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User:Valtiels Requiem

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



I've been a Wikipedia reader for a long time now and have been contributing for a while as well. I enjoy the idea of absolute knowledge being accessible and like most intelligent creatures, seek to improve the core knowledge of every human for the betterment of society. I won't edit or add unless I am 100% sure of my thoughts, and usually have a citation list at the ready for any contenders to the FACTS. Most importantly though, I am primarily a User, and am always open to positive debate for the greater good.

Things I Contribute to or Read Heavily:

  • Music Theory (I am a Classically Trained musician with many years experience)
  • Music types and Artists, preferably Heavy Metal and its many divisions although I will clean up articles in any genre which I find glaringly wrong or opinionated
  • Automotive Culture
  • Automobiles
  • Auto Industry (I have a Degree In Automotive Technology)
  • Eastern and Western Religion
  • The Occult
  • Supernatual/Legendary/Mythological Persons, Places, Things, Events
  • Horror Movies, Writing, Etc
  • Evolutionary Sciences Including Origin Physics (I'm a well-read and unashamed Atheist)
  • Popular Culture
  • History (most of it, anyways)
  • Martial Arts (again, many years of experience in this field)
  • Whatever else interests me for the moment...