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Hey Wikipedia I was emailed this from my friend Chris Browse. You guys deleted his account, and he wanted me to finish this thing he was working on. I won't be finished for a while, so please don't delete it or call me a vandalizer or anything. Thanks.

Books by Tom Clancy


Fictional Books


Tom Clancy has written a total number of nine books with the primary character either Jack Ryan or John Clark. Some other fictional books that he has written have a primary character who shares many similarities with either Ryan or Clark. While Clancy did not write the books in chronological order, they are listed as such here.

One of Clancy's more recently written novels, Without Remorse is set during the Vietnam War, and deals mainly with the fight there and major drug trafficing back in the U.S. John Kelly (who is really John Clark before he got recruited into the CIA and had to have his name changed) - is a sort of underwater demolitions worker. He was formerly a Navy SEAL in Vietnam. Early on in the book, Kelly finds out that his girlfriend, a hitchhiker named Pamela who he picked up, was until recently a drug-addicted hooker, and now is on the run from her group of heroin-dealing pimps. However, Pamela is soon captured and killed by the pimps, and Kelly is badly injured during the kidnapping. After he recovers, Kelly goes undercover as a Baltimore street wino, and begins systematically killing drug dealers. Emmet Ryan, a Baltimore Police detective and father of then eighteen year old Jack Ryan, starts investigating these murders, but can turn up nothing due to Kelly's skill. While Kelly is in the middle of his search for Pam's killers, he is recruited by Admiral James Greer to help plan and execute a rescue mission of POW's in Vietnam. Kelly agrees, and begins training with a group of U.S. Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance troops. While he's not training, Kelly finds Billy, the drug dealer who was mainly responsible for Pam's death. He tortures Billy and gets imformation about the drug ring on the entire east coast, a corrupt cop in the Baltimore Police Narcotics section, and the names of more people in Billy's gruop. Kelly quickly destroys the whole operation. Back to Vietnam: Though Kelly and the Marines were more than ready to rescue the POW's, Kelly discovers that the camp has been alerted to their presence. This means that a mole high up in the American political system must have alerted the Vietnamese. Though the mission is immediately aborted, Kelly manages to capture a KGB officer who was interogating the POW's, and who is eventually exchanged for the POW's. When Kelly gets back from Vietnam, he is asked by Admiral Greer to join the CIA. The only problem, though, is that Emmet Ryan is hot on Kelly's trail, who is wanted for at least ten murders. Kelly feigns his death, and the CIA officially makes him John Clark. As Clark, he finds the man responsible for alerting the Vietnamese POW camp. Clark forces the man to give himself a drug overdose so his death will not look like a murder. The book ends with the POW's being released.

The third book that Clancy wrote, Patriot Games is second in chronological order. It begins with Jack Ryan in London, England. He foils an attack on the Prince and Princess of Wales by the ULA (Ulster Liberation Army - a small Irish terrorist organization like the IRA). Ryan is wounded in the process, and is treated like a hero while recovering (he is knighted by the Queen of England). During the attack, Ryan kills one of the terrorists and captures another, but the third escapes. Sean Miller, the one he captured, is sent to prison, but escapes with the help of the leader of the ULA, Kevin O'Donnell. They go to North Africa and there plot an attack against Jack Ryan. By now Ryan is back in the U.S., where the ULA has never operated. He is teaching at a Naval Academy, and there receives weapons training from a Marine Sergeant Major, just as a precaution. However, after his wife and four year old daughter are attacked by the ULA, Ryan quits his teaching job and joins the CIA. He helps plan a military raid against the ULA camp in North Africa, but it is unsuccessful. While they are traveling in the U.S., the Prince and Princess of Wales have dinner at Ryan's house. Naturally, there is extensive protection around the house, but no one thought that the ULA would use the treacherous cliffs by Ryan's house to their advantage. A three-pronged attack leaves Ryan's protection decimated. Also at dinner that night are Ryan's friend Robby Jackson and his wife Cecilia. All are caprured and held hostage except Robby, who was in the bathroom. He finds Ryan's Remington shotgun and rescues the six people (Ryan, Ryan's wife and daughter, the Prince and Princess of Wales, and Robby's wife). With one ULA prisoner, they make their way down the cliffs on ladders that the terrorists set up as the escape route. The ULA has two boats, and after a brief firefight Sean Miller escapes in one and Ryan and comapny go after him. Ryan stops at the Naval academy where he teaches, drops off the Princess, Cecilia, his daughter, and his pregnant wife, and enlists the help of a few squads of Marines and policemen. Miller gets to a larger ship that the ULA was going to use to get back to Ireland, but Ryan and the Marines find the ship, kill some men and capture the rest (Miller is captured and again imprisoned). Ryan's son was born at the Academy that night before he got back.

Red Rabbit (2002)


The Hunt for Red October (1984)


Lots of subs, one of Clancy's classic Cold War thrillers. Very good for a first book, easily on par with some of his best. I know this is really just a review, but I'm still thinking of ideas. It's been a few months since I read it. Jack Ryan, however, is not my favorite character in the Clancy series, especially when compared to John Clark or Domingo Chavez.

