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User:Wikidiae/Hugo Travers

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YouTube information
Genre(s)Interview, reportage, actualité, vulgarisation

Hugo Travers [y.ɡo tʁa.vɛʁs][1], born in (1997-04-06) April 6, 1997 (age 27) in Sèvres, is a youtuber and a french-british journalist[2]. Il is know thanks to his videos on YouTube undert the channel HugoDécrypte.




In 2012, while he was at high school, he started Radio Londres, which was initialy a hashtag used to annonce the result of the french presidential election and then a news website[3].

Hugo obtains a baccalauréat in social and economy with internation option, giving him the possibility to take the exam of history in english and having a english exam with higher level. [ref. needed].

He entered at Sciences Po Paris in 2015, graduating with a master's degree in Communications, Media and Creative Industries in 2020[4]. He wants to become a journalist.[5].



In 2015, while he was in its first year of Sciences Po, he created the YouTube channel « Hugo Décrypte », a media that aims to be open to young people and informative with "a journalistic treatment of the news" in short videos[5].

Two years after, he interviews several candidates for the french presidential elections of 2017 and then for the european elections of 2019 (Nathalie Loiseau, Benoît Hamon, etc.) and present the program of each candidate list on his YouTube channel. He manage also to interview the french president Emmanuel Macron just the day before the european elections, May 24, 2019[6].

In 2018, he receives fundings from YouTube as part of the YouTube Creators for Change[7].

March 17, 2020, he initiates a daily video format covering the news about Covid-19 pandemic named " Point Coronavirus ". Shortly, he expanded his sujects and rename the format as "Actus du Jour", content still active today.

In 2020, in partnership with another YouTuber Micode and Jean Sabouret, they create Frame55, an influencer marketing agency[8].

February 5, 2021, he interviews Frédérique Vidal, which is at the head of the department of Higher Education, in direct live from his Twitch channel to evoke the ill-being of the students related to the closing of the universities in France[9].

The company HugoDécrypte employs 13 people in September 2021[9].

September 23, 2021, while he broadcasts and comments on his Twitch channel a political debat of the french TV channel BFM TV between Éric Zemmour and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, BFM TV reports its channel and that of other streamers to the live streaming platform, which conclude by a ban of the channel for 48 hours[10]. Jean-Luc Mélenchon expresses his support for the banned creators.[11].

January 13, 2022, il launched a weekly news talk-show named " Mashup " and broadcast on Twitch[12].



In 2017, on the occasion of the presidential election, he became a contributor on the LCI channel, in the program of Christophe Jakubyszyn[13].

In March 2019, he debates with Marine Le Pen on the issue of Fake News during L’Émission politique on national TV channel France 2[3].

Hugo Travers debates February 2, 2021 with Sarah El Haïry, secretary of State in charge of Youth and Engagement, about ill-being of students because of the closing of universities due toCovid-19 pandemic in the show of Bruce Toussaint on TV channel BFM TV[14]. The secretary of State is blamed by some people on internet because of her usage of "tutoiement" toward Hugo Travers during the debate[15].

He is, between 2018 and 2019, chronicler on radio channel Europe 1[16].

Notes et références

  1. ^ On dévoile nos pires secrets on YouTube
  2. ^ Lefauconnier, Natacha (18 octobre 2016). "À 19 ans, Hugo Travers interviewe les candidats à la présidentielle sur YouTube". L’Étudiant. Retrieved 23 novembre 2020. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |access-date= and |date= (help).
  3. ^ a b Lanez, Émilie (2019-09-09). "Hugo Travers : à 22 ans, il réinvente le JT". Le Point (in French). Retrieved 2020-02-26..
  4. ^ "Présidentielle : Hugo Travers, le youtubeur qui va être incontournable en 2017". Le Figaro. 2016-10-04. Retrieved 2019-05-29..
  5. ^ a b "HugoDécrypte en long, en large, et en Travers". La Péniche (in French). 2018-10-12. Retrieved 2021-05-25..
  6. ^ Lecuit, Camille (27 mai 2019). "Qui est Hugo Travers, le youtubeur qui interview Emmanuel Macron ?". Le Figaro (in French). Retrieved 2019-05-29. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help).
  7. ^ Julia Alexander (May 8, 2018). "YouTube investing $5 million on 47 creators trying to make platform more positive". Polygon. Retrieved 2022-03-26.
  8. ^ "Les youtubeurs Hugo Décrypte et Micode s'associent pour créer une agence de marketing d'influence". Les gens d'Internet. 11 décembre 2020. Retrieved 06/12/2021. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |access-date= and |date= (help)
  9. ^ a b Léa Iribarnegaray (2021-09-22). "« HugoDécrypte » et sa petite entreprise". Le Monde (in French). Retrieved 2021-09-23..
  10. ^ "Sardoche, Hugo Décrypte… Pourquoi ils ont été bannis de Twitch". Le Point. 2021-09-24. Retrieved 2021-09-26..
  11. ^ Lucas Jacque (2021-09-24). "De nombreux streameurs bannis alors qu'ils diffusaient le débat Mélenchon-Zemmour". Le Dauphiné libéré. Retrieved 2021-09-26..
  12. ^ Agence France-Presse (2022-01-11). "Twitch : le youtubeur Hugo Travers, à la tête de la chaîne HugoDécrypte, lance une émission d'actualité". Le Parisien. Retrieved 2022-01-19.
  13. ^ "Hugo Travers : le jeune youtubeur devient chroniqueur pour LCI". Télé Star (in French). 2017-02-24. Retrieved 2020-03-30..
  14. ^ Hugo Travers (2021-02-02). "Mal-être étudiant : l'échange entre le youtubeur Hugo Décrypte et la secrétaire d'État chargée de la jeunesse". BFM TV (in French). Retrieved 2021-02-02..
  15. ^ "Quand le Gouvernement tutoie les jeunes influenceurs qui parlent du mal-être des étudiants". Rotek (in French). 2021-02-03. Retrieved 2021-05-22..
  16. ^ Benjamin Meffre (28 août 2018). "Hugo Travers rejoint Europe 1". Puremédias (in French). Retrieved 2021-09-23. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help).

[[Category:Pseudonyms]] [[Category:Sciences Po alumni]] [[Category:21st-century French journalists]] [[Category:French YouTubers]] [[Category:WikiProject Europe articles]] [[Category:WikiProject France articles]]