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User:Vincent Lextrait

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am contributor to the French pages of Wikipedia [1].



A frequent mistake is to add spaces around em dashes. In case of doubt: Manual for dashes.



I have been, in 1984, the co-author with Bruno Chabrier of MAD.


I have travelled in:



Question 6 generalized


with , when it yields a result in , is always a power of .

Question 6 is the case where is 2.

When is 3, there are only two solutions (symmetry put aside): and , both yielding .

When , there are no solutions.

Incompressible real numbers


Let I be the set of real numbers with an infinite Kolmogorov complexity. I is the set of incompressible numbers. Show that I is dense in .

Software development index


The software development index of a developer for a given programming language is the average number of lines of code written in that language that turn out to be bug free. The whole mankind is between 3 and 20.



What if all the surprising repetitions in the Voynich Manuscript were actually due to the fact that it does not contain a text, but another piece of data, which is often repetitive? What if it was the work of a person trying to preserve forbidden Arabic music in the context of the Reconquista? For instance Andalusi classical music? We wouldn't be looking for words in a language but some form of Musical notation, possibly cheironomic signs.