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Criminal cases against Yulia Tymoshenko supporters since 2010 — a number of criminal cases in Ukraine, which were opened since May 2010 against fellow Tymoshenko. On a set of these cases, there are a number of appeals the EU, U.S., Russia, human rights organizations, the Ukrainian society in Ukraine and in the Diaspora — in the claims stated in the political aspect of these cases.[1][2][3][4] But Prosecutor of Ukraine states that the «political component» is missing.

Building of «The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine»
«Tax Maidan» (Kiev), 29.11.2010

Companions Tymoshenko against whom criminal cases were opened in 2010


Beginning in May 2010, opened a number of cases against Tymoshenko and her allies.[1] More than a dozen «associates Tymoshenko» were arrested (including government ministers Tymoshenko); as of October 2011, half of them are in jail for 8-12 months. Most have been charged with abuse of power:
1) The Prime Minister — Yuliya Tymoshenko.
2) The Minister of Internal Affairs — Lutsenko.[5]
3) The Minister of Defence — Ivashchenko.[6]
4) The Minister of Finance — Danylyshyn.[7]
5) The Minister of Natural Resources — Filipchuk.[8]
6) The Deputy Minister of Justice — Korniychuk.[9]
7) The Chairman of the Customs Service of Ukraine — Makarenko.[10]
8) The Chairman of the regional customs — Shepitko.[11]
9-10) The head of the State Treasury — Slyuz,[12] Vice President — Gritsoun.[13]
11-12) Deputy Chairman of «Naftogaz» (the state monopoly on trade in oil and gas) — Didenko.[14] Maria Kushnir[15] — Deputy Chief Accountant, «Naftogaz».
13) The Minister of Construction (and former mayor of Lviv) — Kuybida.[16]
14) Governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region (former Minister of Transport and Communications) — Bondar.[17]

Several officials have repeatedly called in for questioning, to open a criminal case, in particular, the First Vice Prime Minister Turchynov, but things were not open.

In late 2010 and early 2011 — have been jailed eight[18][19][20] representatives of the Movement of Entrepreneurs, «Common Cause», which was carried out «Tax Maidan 2010» in cooperation with Tymoshenko.

October 12, 2011, Attorney General of Ukraine declared its intention to initiate the resumption of criminal cases (which were closed in 2003—2005) to employees of corporation «United Energy Systems» (including by-law of Yulia Tymoshenko — 75-year-old Gennady Timoshenko).

European Parliament’s resolution: «The cases of Yulia Tymoshenko and other members of the former government»


June 9, 2011 The European Parliament adopted an important resolution on Ukraine, «The cases of Yulia Tymoshenko and other members of the former government»:
— «The European Parliament, taking into account its previous resolutions on Ukraine, in particular its resolution of November 25, 2010… Taking into consideration the statement of its President on the detention of Yulia Tymoshenko’s May 24, 2011; taking into account the statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton of 26 May 2011 about the case of Yulia Tymoshenko; taking into account the statement of Commissioner Stefan Fule, after his meeting with Yulia Tymoshenko, March 24, 2011 …

1. Stresses the importance of ensuring maximum transparency of investigations, prosecutions and court, and also warns against the possible use of criminal justice as a means of achieving political goals.
2. Concerned about the rise of selective prosecution of political opponents in Ukraine, as well as the disproportionate measures used, particularly in the case of Tymoshenko and former Interior Minister Lutsenko, draws attention to the fact that Lutsenko is under arrest in December 26, 2010»[4]

Assessment «of criminal cases against Tymoshenko allies» in the EU, U.S., Russia


December 30, 2010 The U.S. State Department said the Ukrainian government on the concerns of criminal cases against Tymoshenko team, that «prosecution should not be selective or politically motivated».[21]

January 13, 2011 Czech Republic «granted political asylum», the former minister of economy Bohdan Danylyshyn[7].

June 24, 2011 U.S. State Department said that the trial of Yulia Tymoshenko is politically motivated trial of the opposition representative.[22][23]

June 22, 2010 (the eve of the trial of the Timoshenko) — British Ambassador to Ukraine Leigh Turner — gave an interview to the ukrainian newspaper «The Day», where the Ukrainian authorities have warned of persecution of the opposition:

  • «We are closely watching the development of criminal cases against former officials… we are concerned about the assumptions about possible political motives of those cases … In case of deterioration of the situation, we will be forced to reconsider its position and will consult with our European and other international partners on the most an adequate response. We clearly explained to representatives of Ukrainian authorities, that any impression on the selectivity and the disproportionate use of legal action can significantly and for a long time to harm the international reputation of Ukraine».[24]

Ratings Tymoshenko after the verdict (after October 11, 2011)


October 11, 2011 (the day of sentencing Yulia Tymoshenko) administration of U.S. President called for «release of Yulia Tymoshenko and other political leaders and former members of the government».[25][26] October 13, 2011 Support Group Co-Chair of Ukraine in the U.S. Congress Mercy Kaptur has registered a draft resolution on «the persecution of opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko and her supporters».[27]

October 27, 2011 European Parliament (absolute majority; votes of five of the six fractions) adopted a resolution on Ukraine (third resolution for the year), which in view of statements by heads of the European Union, said that «as to criminal liability is involved an increasing number of officials, including Ministers of the former government, the heads of government departments and inspectorates, the heads of law enforcement units, district court judges and heads of local authorities», that is why the European Parliament «condemns the guilty verdict to former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko» (paragraph 2 of Resolution), «Insists that all the lawsuits against current and former high-ranking government should be in line with European standards» (paragraph 6 of Resolution).[28]

