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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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About Me

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User:staffwaterboy has the rollback right on the English Wikipedia and knows how to use it. However, he believes this cat has a cooler rollback than that permitted by the software.

Hi, I'm staffwaterboy.I am from New York.I currently contribute to wikipedia by reverting vandal edits.I have also created several article on wikipedia.I have received two awards for outstanding achievement in computers.I am hoping that one day i can become an administrator on wikipedia to expand my contributions.I am also currently in college so from time to time i may not be here.Otherwise if anyone needs help or has any questions feel free to contact me on my talk page.user_talk:staffwaterboy |-

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Wikipedia me

|- | I am currently have rollback permission here on wikipedia this make reverting vandalism alot easier among with other tools that i use.

Here are my statistics here on wikipedia Staffwaterboy (talk · contribs · deleted · count · AfD · logs · block log · lu · rfar · spi)

For my edit summary usage click here.


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My contributions

|- | I have reverted a numerous amount of vandalism since i have joined wikipedia,My goal is to keep wikipedia a safe and reliable source on the net. |-

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Communication security

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When I communicate with users I will generally sign my messages with my personal Pretty Good Privacy key. My public key can be seen below. User:Staffwaterboy/publicpgpkey

you can email me Here if you have a question or concern that you need to be confidential otherwise please use my talk page.


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Random LGBT Picture

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Boy with a Basket of Fruit (1593–94) by Caravaggio
Boy with a Basket of Fruit (1593–94) by Caravaggio
Boy with a Basket of Fruit (1593–94) is a painting by Caravaggio. The model was his friend and lover, the Sicilian painter Mario Minniti, about 16 years old at the time. At one level the painting is designed to demonstrate the artist's ability to depict everything realistically, from the boy's skin to the folds of the robe to the weave of the basket. A closer look however reveals that, as in another painting by him from that time (Basket of Fruit), the peaches have spots and the leaves are diseased, perhaps a comment by the artist on the closeness of beauty and decay in life.


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Random LGBT Quotes

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André Gide (1869–1951)

