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urindar circa 2003 via tali's eyes

Manel urindar (born May 25 1980 in Barcelona, Catalonia) is a unique soul encased in a standard human male carbon unit container.

He is a pro Catalan independence and animal rights campaigner, and looks for the answer to life, the universe and everything

Main interests


This should include: Trekking, Bushcraft, Motorcycles, Dogs (Handling, trainig and psychology), scuba diving, photography, and writing all of which are practiced regularly to some degree of expertise. These are also the main subjects of his fairly popular blog entries.





Early Twenties


Started his degree on Computer Science at the Technical University of Catalonia.

Late Twenties


Finished his degree on Computer Science at the Technical University of Catalonia.

Early Thirties

  • [1], his blog
  • [2], his photographic portfolio
  • [3], his flickr photo stream
  • [4], his faculty
  • [5], altarriba, a pro-animal rights association