The President and Prime Minister of Russia, made several statements about the «politically motivated trial of Yulia Tymoshenko», and October 11, 2011, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement (see / 4E713869C43B4D2FC32579260043A7B2? OpenDocument Russian Foreign Ministry website): «One can not ignore the fact that the leadership of many states and world public perceive the whole judicial process as initiated solely by political motives».[29]

The director of «Ukrainian branch of the CIS Institute» (the Russian State Institute for the Study of CIS) Vladimir Kornilov noted that « If Kiev would continue to ignore the opinion of the European Union, Russia and the United States in the case of Yulia Tymoshenko, it may be that Brussels will treat Ukraine as a second Belorus».[30]

Prosecution (since 2010) of the former «Tymoshenko Cabinet»


Arrested and are in jail (as of October 2011 — 8-12 months) for a total of half a dozen colleagues from the Cabinet Tymoshenko. In most cases, charges of abuse of power.

  • December 30, 2010 The U.S. State Department said the Ukrainian government about concerns that the «persecution should not be selective or politically motivated»[31].
  • January 13, 2011 Czech Republic «granted political asylum», the former minister of economy Bohdan Danylyshyn[32].

The case against ex-Minister of Economy Bohdan Danylyshyn


August 5, 2010 Bogdan Danylyshyn flew to Germany.

August 12, 2010 Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office instituted criminal proceedings against Bohdan Danylyshyn (Minister of Economic Affairs in the government of Tymoshenko 2007—2010)[33] under Part 2 of Art. 364 «Abuse of power or official capacity».[34] Danylyshyn was put on international wanted list. October 18, 2010 Danylyshyn came from Germany in the «Ukrainian Embassy in the Czech Republic» — where his lawyer allegedly agreed to conciliation meeting.

However, on 18 September 2010, after a meeting at the Ukrainian Embassy, Czech police arrested Danylyshyn (following a request from Interpol), when he came out of the Ukrainian embassy in Prague.[34]

After his arrest, Danylyshyn filed a request for «political asylum», and January 12, 2011 has received «political asylum in the Czech Republic».[34]

Emblem of the Ministry Defense of Ukraine

The case against the former defense minister Ivashchenko


August 24, 2010 arrested a former acting Defense Minister Valeriy Ivashchenko. He was accused of making illegal decision on sale of property «Feodosia Marine Engineering Plant».

June 20, 2011 Vladimir Ivashchenko hunger strike in protest against his detention, but due to the rapidly deteriorating health, he was forced to stop the hunger strike on June 25.[6]

The case against ex-Minister of the Environment George Filipchuk


December 14, 2010 arrested a former «Minister of Environmental Protection of Ukraine» George Filipchuk: «The General Prosecutor of Ukraine December 13, 2010 filed a criminal case against former Minister of Environment Protection of Ukraine Georgiy Filipchuk on the grounds of crime under Part 2 of Art. 364 of the Criminal Code (abuse of power), which caused grave consequences».[8] Filipchuk charged with involvement in the case of the Kyoto money (see «The criminal case against Tymoshenko in 2010»).[8]

April 8, 2011 Attorney General’s office announced the release from custody of George Filipchuk, in connection with the end of familiarization with criminal case material.[35]

The case against ex-Minister of Regional Development and Construction Vasyl Kuibida


In June 2010, opened a criminal case against Basil Kuybida (Minister of Regional Development and Construction in the government of Tymoshenko in 2007—2010, the mayor of Lviv in 1994—2002, Ph.D. Public Administration).[36][16] SBU accused Kuybida that he has appointed without competition head of the State Architectural Construction Control of the Rivne region. The trial began in August 2010, but the Court has repeatedly transferred — in September, in October, November.[16][36]

Kuybida said that under the law if the Minister has agreed with the governor of some «candidate for the post of regional director of the State Architectural Construction Control», then the competition may be waived. Former governor of Rivne region Viktor Matchuk — confirmed the testimony Kuybida.[37]

December 13, 2010 Shevchenko District Court of Kyiv has closed the above case.[16] The prosecutor made a protest against the closure of the case, but 14.1.2011 «Court of Appeal of Kyiv» has confirmed the decision to close the case.[16]

Basil Kuybida said the case against him excited, trying to keep him on election of the Mayor of Lviv:

  • «They started clinging to me after I had consulted about the possibility of my running for Mayor of Lviv. So much time I was in Kiev, and had to forget about elections in Lviv. As a result, they have achieved that I did not run for mayor of Lviv».[38]

Indeed, the local elections in Ukraine took place 31.10.2010 and soon «the case Kuybida» was closed. During the local elections in the Ukraine — criminal cases were instituted against the mayors of several cities.[39][40]

The case against the former First Deputy Minister of Justice Korneychuck


December 22, 2010 Prosecutor’s Office arrested former «First Deputy Minister of Justice» (in the Cabinet Tymoshenko) Eugene Korneychuck;[9] He is the son-in-the head of the Supreme Court Vasyl Onopenko. Korniychuk was arrested on the day when his wife gave birth — a newborn baby in two days was in intensive care.

