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The article goes into a detailed explanation about different types of proxy data and methods used by scientists to undercover statistics about the past climate.

The article is detailed in cited sources, and especially graphs. The explanation throughout the article is backed up by graphs to make it easier to understand the process of

There are 11 cited sources. The cited sources range from decades which is good for the reader because it gives as science evolves, so does the technology that goes into finding proxy data.

The article is not locked so it leaves information susceptible to be edited by anyone, no matter what their background is with science, climate change, and proxy data.

What needs to be improved in this article is the presence of equations. I want to learn how scientists can take air particles out of ice sheets and determine what the climate was like thousands of years ago.



Paleoclimatology began in the early 19th century. One of the main reasons this form of retrieving data began was due to the glaciers and natural changes that were gaining concern among scientists

Paleoclimatology is the study of changes taken on the scale of the entire history of the earth.

Paleoclimatology is the study of changes taken on the scale of the entire history of the earth.

Uses evidence and gathers data from ice sheets, tree rings, corals, shells, and fossils to understand what the climate was like thousands of years ag

One of the most trustworthy and accurate ways of gathering data is from researching glaciers and ice sheets.

Scientists are able to retrieve air that is stuck in pockets of ice and snow to determine what the air was composed of.

This helps scientists understand what the climate was like thousands of years

Changes in the thickness of glaciers can be used to gauge the change in precipitation and temperature.

Another method is using the life span of trees to understand how climate has changed over the years. The method behind this is studying the rings at the trunk of the tree. Some trees are thousands of years old so the data that can be retrieved can tell a scientist a lot.

Sedimentary rock preserve vegetation, animals, and other resources that thrive off a climate. By studying what is found in sedimentary rock, scientists can observe if the finding could have survived in a type of climate.

The earliest atmosphere would have consisted of solar nebula and hydrogen. Gasses escape due to the solar wind.

The second atmosphere was full of nitrogen and carbon dioxide which was created and formed by volcanic eruptions and a bombardment of asteroids. Scientists can understand all of this because there are water sediments in which they can extract data that is billions of years old.

The amount of oxygen in our atmosphere has changed over the last 600 million years.

Greenhouse gasses are forming in the atmosphere which causes global warming. Scientists, again, use information from the past via proxy data to make these assessments.

Glaciation events spreading over much of the earth. This isn't so much because of proxy data, but because of satellite images.

Precambrian climate: glaciers

Phanerozoic climate: Sun & heat that affects the oceans, watersheds

Quaternary climate: The current climate. A cycle of ice ages.

Climate forcing: Difference radiant energy received by the earth and is shot back up into space.

The units of watts per square meter to the Earth's surface.