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Bold text*--WeyuluVincent(212055011) (talk) 07:16, 1 October 2012 (UTC)

Assassination of Lazarus Kandara(fraud case)




Lazrus Kandara was the CEO of the asset management firm Avid Investment Corporation [1] and in 2005 he was placed in police custody after he went missing and he appeared as a key suspect in a fraud trial when an amount of 4.5m [2]went missing from Social Security Commission funds.He later admitted on using his company to defraud the Social Security Commission of money intended to pay medical and other benefits to the poor He also admitted to spending some $46,000 on himself.[3] After testifying in court, he was taken to his home to pick up his belongings and speak to his lawyer[4].He also promised that in his next court appearance he will spill all the beans giving full details on how the money went missing and the people he worked with.

his Death


On 24 August 2005 at around 20h30 He died from a gunshot wound to his chest whilst in police custody[5] .Ac-coding to the police officers who where at the scene, Kandara shot himself when he was returning from his house in the company of police officers. He had gone to pick up his toiletries, medication for high blood pressure and to change his clothes.He apparently shot himself in the chest while carrying a blanket as he was stepping out of the police escort car. This raised questions how he could have done that without the police officers surrounding him taking action[6] .circumstances around his death raised rumas on how he killed himself looking at the fact that did he really kill himself by shooting himself in the cheat or was he assassinated? "We suspect he was shot by the police" Phil ya Nangoloh National Human Rights Society[7].



August 25 2005

Namibia’s National Society for Human Rights (NSHR) calls for an independent investigation to be launched into the circumstances surrounding the alleged suicide of Social Security Commission (SSC)-Avid Investment Corporation (AIC) corruption scandal linchpin Lazarus Kandara (42) just outside the Windhoek Central Police Station 0n night of August 25 2005. According to media reports citing police sources at the scene, Kandara shot himself through the heart at point blank range with his own Baretta 9mm handgun apparently during or soon after having a scuffle with three police officers on whom he aimed his gun. The police officers were reportedly escorting him at the time. Citing Namibian Police (NamPol) Serious Crime Unit Chief Inspector Oscar Sheehama, the principal English daily The Namibian reported this morning that shortly before shooting himself Kandara asked leave to go to toilet from his three NamPol escorts.

Reported The Namibian: “He then pulled the gun out and aimed it at the three Police officers who were escorting him. As they sparred with him he allegedly turned the gun on himself ... The bullet went straight through his heart and exited his lower back”.

“Assuming these reports are accurate herein lie all our suspicions. If Kandara indeed pointed a gun at the police officers, how come the police failed to shoot him in self-defense? Put alternatively, what was the point behind Kandara aiming his weapon at the police without firing a shot if that was his intention to shoot? Furthermore, how did he manage to get time to shoot himself during the scuffle with well-trained police officers? If the bullet entered his heart and exited his lower back, then this suggests that Kandara might have been bending forward. Otherwise the bullet could not enter his heart and egress at his lower back since the heart and the lower back are not at the same level and the bullet travels at right angles. If he wanted to commit suicide, why did he wait until the scuffle with the police in order to kill himself? Why did he not kill himself right there in his home where he got the gun from in the first place?” said NSHR executive directorPhil ya Nangoloh.[8]. It was those sequence of event that happened before his apparent shooting that brought questions to peoples mind if he really killed himself or was he killed as an attempt to stop him from talking as he promised to do in his last court appearance.


  1. ^ {{|Informate news paper |http://www.informante.web.na/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=8235&Itemid=100 |title=Mystery deaths remain unexplained |date=Thursday, 09 June 2011 02:04 |retrieved = 1 October 2012}}
  2. ^ {{|BBC news |http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4183766.stm |title=Shooting in Namibia fraud trial |date=Thursday, 25 August 2005, 14:58 GMT 15:58 UK |retrieved = 1 October 2012}}
  3. ^ {{|BBC news |http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4183766.stm |title=Shooting in Namibia fraud trial |date=Thursday, 25 August 2005, 14:58 GMT 15:58 UK |retrieved = 1 October 2012}}
  4. ^ {{|BBC news |http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4183766.stm |title=Shooting in Namibia fraud trial |date=Thursday, 25 August 2005, 14:58 GMT 15:58 UK |retrieved = 1 October 2012}}
  5. ^ {{|Informate news paper |http://www.informante.web.na/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=8235&Itemid=100 |title=Mystery deaths remain unexplained |date=Thursday, 09 June 2011 02:04 |retrieved = 1 October 2012}}
  6. ^ {{|Informate news paper |http://www.informante.web.na/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=8235&Itemid=100 |title=Mystery deaths remain unexplained |date=Thursday, 09 June 2011 02:04 |retrieved = 1 October 2012}}
  7. ^ {{|BBC news |http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4183766.stm |title=Shooting in Namibia fraud trial |date=Thursday, 25 August 2005, 14:58 GMT 15:58 UK |retrieved = 1 October 2012}}
  8. ^ {{|NAMRIGHTS the NEWS |http://www.nshr.org.na/index.php?module=News&func=display&sid=491 |title=KANDARA SUICIDE: NSHR SMELLS RAT|date=Published: Aug 29, 2005 - 07:32 AM |retrieved = 1 October 2012}}