The Cardinal of the Kremlin


Really good book. I love the Cardinal's character. Nice intro for John Clark.

Clear and Present Danger


Definately my second favorite book written by Tom Clancy, second to Rainbow Six. Lots of action, which is great and excellently written. But seriously..."A Jack Ryan Novel", my a**! Ryan literally doesn't make an appeaance for the first few hundred pages, and an entry isn't written from his percpective until you're halfway done with the book! I'm seriously going to count how many more entries feature Domingo Chavez, Felix Cortez, or John Clark. I don't know why Clancy thinks everyone is so obsessed with Ryan. Really great book, though. It covers everything from drugs, to the Secret Service, to the U.S. Coast Guard, to covert ops, to spies, to espionage, to prisons, to political races. I have no idea how Clancy is so well versed on all the stuff that he writes about. The book is also a nice break from Clancy's usual Cold War stories. I don't mind all his Russian spies and stuff, but it sure does get old.

The Sum of All Fears


I just started this book, maybe I will be able to write a plot outline as good as my first two. Seems good so far, though. Already had an appearence from the FBI Hostage Rescue Team, who really kick butt.

Debt of Honor


Haven't read it yet, but a war with Japan sounds interesting. I guess it ties in to Executive Orders, but Clancy had to cut the story in half, lest it be a book about 2,000 pages long.

Executive Orders


Lots of Secret Service, which is cool. I only had a chance to read the first hundred pages or so, which is about a tenth of the book. Seems good so far, though.

Rainbow Six


Definately Clancy's best book. I'll be able to write a good plot outline in a couple weeks, since I am in the middle of the book. (For the second time, but it helps if it's fresh in my mind.) Basically, John Clark had this idea of an international anti-terror group. It would consist of members from various NATO countries, mainly the U.S. and England. The book mainly features John Clark and Domingo Chavez, and Jack Ryan does not make an appearence. Ed Foley, on of my favorite characters from Clancy's earlier books, is now the Director, Central Intelligence of the CIA (that's the highest rank). Some environmentalist nutheads get in touch with a former KGB agent, ______ Popov (I forgot his first name/names - I'll find them soon). The environmentalists, who think of themselves as "true believers" have (need to think of a good word...orchestrated? designed? thought up?) a plot to wipe out the majority of the human race, through a comlex series of events involving terrorists, the Olympics, and deadly viruses. They pay Popov to set up terroris incidents, but he manages to steal the money the environmentalists have set aside for the terrorists. Stealing the money is actually easy for Popov, since all three seperate groups of terrorists were elimated by Rainboe Six, the organization that Clark is running. The first such incident is set at a Bank in Bern, Switzerland. Popov, through his environmentalist employers, has paid a group of amateur terrorists to take control of the bank, and make demands of their choice. However, the group is taken down by Rainbow before more than one hostage can be killed. The environmentalists, however, are still in good spirits despite this obvious failure, which suprises Popov. After a sencond incident that they set up, this one against a rich stock trader and again stopped by Rainbow, Popov begins to dig deeper. During this time, a story is told from the point of a group of scientists, directly connected to the environmentalists, who are developing a virus that is programmed to kill only humans. We do not yet know what the virus is going to be used for, nor how it is going to be used. A third terrorist incident, this one not set up by Popov, targets a theme park. Rainbow responds, kills the terrorists, and suffers no casualities for the third operation in a row. After (or before; I can't remember) a forth and final terrorist attack by an Irish organization connected to the IRA, set up by Popov, and against family members of Rainbow soldiers, the environmentalists tell Popov what they are planning. It turns out that the terrotist incidents were set up simply so the environmentalists could gain access to the Olympics, since everyone was afraid of a terrorist attack at the Olympics. Using an infiltrated security organization, the environmentalists are ready to release the highly contagoius, human-killing virus in such a way that nearly every player and spectator at the Olympics will become infected. The infected people will then return to their home countries, and since it is the Olympics, the population of nearly every country on Earth will become infected. However, right after the environmentalists told Popov their plan, he contacted Rainbow (he had been investigating them for a while) and told Clark. Rainbow sent forces to the Olympics, where they managed to ambush and capture the man planting the virus. Seeing that their plan A had failed, the environmentalists fled to a backup base in Brazil. However, thanks to Popov, Rainbow managed to follow them there. After a raid on the base, most of the environmentalists were captured. Wanting to execute them, knowing that they couldn't, but definately not about to let them live, Rainbow came up with a plan. Since the environmentalists loved nature so much, Clark ordered them to strip down, discard any objects they were carrying, and go off alone into the wild Brazilian jungle. None survived.

The Bear and the Dragon


Haven't read this one either. I think it's about a conflict between Russia and China. Sounds good, features Rainbow Six.

The Teeth of the Tiger


I think this one's about 9/11, and its aftermath. It's about Jack Ryan's son, Jack, Jr., and his carrer in the CIA, I think. Clancy defended the Islamic faith after 9/11, so I don't think it will be slamming them.