However, after several weeks (February 15, 2011) former First Deputy Justice Minister Eugene Korniychuk change the preventive measure for release on own recognizance (after meeting Basil Onopenko and President Yanukovych).[41]

The case against Victor Bondar, the ex-governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region


December 24, 2010 Prosecutor’s Office arrested the former Minister of Transport and Communications, ex-governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region Victor Bondar.[9] Strictly speaking, Bondar joined the «team of the Prime Minister Tymoshenko» — only in the last months before the presidential election-2010, but his position was very important in the election of 2010.

Against B. Bondar was prosecuted for his work as Acting Minister of Transport in 2006 (in the government of Yekhanurov, after dismissal of Minister of Transport Eugene Chervonenko) during construction of the bus station «Teremki». The prosecutor’s office said that the damage amounted to 625 thousand USD (5 million UAH).[42] The criminal case was opened under Part 5 of Art. 27, Part 2, Art. 194, Art. 353 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, «complicity in the intentional destruction of another’s property, causing property damage in a large scale, combined with the unauthorized appropriation of power».[17]

The case against Igor Didenko and Anatoly Makarenko

The logo of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy

June 23, 2010 arrested the former chairman of the State Customs Service of Ukraine Anatoliy Makarenko.[10] July 8, 2010 arrested a former first deputy head of the «Naftogaz» Igor Didenko.[14]

July 22, 2010, First Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka (six months later he was appointed Attorney General) said: «Taken into custody (21.07.2010) Taras Shepitko — Deputy Head of the Department of Energy Regional Customs».[11] Pshonka stressed that the decision of the Stockholm court is not grounds for a criminal case.[11]

All three were charged that in pursuance of the Ukrainian-Russian intergovernmental agreement on 19.1.2009 (on overcoming the «Ukraine-Russia gas crisis-2009») — customs clearance and was to balance the state company «Naftogaz» 11 billion cubic meters of gas from the company «Gazprom» (the gas was initially designed the Swiss company «RUE», but it has not been paid).[43]

It Taras Shepitko in March 2009


Even under President Yushchenko — March 2, 2009 the Security Service (head Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, first deputy Valeriy Khoroshkovskiy) opened a criminal investigation into allegedly taking possession of Naftogaz «6.3 billion cubic meters of transit natural gas to more than 1 billion USD.»[44] In this case, was detained, «deputy chief of the Energy Regional Customs» Taras Shepitko. However, the Acting Chairman of the Board of «Naftogaz» Igor Didenko appealed the decision to institute criminal proceedings in the District Court of Kyiv Shevchenko, and March 24, 2009 Shevchenko district court declared illegal certain actions of the SBU, and reversed the decision of the Security Service to initiate the criminal case. Shepitko was released from jail.[44]

Maria Kushnir, deputy chief accountant «Naftogaz»


Maria Kushnir this is the fifth defendant in a «criminal case on gas RosUkrEnergo» (for which arrested Tymoshenko, Didenko, Makarenko, Shepitko).

July 23, 2010 SBU opened a criminal case against the deputy chief accountant of Naftogaz Maria Kushnir. July 26, 2010 Pechersk District Court in Kyiv issued a warrant to arrest Kushnir. The head of the SBU Khoroshkovskiy said : Kushnir was employed to «Naftogaz» specifically for operations on customs registration of gas RosUkrEnergo. «Her function was to just put a signature. It was she who gave the command to put gas in the „balance of Naftogaz“ and signed the initial document».[45]

Originally Kushnir was charged with «Part 2 st.367 of the Criminal Code» (neglect of official duty, entailing grave consequences),[15] which provides for imprisonment for a term of «up to three years».[45] But 9 September 2010 in respect of Kushnir was prosecuted for «Part 2 st.364 of the Criminal Code» (abuse of authority or official position, which entailed grave consequences).

September 10, 2010 in cooperation with law enforcement authorities of the Russian Federation, Kushnir was detained in Volgograd Oblast (Russian Federation);[15] and a month later extradited to Ukraine. Since then (until November 2011) M. Kushnir is in jail, and in the press there are no reports on the progress of her case.

Chronology of events at the suit of RosUkrEnergo in the Stockholm arbitration


In April 2008, RosUkrEnergo has filed first suit against Naftogaz (in the Court of Arbitration at Stockholm Chamber of Commerce). In January 2009, RosUkrEnergo has filed another three suit against «Naftogaz». «Naftogaz» also filed a counter the four suit against «RosUkrEnergo». All suits in this dispute have been combined into one case.[11]

April 2, 2010 «Court of Arbitration in Stockholm», issued an interim decision on the claim of RosUkrEnergo to Naftogaz ($ 2 billion), and ordered «Naftogaz» to return to the plaintiff $ 197 million.[11]

June 8, 2010 Stockholm arbitration decided (based on a «settlement agreement» under which Ukraine, «Naftogaz» recognized all claims RosUkrEnergo), according to which «Naftogaz of Ukraine» is obliged to return RosUkrEnergo «11 billion m ³ of gas plus 10 % of compensation».[46]

In January 2009 the 11 billion cubic meters of Russian gas destined RosUkrEnergo (RUE), but RosUkrEnergo has not paid the price of gas to Gazprom. Therefore, in January 2009: — Naftogaz repaid «RosUkrEnergo debt to Gazprom» in the amount of 1.7 billion dollars.[46] And in return, «Gazprom» passed «Naftogaz» compensation — the 11 billion cubic meters of gas (ie, at a price of $ 156 per 1,000 cubic meters.);
— at the same time RosUkrEnergo was excluded from the scheme of gas supply (in Ukraine and abroad), a gas supply agreement entered into directly state-owned companies «Naftogaz» and «Gazprom». Prior to April 2010 «Gazprom» owned 50 % stake in RosUkrEnergo, but in April 2010 «Gazprom» came from the founders of RosUkrEnergo — RosUkrEnergo became fully privately owned company with a controlling stake in D. Firtash.

