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Commanding Officers:


Lt.Cdr. John Fitzroy Duyland Bush, DSC and 2 Bars, RN 18 July 1944 – 15 December 1944

Capt. John Hamilton Allison, DSO, RN 15 December 1944 – 25 June 1945

Lt.Cdr. Cuthbert Richard Purse, RN 25 June 1945 - still in command in October 1945 according to the Navy List

Service History



“ZAMBESI” Class Destroyer ordered from Vickers-Armstrong at Barrow under the Emergency War Programme On 12th February 1942 with HMS MYNGS for the 10th Emergency Flotilla. The ship was laid down on 13th July 1942 and launched on 15th July 1943 as the ninth Royal Navy ship to bear the name, introduced in 1757 when the when the Sloop MARTIN captured by the French off Brest a year earlier was renamed. This Sloop was again taken by the French in 1788 and was again recaptured but burnt in the action. It was last used for a 310 ton Torpedo Boat destroyer built by Hanna Donald and Wilson at Paisley in 1895 which was scrapped at Rainham in 1920. Build was completed on 6th September 1944 This destroyer replaced HM Destroyer LIGHTNING which was torpedoed and sunk by an Italian MTB in the Mediterranean in March 1943, and had been adopted by the civil community of Doncaster after a WARSHIP WEEK in 1942.

Battle Honours


Heraldic Data

On a Field Blue, a representation of Zephyrus, the West wind..

Details of Service


August Contractors Trials

September Commissioned for service in 2nd Destroyer Flotilla, Home Fleet.

9th Build completion and commenced Acceptance Trials. On completion of trials, storing and calibrations took passage to work-up with ships of Home Fleet.

October Deployed for work-up prior to operational service with Flotilla.

23rd Joined HM Destroyers SAUMAREZ, SERAPIS and two other Home Fleet destroyers as screen for HM Cruiser DEVONSHIRE, HM Escort Carriers TRUMPETER and CAMPANIA as Force 2 for combined air minelay and shipping strike off the coast of Norway (Operation HARDY)Sailed for HARDY with Force 2

24th Provided screen during aircraft minelay.

25th Shipping strike cancelled because of weather conditions.

27th Returned to Scapa Flow with Force 2.(For details of all minelaying operations see The Naval Staff History (Mining)

November Flotilla deployment with Home Fleet in continuation. 14th Deployed with HM Destroyer CAESAR, NUBIAN and VENUS as screen for HM Escort Aircraft Carrier PURSUER and HM Cruiser EURYALUS during attacks on shipping off Trondheim during which a German escort V6413 was sunk. See ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE CLOSELY by C Barnett.

27th Deployed with HM Destroyer s MYNGS, SCOURGE, SCORPION, SIOUX (RCN), and ALGONQUIN (RCN) as screen for HM Aircraft Carrier IMPLACABLE and HM Cruiser DIDO during air attacks on southbound convoy off Mosjoen, north of Namsos, Norway(Note : Three ships were sunk in these attacks, one of which was carrying Russian PoW, many off whom were killed. See above references.)

December Flotilla deployment with Home Fleet at Scapa Flow in continuation.

12th Joined HM Destroyers ZEALOUS, SIOUX (RCN), ALGONQUIN (RCN), SAVAGE, and SERAPIS for screening of HM Cruiser DEVONSHIRE, HM Escort Carriers PREMIER and TRUMPETER as Force 2 for joint air minelay and shipping strike off Norwegian coast. (Operation LACERATE)Sailed from Scapa Flow with Force 2.

14th Provided screen during air operations and came under attack by torpedo aircraft of KG26 which was unsuccessful.

15th Returned to Scapa Flow with Force 2.

30th Deployed for anti-submarine operations west of Orkney Islands with HM Destroyers ZEST and ORWELL.(Note : German submarines were known to be assembling for attacks on Home Fleet ships deployed for attacks off Norway. See HITLER’S U-BOAT WAR by C Blair, Volume II)

31st Came under attack by U1020 attacks on Home Fleet operations off Norway, came under attack by U1020. Hit by homing torpedo and sustained major damage. Taken in tow to Scapa Flow by HM Destroyer ORWELL.


January Damage surveyed and ship withdrawn from operational service. Repair arranged at commercial shipyard in Dundee

Passage to Dundee.

February Under repair.

to March.

April On completion of post repair trials resumed Home Fleet duties at Scapa Flow with Flotilla.

Nominated for escort duty with ships of Flotilla in defence of convoy to North Russia.

18th Deployed with HM Destroyers OFFA, ZEALOUS, ZEST, ZODIAC, HAIDA (RCN), HURON (RCN), IROQUOIS (RCN) and Norwegian destroyer STORD as screen for HM Cruiser BELLONA, HM Escort Aircraft Carriers PREMIER and VINDEX as escort for Russian Convoy JW 66 during passage to Kola Inlet. (Note : Close escort included HM Corvettes ALNWICK CASTLE, BAMBOROUGH CASTLE. FAREHAM CASTLE, HONEYSUCKLE, LOTUS, OXLIP and RHODODENDRON and HM Sloop CYGNET with Anti-submarine Frigates LOCH INSH, LOCH SHIN, COTTON, GOODALL and ANGUILLA of 19th Escort Group were also deployed with JW66 for additional support.

