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As for Levine’s interests in research, he is interested in how chemicals react with each other. The evolution of reactants to products, the movement of atoms, the operation of energy constraints, and steric requirements are some of the areas he explores. He became interested in how these reactions occur in extreme conditions rather than  in their equilibrium state. In general, Levine examines more abstract topics using techniques based on information theory, algebraic quantum mechanics, and breaking down complicated problems into simpler and easier to explain concepts.[1] His recent study of the algebraic approach to reaction dynamics based on the maximum entropy principles gained a following though his application of theories of quantum mechanics and thermodynamics in their construction.  Levine is considered a pioneer by the academia in modern theory of chemically reactive collisions and unimolecular reactions. The application of principles of quantum mechanics that Levine has developed gives a physical description of reactions at the microscopic level. The popular work of Levine includes the  quantum theory of absolute rates, the first quantal treatment of molecular photodissociation, elucidation of the role of resonances in reactive molecular collisions, the theory of collision—induced dissociation, and, most recently, the foundations of dynamical stereochemistry and the theory of reactions in liquids.[2]

Theory of Collision-Induced Dissociation


In Alkali halides, its collision-induced dissociation by fast xenon atoms has shown an exponential increase of the dissociation energy together with the internal temperature of the said family of inorganic compounds. This can be classified as an acute case of a population-inverting collision. To dissociate the molecule, the kinetic energy of the molecule is transformed into vibrational energy, an example of internal energy. Historically, this theory serves as a limit for the transmission of energy. The reaction could then be analyzed using the simpler more traditional approach to collision theory. In the end, Levine found out that the probability of collision-induced dissociation has a strong correlation during the collision in the transfer process to the diatomic molecule. Moreover, he observed that exponential increase of the dissociation probability with the initial vibrational energy and the moderation of this dependence at higher kinetic energies are the mainframe of related outcome in the theory of internal conversion. Lastly, he predicted and proved the definite outcome of the initial vibrational energy on the anticipation of population inversion.[3] After many decades, collision-induced dissociation became a technique in mass spectroscopy to activate cleavage of gas molecules. These ions are commonly accelerated by an electrical potential to increase kinetic energy and then collided with neutral molecules.  The said collision transforms kinetic energy into internal energy that develops into a disturbance in chemical bonds and cleavage. In return, these smaller remnants of the original molecule will be evaluated using tandem mass spectrometry.[4]

Other Fields


Levine is part of the team that makes Igantia Therapeutics. Igantia Therapeutics is a company that promises to develop the first comprehensive statistics specifically focused on menopause. The company has advanced techniques in treating hot flashes and vaginal dryness, and in delaying the commencement of menopause. Igantia’s main goal is to identify  novel biological targets that treat symptoms of menopause or delay menopause, or the biological responses that trigger menopause.[5]

Awards and Honors[6]

  • Ramsay Memorial Fellow (University College London) 1964
  • Annual Prize, International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science 1968
  • Alfred P. Sloan Fellow 1970
  • Landau Research Prize 1972
  • Israel Prize (Exact Sciences) 1974
  • Weizmann Prize 1979
  • Kolthof Prize (IIT) 1981
  • Max Born chair of Natural Philosophy, The Hebrew University 1985
  • Wolf Prize, Chemistry 1988
  • Andrew D. White Professor at Large, Cornell University 1989
  • Miller Research Professor, University of California, Berkeley 1989
  • Docteur hons. caus. Liege University 1991
  • Rothschild Prize 1992
  • Max Planck Prize 1995
  • Doktor hons. caus. Technical University, Munich 1996
  • Festschrift issue of the Journal of Physical Chemistry 1998
  • EMET Prize 2002
  • MOLEC Award and medal 2004
  • Festschrift issue of the Israel Journal of Chemistry edited by Richard Zare and Israel Schechter 2007
  • Festschrift issue of Molecular Physics edited by Sabre Kais and Nick Handy 2007
  • Bernstein Medal in Stereodynamics 2010
  • Israel Chemical Society Gold medal 2012

Membership / Affiliations[7]

  • Academia Europaea
  • American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • American Philosophical Society
  • International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science
  • Israel Academy of Sciences & Humanities,
  • Max Planck Society
  • Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
  • U.S. National Academy of Sciences.
  • Alfred P. Sloan Fellow
  • Editorial board of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



Selected Publications[8]