In the period from November 2010 to April 2011 — «Naftogaz» gave the Swiss company RosUkrEnergo — 12.1 billion cubic meters of gas (11 billion cubic meters, plus 10 % of compensation), and RUE paid «Naftogaz» 1.7 billion dollars. As of 2011 (when the price in the European Union 490[46] dollars per thousand cubic meters), the total value of the transferred gas — about 5.4[46] billion USD.

Point of view D. Firtash — outlined in his interview with the magazine «Focus».[47]

Exemption Makarenko and Shepitko — after a year in jail


July 5, 2011 Anatoliy Makarenko and Taras Shepitko — were suddenly released from the jail (however, their criminal cases are not closed, and remained recognizance not to leave).

July 5, 2011, Anatoly Makarenko and Taras Shepitko — were suddenly released from prison (however, their criminal cases are not closed, and remained recognizance not to leave).[48] Press claimed that «the liberation of Makarenko», is associated with upcoming meeting (06.07.2011 in the Crimea) of Russian Prime Minister Putin and Yanukovych, because even in the summer of 2010 «commander of the Russian fleet» (who knew Makarenko for naval service in Russia) have been asked to Putin and Yanukovych — the release from prison Makarenko. And Putin has supported their request in a speech on the Day of the Navy of Russia, 2010.[10][49]

In connection with the release of Makarenko in the press in Ukraine there are «leaks» (from the deputies of fundamentally different factions of the Verkhovna Rada) that Russia is advised to «stop harassing Tymoshenko».[50] Similarly, at a press conference July 7, 2011, in Moscow (on the results of talks between Putin and Azarov), Prime Minister Putin said that Russia is against the revision of the «gas contract from 1/19/2009,» and believes that criticisms of the treaty by the Government of Ukraine has a political component, the desire to prove that all the predecessors have done poorly.[51]

The heads of the State Treasury: Tatiana Slyuz and Tatiana Gritsoun


Tatiana Slyuz


December 24, 2010 declared wanted by Tatiana Yaroslavovna Slyuz (Chairman of the State Treasury of Ukraine), she is charged with involvement in the case of the «Kyoto money»[12] (see Criminal cases against Yulia Tymoshenko since 2010). The prosecutor’s office claims that Slyuz is abroad.[12]

Gritsoun Tatiana, the first deputy chairman of the Treasury


July 19, 2010, was detained Tatiana Gritsoun (Former First Deputy Head of the State Treasury of Ukraine).[13] July 22, 2010 Pechersk district court sanctioned the arrest of her — she is charged «abuse of power or position, resulted in grave consequences» (Part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, provides imprisonment for 3-6 years):
— Gritsoun (from September 2009 to April 2010) gave instructions not to release 800 million hryvnia tender guarantees for participants in the privatization tender «Odessa port plant» (OPP) for the companies «Nortima» and «Frunze Flora» (these companies also won in court penalties of more than 2 million UAH, ie, 180 thousand euros). Gritsoun blamed for the fact that it prevented the return of collateral against the payment order the State Property Fund of Ukraine.[13]

As of November 2011 Tatiana Gritsoun is in jail.

The essence of the conflict over the OPP is:
Prime Minister Tymoshenko has sought, through the privatization of strategic enterprises OPP — much to replenish the state budget (during the crisis in 2009). At the same time, Ukraine was preparing for the presidential election — and President Viktor Yushchenko led the fight against Tymoshenko, including, issued a decree prohibiting the privatization of the OPP.[52] Because of this Ordinance, the competition did not attend the most powerful investors. Only three companies have submitted applications to participate in the tender, the tender price remained practically at the grassroots level.[52] The firm «Nortima» (owned by Igor Kolomoisky) has won the auction But Tymoshenko said that the Odesa Portside Plant will not be sold, because the participants had agreed on a minimal cost. In response — Kolomoisky promised to sue, but Tymoshenko has suspended the return of collateral, which is paid «Nortima» and «Frunze Flora». But third bidder — a Russian company «Nitrogen-Service», which represented the interests of «Gazprom», immediately got back a collateral.[13] Tymoshenko said that the money in the state budget is not — and collaterals will be refunded in full, but after the privatization of «Odessa port plant».[13]

The case against the former Police Minister Yuriy Lutsenko

Emblem of the Ministry of Police of Ukraine

December 26, 2010 arrested former minister of Ministry of Internal Affairs Yuri Lutsenko. Against Lutsenko launched three criminal cases :

  • Inflated pensions of its driver (worth about 100 euros per month and single payment at retirement 2.5 thousand euros).[5][53]
  • On the expenditure of funds for the celebration of Police Day at the Palace «Ukraine» in 2008—2009[54] — total were spent 60 thousand euros.
  • Continuation of the illegal surveillance of persons involved in case of poisoning of Yushchenko[55] (part 3 st.364 of the Criminal Code — malpractice committed by a law enforcement officer).[56]

