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Blessed are the Weep, for they shall inherit the Earth
-Matthew 5:5

- "Veni, Vidi, Vici!" - In the name of Craigism! Our Third Page!



Original Weeps National Anthem


proficiscor porro (marching forwards)
caedes vetus populus (slaughtering the old)
caedes minimus populus (slaughtering the young)
eat multus of laganum (eating lots of cake)
laganum est valde nice (cake is bloody nice)
via of miles militis (the road of the soldier)
weeping plurimum (much weeping)

rumex semita (a sorry path)
lacrimabilis fabula (a sordid tale)
repletus per acerbitas (filled with anguish)
a cattus iuguolo thousands (a cat lays waste to thousands)
quod is clamo (and she shouts)
weepy, weep, weep

monachus inrideo an gero (chimps on a bus)
sono hilaris (singing merrily)
sentio suum tripudium (feel their happiness)
tunc intereo ceteri (and then die like the rest)
via of miles militis (the road of the soldier)
weeping plurimum (much weeping)

rumex semita (a sorry path)
lacrimabilis fabula (a sordid tale)
repletus per acerbitas (filled with anguish)
a cattus iuguolo thousands (a cat lays waste to thousands)
quod is clamo (and she shouts)
weepy, weep, weep

velox frons vulpes volpes (the quick brown fox)
insulto super ignavus canis (jumped over the lazy dogs)
quod tore them seorsum (and tore them to shreds)
a tristis dies pro totus (a sad day for all)
via of miles militis (the road of the soldier)
weeping plurimum (much weeping)

rumex semita (a sorry path)
lacrimabilis fabula (a sordid tale)
repletus per acerbitas (filled with anguish)
a cattus iuguolo thousands (a cat lays waste to thousands)
quod is clamor (and she screams)