  • F. Remacle, Nataly Kravchenko-Balasha, Alexander Levitzki, and R. D. Levine   Information-theoretic analysis of phenotype changes in early stages of carcinogenesis PNAS, 2010; 107(22): 10324-9.
  • Graeber TG, Heath JR, Skaggs BJ, Phelps ME, Remacle F, Levine RD   Maximal entropy inference of oncogenicity from phosphorylation signaling Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2010; 107(13): 6112-7.
  • Periyasamy G., Levine R. D., Remacle F.   Redox-Executed Logic Operations through the Reversible Voltammetric Response Characteristics of Electroactive Self-Assembled Monolayers AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2010; 63(2): 173-183 .
  • Klein M., Mol J. A., Verduijn J., Levine R. D., et al.   Ternary logic implemented on a single dopant atom field effect silicon transistor APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2010; 96(4): .
  • Klein, M. Lansbergen, G. P. Mol, J. A. Rogge, S. Levine, R. D. Remacle, F.   Reconfigurable Logic Devices on a Single Dopant Atom-Operation up to a Full Adder by Using Electrical Spectroscopy Chemphyschem, 2009; 10(1): 162-173.
  • Kuznetz, O. Salman, H. Eichen, Y. Remacle, F. Levine, R. D. Speiser, S.   All optical full adder based on intramolecular electronic energy transfer in the rhodamine-azulene bichromophoric system Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008; 112(40): 15880-15885.
  • Torres, E. A. Kompa, K. L. Remacle, F. Levine, R. D.   Ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy and relaxation in polyatomic molecules: Potential for molecular parallel computing Chemical Physics, 2008; 347(1-3): 531-545.
  • Remacle, F. Kienberger, R. Krausz, F. Levine, R. D.   On the feasibility of an ultrafast purely electronic reorganization in lithium hydride Chemical Physics, 2007; 338(2-3): 342-347.
  • Remacle, F. Levine, R. D.   Probing ultrafast purely electronic charge migration in small peptides Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie-International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics, 2007; 221(5): 647-661.
  • Remacle, F. Levine, R. D.   Time-resolved electrochemical spectroscopy of charge migration in molecular wires: Computational evidence for rich electronic dynamics Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007; 111(5): 2301-2309.
  • Remacle, F. Levine, R. D.   Towards parallel computing: representation of a linear finite state digital logic machine by a molecular relaxation process European Physical Journal D, 2007; 42(1): 49-59.
  • Klein, M. Rogge, S. Remacle, F. Levine, R. D.   Transcending binary logic by gating three coupled quantum dots Nano Letters, 2007; 7(9): 2795-2799.
  • Gross, A. Levine, R. D.   A mechanical representation of entropy for a large finite system Journal of Chemical Physics, 2006; 125(14): 9.
  • Remacle, F. Levine, R. D.   An electronic time scale in chemistry Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2006; 103(18): 6793-6798.
  • Gross, A. Levine, R. D.   Mechanical simulation of the pressure and the relaxation to thermal equilibrium of a hot and dense rare gas cluster Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006; 110(47): 24070-24076.
  • Remacle, F. Weinkauf, R. Levine, R. D.   Molecule-based photonically switched half and full adder Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2006; 110(1): 177-184.
  • Kornweitz, H. Gross, A. Birnbaum, G. Levine, R. D.   Probing electronic rearrangement during chemical reactions PHYSICA SCRIPTA , 2006; 73(1): C1-C5.
  • Remacle, F. Levine, R. D.   The time scale for electronic reorganization upon sudden ionization of the water and water-methanol hydrogen bonded dimers and of the weakly bound NO dimer Journal of Chemical Physics, 2006; 125(13): 7.
  • Remacle, F. Heath, J. R. Levine, R. D.   Electrical addressing of confined quantum systems for quasiclassical computation and finite state logic machines Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2005; 102(16): 5653-5658.
  • Gross, A. Levine, R. D.   Evanescent high pressure during hypersonic cluster-surface impact characterized by the virial theorem Journal of Chemical Physics, 2005; 123(19): 11.
  • Somorjai, G. A. Levine, R. D.   The changing landscape of physical chemistry at the beginning of the 21st century Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2005; 109(19): 9853-9854.
  • Remacle, F. Levine, R. D.   Electrical transmission of molecular bridges Chemical Physics Letters, 2004; 383(5-6): 537-543.
  • Remacle, F. Levine, R. D.   Electronic and electrical response of arrays of metallic quantum dots International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2004; 99(5): 743-751.
  • Remacle, F. Willner, I. Levine, R. D. Nanowiring by molecules Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2004; 108(47): 18129-18134.
  1. ^ "PNAS Member Editor Details". nrc88.nas.edu. Retrieved 2016-11-16.
  2. ^ "International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science". www.iaqms.org. Retrieved 2016-11-16.
  3. ^ Levine, R. D. (1971-09-15). "On the theory of collision-induced dissociation". Chemical Physics Letters. 11 (1): 109–112. doi:10.1016/0009-2614(71)80544-4.
  4. ^ "Collision-induced dissociation". Wikipedia. 2016-05-29.
  5. ^ "TEAM". Igantia Therapeutics. Retrieved 2016-11-16.
  6. ^ "Levine Rafi". www.fh.huji.ac.il. Retrieved 2016-11-16.
  7. ^ "Info-Metrics InstituteNewsletter, 2011 Fall | Economics Department, American University, Washington, DC". www.american.edu. Retrieved 2016-11-16.
  8. ^ "Levine, Raphael D. | UCLA Chemistry and Biochemistry". www.chemistry.ucla.edu. Retrieved 2016-11-16.