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User:Vistolina201000640/Uukuvu Wantinda

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Uukuuvu village is a village in Ongandjera tribal in Omusati region Omusati_Region in Namibia country, Under the headman Petrus Nampweya and control by the senior headman Mrs. Hileni Iyambo of Okalili district which under the readership of new appointed Ongandjera king Johannes Mupiya [1]. The village is situated around 12 km south Okahao town, north of Etosha national park and close to salt pan [2]. In village there infrastructure and services such electricity, water ,network tower and gravel road D3635.Some village houses are have electricity and water but there is also public water and two supermarket. In the village there two school called Amwaanda Primary School, Ananias Emvula secondary school, A big Evangelican church called Onemanya and A health Centre called Indira Gandhi a beautiful facility consisting of a primary health care clinic, Maternity and community hall [3].This health centre helps patient from different areas such as peoples from Onamatanga ,Uutsathima ,Omukondo ,Oshilulu ,Okalili , Ilambo, Akutsima , Epumbu ,Iitapa ,Onambandje and Onandjila etc and there are no more travelling long distance to go to Okahao Hospital. My vision for 2030 I think Uukuuvu Wantinda will develop to become a town.

