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User:Willgiardino/Perioculomotor subgriseal neuronal stream

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Perioculomotor subgriseal neuronal stream is a newly-delineated brain area positioned amongst a number of oculomotor nuclei within the midbrain. Specifically, it is located along the midline, within the ventral periaqueductal gray, anterior to the dorsal raphe nucleus [1].

Neurons within the perioculomotor subgriseal neuronal stream contain neuropeptides such as urocortin [2], cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript [3], cholecystokinin [4], and nesfatin-1 [5]. Abbreivated pIIISG, this region has recently been distinguished from the adjacent Edinger-Westphal nucleus, a distinct neuronal population containing choline acetyltransferase which projects to the ciliary ganglion and is involved in lens accomodation and pupil constriction [6].


  1. ^ May PJ, Reiner AJ, Ryabinin AE (2008). "Comparison of the distributions of urocortin-containing and cholinergic neurons in the perioculomotor midbrain of the cat and macaque." J Comp Neurol. 507(3):1300-16.
  2. ^ Ryabinin AE, Tsivkovskaia NO, Ryabinin SA (2005). "Urocortin 1-containing neurons in the human Edinger-Westphal nucleus." Neuroscience. 134(4):1317-23.
  3. ^ Lima FB, Henderson JA, Reddy AP, Tokuyama Y, Hubert GW, Kuhar MJ, Bethea CL (2008). "Unique responses of midbrain CART neurons in macaques to ovarian steroids." Brain Res. 1227:76-88.
  4. ^ Schiffmann SN, Vanderhaeghen JJ (1991). "Distribution of cells containing mRNA encoding cholecystokinin in the rat central nervous system." J Comp Neurol. 304(2):219-33.
  5. ^ Brailoiu GC, Dun SL, Brailoiu E, Inan S, Yang J, Chang JK, Dun NJ (2007). "Nesfatin-1: distribution and interaction with a G protein-coupled receptor in the rat brain." Endocrinology. 148(10):5088-94.
  6. ^ Clarke RJ, Coimbra CJ, Alessio ML (1985). "Oculomotor areas involved in the parasympathetic control of accommodation and pupil size in the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)." Braz J Med Biol Res. 18(3):373-9