For details of all Russian convoy operations see CONVOYS TO RUSSIA by

RA Ruegg, CONVOY ! by P Kemp, THE RUSSIAN CONVOYS by B Schoefield and RUSSIAN CONVOYS by R Woodman with details of German submarine activities in HITLERS U-BOAT WAR.)

25th Arrived at Kola Inlet with JW66 after uninterrupted passage.

29th Joined return convoy RA66 with same ships as escort for passage to Clyde.(Note : Ships of 19th Escort Group which had been deployed for special minelaying operation (TRAMMEL) returned to Kola Inlet to carry out a sustained anti-submarine operation against a group of 10 U-Boats lying in wait for departure of RA66. See references for details.)

HMS GOODALL torpedoed by U 969 and survivors rescued by HMSHONEYSUCKLE before the stricken ship was scuttled.

May Deployed for defence of RA66.

7th Detached from escort of RA66 and took passage with HM Destroyers HAIDA, HURON, IROQUOIS and Norwegian destroyer STORD.

8th Joined screen for HM Cruisers BIRMINGHAM and DIDO during passage to Copenhagen to accept surrender of German cruisers PRINZ EUGEN and NURNBERG after German armistice. Screen also included HM Destroyers ZEALOUS, ZEST and ZODIAC of 2nd Destroyer Flotilla.

9th At Copenhagen for formal surrender of ships.

13th Took passage from Copenhagen with HMS ZEST to resume Flotilla duties with Home Fleet after relief by HMCS IROQUOIS and HMS SAVAGE.

June Flotilla deployment in continuation

to August (Note : Home Fleet ship Flotilla deployment included periods as Guardship at German ports and support of Norwegian re-occupation.)

September Home Fleet deployment in continuation with visits to Home ports . to December


January Deployed with 2nd Destroyer Flotilla in Home Waters

to March

April Transferred to 4th Destroyer Flotilla as part of Post War Fleet re-organisation.

May Home Fleet deployment in continuation with 4th Destroyer Flotilla. to December (Note : For details of naval activities in Home waters and problems relating to manning shortages see THE DECLINE OF BRITISH SEAPOWER by D Wettern.)

In September deployed in English Cannel and went to assistance of Tug TID62 which was in difficulties and later sank off Dover on 20th.


January Deployed in Home waters with Flotilla and took part in Fleet Exercise and visits

to March programme.

April Under repair by HM Dockyard Chatham.

to June

July Transferred to Portsmouth Flotilla as Tender to HMS EXCELLENT for Gunnery Trials and Training duties.

August Portsmouth trials duties in continuation.

to December


January Portsmouth trials duties in continuation.

February Transferred to 3rd Escort Flotilla based at Portland.

March Deployed at Portland for anti-submarine training and general duties in Channel area.

to December

Pennant Number for visual signalling purposes changed to D19


January 3rd Escort Flotilla deployment in continuation.

February Transferred to 2nd Training Flotilla and deployed at Portland as Leader with HM Destroyers ZEST and ZODIAC, HM Corvettes HELMSDALE CASTLE, FLINT CASTLE, HEDINGHAM CASTLE, LEEDS CASTLE, OAKHAM CASTLE and TINTAGEL CASTLE for anti-submarine training and trials.

March Deployment at Portland with 2nd Training Flotilla in continuation.

to December


Flotilla duties at Portland in continuation. In March 1950 this ship was deployed with HM Destroyers ROEBUCK, FINISTERRE, WIZARD and WRANGLER as escort for French Light Fleet Aircraft Carrier ARROMANCHES (Ex HMS COLOSSUS) during passage in Channel with French President embarked for visit to UK. In November she was again deployed as escort for an official visit to UK by Queen of the Netherlands with HM Destroyers MYNGS, WHIRLWIND, WIZARD and WRANGLER.

1951 to 1952

Flotilla training duties at Portland in continuation. In 1952 the ship was involved in a collision with HM Submarine SLEUTH whilst at Portland and sustained slight structural damage.


Flotilla duties at Portland in continuation. Attended the Coronation Review of the Fleet at Spithead during June.


Nominated for reduction to Reserve status and Paid-off at Portsmouth. After de-storing and reduction procedures completed joined Reserve Fleet division at Portsmouth and laid-up.

1955 to 1957

Laid-up in Reserve at Portsmouth.


January Placed on Disposal List to May

June Sold to BISCO for breaking-up

July Under tow to breaker’s yard at Dunston.

2nd Arrived at Dunston by Clayton and Davie for demolition.


