–77. doi:10.1007/s007920050101. PMID 10086847.
  • Tyrrell, Gregory J.; Turnbull, Leeann; Teixeira, Lúcia M.; Lefebvre, Johanne; Carvalho, Maria da Glória S.; Facklam, Richard R.; Lovgren, Marguerite (2002). "Enterococcus gilvus sp. nov. and Enterococcus pallens sp. nov. isolated from human clinical specimens". J. Clin. Microbiol. 40 (4): 1140–1145. doi:10.1128/JCM.40.4.1140-1145.2002. PMC 140378. PMID 11923322.
  • Bosshard, Philipp P.; Zbinden, Reinhard; Altwegg, Martin (2002). "Paenibacillus turicensis sp. nov., a novel bacterium harbouring heterogeneities between 16S rRNA genes". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 52 (Pt 6): 2241–2249. doi:10.1099/00207713-52-6-2241. PMID 12508893.

NCBI Reference IDs 7201-7300

  • Sass, Andrea; r�Tters, Heike; Cypionka, Heribert; Sass, Henrik (2002). "Desulfobulbus mediterraneus sp. nov., a sulfate-reducing bacterium growing on mono- and disaccharides". Arch. Microbiol. 177 (6): 468–474. doi:10.1007/s00203-002-0415-5. PMID 12029392. {{cite journal}}: replacement character in |last2= at position 2 (help)
  • Drancourt, M.; Bollet, C.; Carta, A.; Rousselier, P. (2001). "Phylogenetic analyses of Klebsiella species delineate Klebsiella and Raoultella gen. nov., with description of Raoultella ornithinolytica comb. nov., Raoultella terrigena comb. nov. and Raoultellaplanticola comb. nov". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (3): 925–932. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-3-925. PMID 11411716.
  • Tan, Z. Y.; Kan, F. L.; Peng, G. X.; Wang, E. T.; Reinhold-Hurek, B.; Chen, W. X. (2001). "Rhizobium yanglingense sp. nov., isolated from arid and semi-arid regions in China". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (3): 909–914. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-3-909. PMID 11411714.
  • Brisse, S.; Verhoef, J. (2001). "Phylogenetic diversity of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella oxytoca clinical isolates revealed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA, gyrA and parC genes sequencing and automated ribotyping". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 3): 915–924. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-3-915. PMID 11411715.
  • Etchebehere, C.; Errazquin, M. I.; Dabert, P.; Moletta, R.; Muxí, L. (2001). "Comamonas nitrativorans sp. nov., a novel denitrifier isolated from a denitrifying reactor treating landfill leachate". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 3): 977–983. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-3-977. PMID 11411724.
  • Tsukamoto, T.; Takeuchi, M.; Shida, O.; Murata, H.; Shirata, A. (2001). "Proposal of Mycetocola gen. nov. in the family Microbacteriaceae and three new species, Mycetocola saprophilus sp. nov., Mycetocola tolaasinivorans sp. nov. and Mycetocola lacteus sp. nov., isolated from cultivated mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (3): 937–944. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-3-937. PMID 11411718.
  • Bouzar, H.; Chilton, W. S.; Nesme, X.; Dessaux, Y.; Vaudequin, V.; Petit, A.; Jones, J. B.; Hodge, N. C. (1995). "A new Agrobacterium strain isolated from aerial tumors on Ficus benjamina L." Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61 (1): 65–73. doi:10.1128/aem.61.1.65-73.1995. PMC 167260. PMID 7887626.
  • Bouzar, H.; Jones, J. B. (2001). "Agrobacterium larrymoorei sp. nov., a pathogen isolated from aerial tumours of Ficus benjamina". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 3): 1023–1026. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-3-1023. PMID 11411669.
  • Ivanova, E. P.; Sawabe, T.; Gorshkova, N. M.; Svetashev, V. I.; Mikhailov, V. V.; Nicolau, D. V.; Christen, R. (2001). "Shewanella japonica sp. nov". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 3): 1027–1033. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-3-1027. PMID 11411670.
  • Doronina, N. V.; Trotsenko, Y. A.; Tourova, T. P.; Kuznetsov, B. B.; Leisinger, T. (2001). "Albibacter methylovorans gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel aerobic, facultatively autotrophic and methylotrophic bacterium that utilizes dichloromethane". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 3): 1051–1058. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-3-1051. PMID 11411673.
  • Urbance, J. W.; Bratina, B. J.; Stoddard, S. F.; Schmidt, T. M. (2001). "Taxonomic characterization of Ketogulonigenium vulgare gen. nov., sp. nov. and Ketogulonigenium robustum sp. nov., which oxidize L-sorbose to 2-keto-L-gulonic acid". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 3): 1059–1070. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-3-1059. PMID 11411674.
  • Ivanova, E. P.; Romanenko, L. A.; Matté, M. H.; Matté, G. R.; Lysenko, A. M.; Simidu, U.; Kita-Tsukamoto, K.; Sawabe, T.; Vysotskii, M. V.; Frolova, G. M.; Mikhailov, V.; Christen, R.; Colwell, R. R. (2001). "Retrieval of the species Alteromonas tetraodonis Simidu et al. 1990 as Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis comb. nov. and emendation of description". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 3): 1071–1078. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-3-1071. PMID 11411675.
  • Kornman, K. S.; Holt, S. C. (1981). "Physiological and ultrastructural characterization of a new Bacteroides species (Bacteroides capillus) isolated from severe localized periodontitis". J. Periodontal. Res. 16 (5): 542–555. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0765.1981.tb02016.x. PMID 6458690.
  • Simankova, Maria V.; Kotsyurbenko, Oleg R.; Stackebrandt, Erko; Kostrikina, Nadezhda A.; Lysenko, Anatoliy M.; Osipov, Georgiy A.; Nozhevnikova, Alla N. (2000). "Acetobacterium tundrae sp nov, a new psychrophilic acetogenic bacterium from tundra soil". Arch. Microbiol. 174 (6): 440–447. doi:10.1007/s002030000229. PMID 11195100.
  • Bouyer, D. H.; Stenos, J.; Crocquet-Valdes, P.; Moron, C. G.; Popov, V. L.; Zavala-Velazquez, J. E.; Foil, L. D.; Stothard, D. R.; Azad, A. F.; Walker, D. H. (2001). "Rickettsia felis: molecular characterization of a new member of the spotted fever group". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 2): 339–347. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-2-339. PMID 11321078.
  • Zhang, Z.; Kudo, T.; Nakajima, Y.; Wang, Y. (2001). "Clarification of the relationship between the members of the family Thermomonosporaceae on the basis of 16S rDNA, 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer and 23S rDNA sequences and chemotaxonomic analyses". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 2): 373–383. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-2-373. PMID 11321082.
  • Brown, D. R.; Farley, J. M.; Zacher, L. A.; Carlton, J. M.; Clippinger, T. L.; Tully, J. G.; Brown, M. B. (2001). "Mycoplasma alligatoris sp. nov., from American alligators". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 2): 419–424. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-2-419. PMID 11321088.
  • Yabuuchi, E.; Yamamoto, H.; Terakubo, S.; Okamura, N.; Naka, T.; Fujiwara, N.; Kobayashi, K.; Kosako, Y.; Hiraishi, A. (2001). "Proposal of Sphingomonas wittichii sp. nov. for strain RW1T, known as a dibenzo-p-dioxin-metabolizer". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 2): 281–292. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-2-281. PMID 11321072.
  • Schlesner, H.; Lawson, P. A.; Collins, M. D.; Weiss, N.; Wehmeyer, U.; Völker, H.; Thomm, M. (2001). "Filobacillus milensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a new halophilic spore-forming bacterium with Orn-D-Glu-type peptidoglycan". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 2): 425–431. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-2-425. PMID 11324591.
  • Fortina, M. G.; Pukall, R.; Schumann, P.; Mora, D.; Parini, C.; Manachini, P. L.; Stackebrandt, E. (2001). "Ureibacillus gen. nov., a new genus to accomodate Bacillus thermosphaericus (Andersson et al. 1995), emendation of Ureibacillus thermosphaericus and description of Ureibacillus terrenus sp. nov". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (2): 447–455. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-2-447. PMID 11321090.

