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I love shreka he is so shrekxy. Here is the backstory on how we met. One day i was walking in new york, i walked to my favorite coffee shop, there was no one per usal. All a sudden he walks up. He asked for my number. What do i say back, my was he fine. He was green and had sticks coming out of his head. I give him my number as he sits down. We talk and talk until they close. He offers to walk my dorm room. I agree as it not that far. We get to my room and he gives me a goodnight kiss. I dreamt about him. ive never seen him before. Hes so mysterious. I wake up still wonder who he was, i didnt even get his name. I brush it off and go to class, i sit in the back alone untill i look up. Its him. He asks to sit next to me i say yes as i dont have any friends in this class. We talk and i learn that he is in all of my classes. I get know him better and i cant help but fall in love. We start dating and now we have 100 kids and are married