Hunger Strike by Yuriy Lutsenko — 30 days, and 25 kg


Protesting against the illegal arrest, Yuriy Lutsenko April 23, 2011 began a hunger strike (during the hunger strike he had not eaten anything, but drank coffee with sugar).[57][58] April 28 — signed by an official act for the management of the jail «voluntary refusal of food», to May 10 — lost 19.5Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page). On May 19 due to poor health — Lutsenko put «drip glucose, intravenous nutrition.» May 23, 2011 was scheduled for trial, which was a question of a «preventive measure» (ie, Lutsenko to release from custody). Lutsenko stopped the hunger strike — only after the trial, May 23 (to stand, so a 30-day hunger strike, losing about 25 kg of weight) — he said:

  • «I consider it inappropriate to continue the hunger strike. I started it to prove that we have in Ukraine there is no prosecution. Today’s sessions of the court I have proved that we do not have a fair trial, but I need more health in order to break it».[59]
Yuriy Lutsenko in opposition, a week before parliamentary elections. 03/20/2007

«Letters from Prison»


While in detention, Lutsenko has written (by June 2011) six «Letters from Prison» — journalistic articles on topical political issues.[60]

Lutsenko supported — Head of the Committee of the EU-Ukraine Marek Siwiec


29 June 2011 head of the «Parliamentary Cooperation Committee», «European Union»-Ukraine in the European Parliament, Marek Siwiec (former head of the «Polish National Security Bureau»)[61] — officially appealed to the Ukrainian authorities to release Lutsenko to court — under his personal guarantee:
— «I have decided to appeal to the competent judicial authorities (Ukraine) to consider my personal guarantee for the release of Lutsenko and giving them freedom to stand trial, — said the MEP. Siwiec recalled the European Parliament resolution, which states an increase in prosecutions of former government and the opposition».[62]

Assessment «of criminal cases against Tymoshenko allies» in the EU and the U.S


Important European Parliament resolution: «Cases of Yulia Tymoshenko and other members of the former government»


June 9, 2011 «The European Parliament» has — a very important resolution on Ukraine, «Yulia Tymoshenko affairs and other members of the former government»:
— «The European Parliament, taking into account its previous resolutions on Ukraine, in particular its resolution of November 25, 2010 … Taking into consideration the statement of its President on the detention of Yulia Tymoshenko’s May 24, 2011, taking into account the statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton of 26 May 2011 in the case of Yulia Tymoshenko, taking into account the statement of Commissioner Stefan Fule, after his meeting with Yulia Tymoshenko, March 24, 2011 …

1. Stresses the importance of ensuring maximum transparency of investigations, prosecutions and court, and also warns against the possible use of criminal justice as a means of achieving political goals.
2. Concerned about the rise of selective prosecution of political opponents in Ukraine, as well as the disproportionate measures used, particularly in the case of Tymoshenko and former Interior Minister Lutsenko, draws attention to the fact that Lutsenko is under arrest in December 26, 2010»[4]

Evaluation of the U.S. government and European Union countries


June 24, 2011 U.S. State Department said that the trial of Yulia Tymoshenko is politically motivated trial of the opposition.[63][64]

June 22, 2010 (the eve of the trial of the Timoshenko) — British Ambassador to Ukraine Leigh Turner — gave an interview to «The Day», where the Ukrainian authorities have warned of persecution of the opposition:

  • «We are closely watching the development of criminal cases against former government officials… We are concerned about the assumptions about possible political motives of those cases. While Ukraine holds negotiations on an Association Agreement with the EU and the chair of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, we call on the Ukrainian authorities to ensure compliance by Ukraine of their international obligations … We will continue to monitor the subsequent consideration of these cases in the courts, especially the cases filed against leaders of opposition political forces … In case of deterioration of the situation, we will be forced to reconsider its position and will consult with our European and other international partners on the most appropriate response. Now we have clearly explained to the representatives of Ukrainian authorities, that any impression of selective and disproportionate use of legal action can significantly and permanently damage the international image of Ukraine».[24]

«Square Tax-2010», «Common Cause» as Tymoshenko supporters


«Tax Maidan-2010,» although by themselves before going to the «small and medium-sized enterprises» (under the leadership of the organization «Common Cause»), but among the political forces, they focused primarily on the «united opposition Tymoshenko»:

Developments on «Tax Maidan-2010»


The fall of 2010 in Ukraine, a wave of mass Photographic materials on the topic «Tax Maidan». The site of the newspaper «Moskovsky Komsomolets», № 25 507, 24.11.2010.]</ref>[65] of small and medium-sized businesses — they were protesting against a number of steps, «Yanukovych» to reduce «social standards» by conducting a series of «oligarchic reforms»:

  • New «Tax Code» suggested significantly (several times) to raise taxes on «small business» (especially increased taxes for the «smallest businesses», which until then was the «simplified tax system»), also suffered from medium-sized businesses. Individual entrepreneurs were forbidden (by introducing an additional fee) to perform work for the «legal persons», also provided «proof housing entrepreneur Tax Inspectorate without warrants.»
  • New «Pension Code» and «Labor Code» — also significantly worsened the situation of the masses.

The culmination of the protests was «tax Maidan» (all-Ukrainian meeting «of small and medium-sized enterprises» vs. «Tax Code Azarov, Tigipko» was held 22.11.2010 — 03.12.2010). Maidan-2010 has made the abolition of «destroying small business provisions of the „Tax Code Azarov, Tigipko“». In these protests, «small and medium enterprises» supported almost exclusively by BYT Timoshenko (22.11.2010 Tymoshenko came to Independence Square with a keynote speech);[66] at the beginning of the protests — BYT sought not a substitute for the «movement entrepreneurs» to provide «mass action, free from political confrontation».