NCBI Reference IDs 7301-7400

  • Prowe, S. G.; Antranikian, G. (2001). "Anaerobranca gottschalkii sp. nov., a novel thermoalkaliphilic bacterium that grows anaerobically at high pH and temperature". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 2): 457–465. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-2-457. PMID 11321091.
  • Wang, Y. M.; Zhang, Z. S.; Xu, X. L.; Ruan, J. S.; Wang, Y. (2001). "Actinopolymorpha singaporensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel actinomycete from the tropical rainforest of Singapore". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 2): 467–473. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-2-467. PMID 11321092.
  • Lawson, P. A.; Falsen, E.; Truberg-Jensen, K.; Collins, M. D. (2001). "Aerococcus sanguicola sp. nov., isolated from a human clinical source". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 2): 475–479. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-2-475. PMID 11321093.
  • Wery, N.; Lesongeur, F.; Pignet, P.; Derennes, V.; Cambon-Bonavita, M. A.; Godfroy, A.; Barbier, G. (2001). "Marinitoga camini gen. nov., sp. nov., a rod-shaped bacterium belonging to the order Thermotogales, isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 2): 495–504. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-2-495. PMID 11321096.
  • Elo, S.; Suominen, I.; Kämpfer, P.; Juhanoja, J.; Salkinoja-Salonen, M.; Haahtela, K. (2001). "Paenibacillus borealis sp. nov., a nitrogen-fixing species isolated from spruce forest humus in Finland". Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51 (Pt 2): 535–545. doi:10.1099/00207713-51-2-535. PMID 11321100.
  • Elo, S.; Maunuksela, L.; Salkinoja-Salonen, M.; Smolander, A.; Haahtela, K. (2000). "Humus bacteria of Norway spruce stands: plant growth promoting properties and birch, red fescue and alder colonizing capacity". FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 31 (2): 143–152. doi:10.1111/j.1574-6941.2000.tb00679.x. PMID 10640667.
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