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User:Wh160/guide line

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

code wiball<nowiki></nowiki>


guide line pour le nul.***{{code|cite book}}cite book

  • {{sfn|Nemo|2024}}
  • {{sfn|Nemo|2024}}[1]
  • {{Cite book|first1=N.|last1=Nemo| title=NoWway (personal user sandox)|publisher=Self|place=Here|year=2024}}
    • Nemo, N. (2024). NoWway (personal user sandox). Here: Self.
  • {{Blockquote|text=Quoted material; has no quotation marks idem quote, citation>[...]|author=First M. Last Famly-Name}}
    • Quoted material;with Blockquote has no quotation marks idem quote>...This user page may meet Wikipedia's criteria for speedy deletion as an article that contains no content whatsoever, or consists only of external links, categories, a "see also" section, a rephrasing of the title, chat-like comments, template tags, and/or images.

      — First M. Last Famly-Name
    • Quoted material;with quote has no quotation marks> wiball.author nor |fr.w.author= >[...]

    • First M. Last Famly-Name, same as cite book cite web except paramètre title au lieu text ; points remplacés par des virgules>[...]*Hervé (2024). good way (personal user guide line).
  • {{sfn|Bibilolo|2000}}[2]
  • {{sfn|Bibi|2024}}[3]
  • library cite book
    • <!- -Bibilolo (2000). essai.-->
    • <!- -Bibi, lolo (2024). mon brouillon (personal user sandox).-->
  • {{reflist}}
  • bla.{{sfn|ref=S|2020|p=25}} More bla.{{sfn|ref=S|2020|p=25}} Still more blabla.{{sfn|ref=S|2020|p=26}}

Article text.[1] More article text.[1] Still more article text.[2]

  1. ^ a b 2020, p. 25.
  2. ^ 2020, p. 26.
*{{vanchor|S|text={{cite book
 | last = Smith | first = John
 | date = 2020
 | title = Smith's Book
  • Smith, John (2020). Smith's Book. S. (Smith, John (2020). Smith's Book. Smith) si id=.
  • On Wikipedia, a { {stub}} is a short article in need of expansion.
  • last line
  • bottom line-->

Notable differences Notables différences


Let's say (feeling 16 September 2024)

  • { {user sandbox}} permet de ne pas tester si on est dans l'espace perso l'encyclopédie, les outils-modèle-module
  • { {citation}} est objet-de-bib et non " "
  • { {ref}} n'est plus autorisé, produit encore [1] pointant sur dieu-sait-quoi, mais usage plutôt <r ef>
  • references { {references}} est { {reflist}}
  • empty{ {empty}} n'est pas { {empty section}}
  • gradation entre Author dans le { {cite book}} déclaré si pas fiable par rapport à last(famly name) et Auteur : la fr.wikipédia ne prend pas du tout en compte la maintenance des obsolètes mais tient plutôt ne pas froisser les wikipédiens en place sinon c'est de l'intrusion
  • |date=value ne pas mettre de 0x pour le jour mais x

Have not found

  • guillemets français «  »
  • procédure insertion <nowiki></nowiki>

Not explaned

  • empty{ {empty}} but causes speed deletion action if validation

Take a look


Module:Check for unknown parameters

Mind it & remember

  • empty section{ {empty section|date=Jan 1952}}
  • <nowiki></nowiki>
  • Quotation mark
  • The ''Iliad''{{'}}s vocabulary is archaic. Template:Apostrophe &
    • {{'}} (Template:Apostrophe) – for use with adjacent italic markup ; {{`}} – for use with adjacent bold markup ; {{'s}} – for inserting an apostrophy and "s" immediately following italic markup ; {{`s}} – for inserting an apostrophy and "s" immediately following bold markup ; {{′}} (Template:Prime)
  • sfn & sfnref
  • cite book
To cite a book with a credited author
{{cite book |last=A |first=B |author-link=C |date=1111 |title=D |url= |location=E |publisher=F |page= 0|isbn=}}
To cite a book with no credited author
{{cite book |author=<!--Not stated--> |date= |title= |url= |location= |publisher= |page= |isbn=}}
To cite an online book that has been archived
{{cite book |last= |first= |date= |title= |url= |url-status= |location= |publisher= |isbn= |archive-url= |archive-date=}}
To cite a book written in a foreign language
{{cite book |last= |first= |date= |title= |trans-title= |url= |language= |location= |publisher= |isbn=}}
To cite and quote an archived, two-author, foreign language book re-published as a PDF on an information aggregation service requiring a subscription
{{cite book |last1= |first1= |last2= |first2= |date= |title= |trans-title= |url= |url-status= |url-access= |format= |language= |location= |publisher= |isbn= |archive-url= |archive-date= |via= |quote=}}
  • colors
Valeur Couleur Valeur Couleur Valeur Couleur Valeur Couleur
#00FFFF aqua / cyan
(bleu-vert eau)
#008000 green
#000080 navy
(bleu marine)
#C0C0C0 silver
#000000 black
#808080 gray
#808000 olive
(jaune olive)
#008080 teal
#0000FF blue
#00FF00 lime
(vert citron)
#800080 purple
#FFFFFF white
#FF00FF fuchsia / magenta
#800000 maroon
#FF0000 red
#FFFF00 yellow

Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Contents &

& further Wikipedia:Reference desk/Language