Crackdown on «Tax Maidan-2010», the arrests of activists


November 27, 2010 in the tent to the protesters on Independence Square — came[67] President Yanukovich and Prime Minister Azarov, they promised to entrepreneurs «to hear their requests.» Indeed, some of the most odious provisions of the «Tax Code» has been corrected in the new edition of the Code 29.11.2010,[68] but:
— 3 December 2010 the police demolished the tents of the remaining activists of the «Tax Maidan».[69]: «At 5:00 am Square was surrounded by four zagradotryadami MUP».[69]
— 28 December 2010 have been arrested three activists of the «Tax Maidan»: Garkavenko IA Zaplatkin O. V. Gruzinov and a fourth person arrested (co-organizer stock Mandic Alexander) was soon released. As of 14 January 2011 — were criminal cases for 7 activists of the «Tax Maidan», are entrepreneurs: Okhtyrka, Mandic, Kavenko, Zaplatkin, Georgians, Melnichenko, Fedchuk. They are charged with «damaging the tiles on the Independence Square», a $ 230 thousand UAH. (21 thousand euros.)[18] He was charged under the article «intentional destruction of or damage to another’s property, causing damage on a large scale, by prior agreement of parties.» They are accused of damaging the granite covering the area of Independence Square — through hammering in the granite coating of metal rods in the number of 132 «They arrested three activists of the tax Maidan». The site «Comments PRO.UA», 29.12.2010.]</ref>[19]
— In December 2010 — was arrested and activist of the «Tax Maidan» Sergei Costache (as of July 2011 is in jail).[20]

Thus, for the «peaceful protests against the Tax Code» (which was still largely repealed and revised in consultation with the president and prime minister) — were arrested and are in jail without trial for more than seven months (as of July 2011) 8 people. The leader of the «Tax Maidan» Alexander Danyluk and «association of small entrepreneurs» — continue to cooperate with BYT Tymoshenko during the protests in May-August 2011.

Collaboration with President Yanukovych part of the opposition, which does not recognize the leader Tymoshenko


However, there is some opposition, which does not recognize Tymoshenko as their leader, and therefore can not qualify as «associates Timoshenko» — although it is also a certain detachment of the opposition. After coming to power of Viktor Yanukovych have been targeted and arrested almost exclusively political team Tymoshenko and Ministers of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Companions Yushchenko


Viktor Yanukovych with working part of the opposition — the closest associates Viktor Yushchenko obtained high positions: minister «of the Ministry of Emergency Situations» Balogh[70]; chairman of the Supervisory Board of the National Bank [[Poroshenko, Peter A.|Peter «Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko supports the establishment of national land registry.» UNIAN, 05.04.2011.]</ref> Ambassador to Belarus — Roman Immortal Eugene Chervonenko — Head of Aviation

Boxing. Chervonenko: «The Ukrainian flag will protect a person Haye», 02.07.2011.]</ref>[[Kaskiv, Vladislav|Vladislav On the appointment of B. Kaskiva Chairman of the State Agency for Investment and management of national projects in Ukraine]</ref> (former leader of «Time» prior to October 2006) — The head of the «State Agency for Investments and Management of National Projects»; Marina Stavniychuk (term Venice Commission) — worked for a while, «Deputy Head of Presidential Administration Yanukovych».[71]

Other political forces opozitsionnye


Also, there is no prosecution with regard to political forces, ex-speaker of the Arseniy Yatseniuk Sergei Tigipko Anatoly Gritsenko Oleg Tyahnybok.

There are examples of cooperation with Yanukovych even «former politicians BYT», but only if these policies — complete break with the BYT. Two of them were «notable posts»:

  • Feldman (№ 43[72] in the lists of the 2007 elections BYuT, the former head of BYuT in Kharkiv region, the owner large market in Kharkov) — 25.06.2010 removed from the Buttes «Fatherland» (but the parliamentary mandate of BYT — refused to surrender) 03/16/2011 entered into «Regions Party», 7/8/2011 elected political council [[The Party

«Today, at a meeting of the Political Council of Party of Regions MP, member of Party of Regions parliamentary faction Oleksandr Feldman was elected a member of the Political Council». The site «Comments.ua», 8.7.2011.]</ref>

  • Portnov (№ 58[72] lists BYuT election-2007, a famous lawyer, group «Privat», led a team of lawyers Tymoshenko on the process after the presidential election, 2010) — Defender Tymoshenko went to work for Yanukovych]</ref> was appointed to the post of «Deputy Head of Presidential Administration» (chapter AP had nine alternate members). At the same time excluded from the Buttes «Fatherland», 4/16/2010 handed «deputies from BYuT mandate.» 05/04/2011 fired[73] from office, «the deputy head of presidential administration.»

Feldman and Taylor — in the past «important members of BYT,» but not «close associates Tymoshenko» (№ 43, № 58 in the list). Total of «faction BYuT» — for the 2010—2011 year were excluded (mainly for «voting against the decision of the faction»), about a third of the deputies — out of 156 remained «a little over 100 members» (July 2011).

