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The origin of my username actually goes back to about 1998 or 1999. My parents had just got a dialup Internet connection, AOL no less. Upon signup they needed to create an account in order to log in. At that point there were eight people living in the house (my parents and their six children). They figured that since there were eight of us, they'd combine the terms and the username "Useight" was born. It is pronounced exactly as if it were two separate words (i.e., "Us Eight").

They have since moved from AOL to MSN and finally to a high-speed DSL connection, so my parents' old accounts have been deactivated. They eventually had a seventh child (and about half their children have since moved out), so they no longer use the Useight moniker for anything. I, however, have continued its usage as my Wikipedia username.

Incorrect pronunciations I've heard

  1. you-sight
  2. you-ess-eight
  3. use-it