Multimedia content



  1. ^ a b 2562.html Everyone who sits, and just getting ready. Paul Vuets. The ukrainian site «Glavkom» (Commander in Chief), 10.01.2011.
  2. ^ «Transparency International: Audit Tymoshenko — more of a witch hunt». The international anti-corruption network «Transparency International» believe that «Washington audit» discredits the fight against corruption in Ukraine. The ukrainian newspaper «Segodnia» (Today), 15.10.2010 (Friday).
  3. ^ Freedom House compared Ukraine with revolutionary countries in the Middle the East. The site «Glavred», 29.06.2011.
  4. ^ a b c «European Parliament resolution on Ukraine: the case of Yulia Tymoshenko and other members of the former government.» 9.6.2011. Cite error: The named reference "evroparlament" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  5. ^ a b Destruction of the Shrew. Vladimir Aryev. The newspaper «The Mirror of the week». Ukraine № 18, May 20, 2011.
  6. ^ a b [ http://www.focus.ua/politics/139683 Prosecutor General’s Office reports : Former acting Defense Minister Valeriy Ivashchenko was arrested. Site of the «Focus», 25.8.2010.]
  7. ^ a b Czech Republic has granted political asylum to Danylyshyn . The site of the ukrainian newspaper «Mirror of the Week», 13.01.2011.
  8. ^ a b c Prosecutors arrested former Minister Tymoshenko. The site of the newspaper «Left Bank», 14.12.2010.
  9. ^ a b c Ordinary sadism. Sonya Koshkina. The site of the newspaper «Left Bank», 26.12.2010.
  10. ^ a b c Admirals and officers of the Russian Navy, wrote a letter to President Yanukovych with a request to release from custody of their former colleague, Anatoly Makarenko. The site «TSN.ua» (Ukrainian TV news service, «1 +1», «2 +2», «TET»). 27.8.2010.
  11. ^ a b c d e versii.com/news/210981 / The Court authorized the arrest of Taras Shepitko. The site «Version», 22.07.2010.
  12. ^ a b c Ex-head of the State Treasury Tatyana Slyuz is abroad, according to the Attorney General. The site «NEWS.ru.ua», 5.1.2011.
  13. ^ a b c d e Tatiana arrested Gritsoun — subordinate Tymoshenko. Site «Business Guide», 27.07.2010.
  14. ^ a b Ukraine’s special services have detained a top manager «Naftogaz» responsible for the deal with RosUkrEnergo.
  15. ^ a b c SBU confirms detention in the Russian Federation, the former deputy chief accountant of «Naftogaz Ukrainy» Maria Kushnir, now addressed the issue of her extradition to Ukraine. The newspaper «Mirror of the Week», 15.9.2010.
  16. ^ a b c d e The court acquitted the ex-minister Kuybida. Site of the «United Odessa», 14.1.2011.
  17. ^ a b Ex-deputy minister faces up to 10 years imprisonment. Site of «The League. News», 24.12.2010.
  18. ^ a b In the case of the Tax Maidan accused Seven activists. The site «TCH.ua», «Mogilev recalled that the amount of damage from damage granite coating made 230 thousand hryvnia.» The site «TCH.ua», 14.1.2011.
  19. ^ a b «Massacre of participants in tax Maidan». NovelZinoviev, the newspaper «The Mirror of the week.» Ukraine № 9, March 11, 2011.
  20. ^ a b 2011/06/15/6300729 / «activist tax Maidan seven months awaiting trial behind bars.» The site «Ukrainian Pravda», 15.6.2011.
  21. ^ The Financial Times : U.S. issued a sharp warning Ukraine’s leadership. 01.01.2011
  22. ^ U.S. State Department is concerned about the process over Tymoshenko
  23. ^ Prosecution of Ukrainian Opposition Leaders
  24. ^ a b kiev.ua/211487 «We are closely watching the development of criminal cases against former officials». Leigh Turner, British Ambassador to Ukraine, especially for the «Day». The newspaper «The Day», № 107, June 22, 2011 (Wednesday). Cite error: The named reference "posol-britanii" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  25. ^ Statement by the U.S. Government regarding Ukraine (in connection with the sentence Yulia Tymoshenko). The White House, United States. (Statement by the Press Secretary on Ukraine. The White House, USA). 11.10.2011.
  26. ^ Obama calls for dismissal of Tymoshenko. The site «Ukrainian Pravda», 11.10.2011.
  27. ^ [http:// glavcom.ua/news/60148.html U.S. demand to release political prisoners Ukrainian. The ukrainian site «Glavkom» (Commander in Chief), 31.10.2011.]
  28. ^ ua/articles/2011/10/27/6708429 / EP resolution on Ukraine. The site «Ukrainian Pravda», 27.10.2011.
  29. ^ MFA of Russia. 11.10.2011.
  30. ^ Tymoshenko verdict. A day that has not changed Ukraine. Site of the program «Voice of America», 20.10.2011.
  31. ^ The Financial Times: U.S. issued a sharp warning Ukraine’s leadership. 01.01.2011.
  32. ^ «Czech Republic has granted political asylum Danylyshyn». The website of the ukrainian newspaper «Mirror of the Week», 13.01.2011.
  33. ^ Against the Minister Tymoshenko’s government initiated a criminal case
  34. ^ a b c Danylyshyn was granted political asylum in the Czech Republic. The site «For-ua.com», 12.1.2011.
  35. ^ Ex-officials who are familiar with the cases were released on bail, while Lutsenko should not delude. The site of the newspaper «Mirror of the Week», Kiev, 8.4.2011.
  36. ^ a b Shevchenko District Court verdict today in the case Kuybida. The site «News of Ukraine», 13.1.2010.
  37. ^ The trial Kuybida moved to September. The site of the newspaper «Left Bank», 17.08.2010.
  38. ^ Kuybida believes that his case was started because of local elections. The site «Ukrainian Pravda», 14.1.2011.
  39. ^ Mayor Nemirov arrested. 22.9.2010.
  40. ^ Alushta Mayor Vladimir Scherbina taken into custody for false solutions of a collegial body. The site «TCH.ua», 20.10.2010.
  41. ^ Eugene Korniychuk released from the guard. The newspaper «Kommersant. Ukraine», 15.02.2011.
  42. ^ Former Minister sew the case for 5 million. The site «Ukrainian Pravda», 21.1.2011.
  43. ^ .com.ua/rus/articles/2008/01/31/4432554/view_print /«Firtash. Part Three. Cause of gas.» Mustafa Hire for «Ukrainian Truth», January 31 Stockholm court ordered Naftogaz to return RosUkrEnergo 11 billion cubic meters of gas — the company Firtash. The site «Tsenzor.net.» 08.06.2010.
  44. ^ a b Following Makarenko and Didenko were arrested Shepitko. The site «Gigamir», 23.7.2010.
  45. ^ a b Wanted deputy chief accountant «Naftogaz of Ukraine» Maria Kushnir. The site «Ukraine Daily», 26.07.2010.
  46. ^ a b c d Pechersk court arrested the chief of the Kiev regional customs Taras Shepitko. The site «Left Bank», 22.7.2010.
  47. ^ «Mr. F. Interview with Dmitry Firtash.» Site of the «Focus», 9.12.2011.
  48. ^ [http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VD2s8bk1_A Tymoshenko commented on the release of Didenko and Shepitko 5.7.2011: «This is not the result of justice, but the result of a clear position of international democracy and democratic forces in Ukraine».]
  49. ^ Makarenko: 5 months behind bars. Vitaly Chervonenko. Site «Glavkom». 24.11.2010.
  50. ^ Media reports about the conversation Putin and Yanukovich : if Yanukovych does not want to complications with the Kremlin, he should abandon the prosecution of Tymoshenko. The site «Tsenzor.net», 06.07.2011.
  51. ^ Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov held a joint press conference after a meeting of the Committee on Economic Cooperation. The site of the Russian government. 7.6.2011.
  52. ^ a b Sale of OPP : failure, scandal and conspiracy. Dmitry Korotkov. The newspaper «Today», 30.9.2009.
  53. ^ Prosecutors filed charges against Ukraine’s ex-Interior Minister Lutsenko.
  54. ^ Lutsenko has received the case file for review. Site of «The League. News», 28.01.2011.
  55. ^ Lutsenko was detained by the new criminal case. Site «Focus», 27.12.2010.
  56. ^ Lutsenko is charged with abuse of power, which emerged from a case of poisoning of Yushchenko. 29.12.2010.
  57. ^ «Lutsenko dropped there». Site «The League news», 22.04.2011.
  58. ^ Cite error: The named reference fakty was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  59. ^ «Lutsenko stopped the hunger strike. Yuriy Lutsenko in court, told reporters that he stops hunger strike to gain strength to deal with a system in which there is no prosecution and a fair trial.» The site «Ukrainian Truth». May 23, 2011 (Monday).
  60. ^ Yuriy Lutsenko «Letter from Prison № 6. Grandfather Ivan, Hitler and Stalin», site news agency «UNIAN», 05.05.2011.
  61. ^ / News/25447 «MEP Marek Siwiec Ukrainian court is prepared to provide a personal guarantee if it will be necessary to release from custody of ex-Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko.» The site «Tyzhden (ut.net.ua)», June 29, 2011.
  62. ^ «MEP is prepared to provide a personal guarantee for the release of Lutsenko». Site of Ukrainian TV «Channel 5», 29.06.2011.
  63. ^ U.S. State Department is concerned about the process over Tymoshenko
  64. ^ Prosecution of Ukrainian Opposition Leaders
  65. ^ Tax Maidan. The site «Liga.novosti», 22.11.2010
  66. ^ & feature=related «Maidan demands veto on tax fascism» (keynote address Yulia Tymoshenko on the first day of the «Tax Maidan»). 22.11.2010.
  67. ^ «Danyluk: Yanukovych and Azarov came to Maidan, because they fear a social explosion.» The site of the newspaper «Mirror of the Week» (Kiev), 27.11.2010.
  68. ^ «Parliament for half an hour» bore «The new Tax Code.» 29.11.2010.
  69. ^ a b Tent camp on Maidan dispersed the hundreds of police officers. There are detainees and victims. Videos: 3 December 2010. The site «NEWS.ru.ua», 3.12.2010.
  70. ^ Yanukovych did unian.net/ukr/news/news-406097.html Baloga Minister
  71. ^ 01/40637, Yanukovych has appointed Stavniychuk Deputy Presidential Administration. The site «Ukra.News», 1.4.2011.
  72. ^ a b List of candidates for elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 30.09.2007, «The Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc» site of the «Central Election Commission of Ukraine», 30.9.2007.
  73. ^ «Media: Portnov dismissed as deputy AP, Herman also face dismissal.» The site «Ukra.News», 5.4.2011.
  74. ^ Didenko appears in court (20/06/2010) after arrest 06/10/2010
  75. ^ Didenko in court 27.8.2010.

Категория:All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland" politicians Категория:European Court of Human Rights cases involving Ukraine Категория:Members of the Verkhovna Rada Категория:Prisoners and detainees of Ukraine Категория:Ukrainian criminals Категория:Ukrainian politicians Категория:Ukrainian prisoners and detainees