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Creator of Wikipedia page of Dr. Ambedkar is Manipulating and Appropriating Dr. Ambedkar thoughts Firstly in the section of "Opposition to Aryan Invasion theory" the last line is very much appropriation where author writes that "According to Ambedkar, the Rig Veda says Aryans, Dāsa and Dasyus were competing religious groups, not different peoples",which is clearly wrong as Dr.Ambedkar himself written in the book "who were the shudras"that there were two different races.

On page 103 of Who were the Shudras?: He writes"The answer, I like to suggest, is that the two belonged to two different races of Aryans and it is only when they had become one that the Atharva veda came to be regarded on a par with the Rig veda. Here he clearly concludes that there were two different races of Aryan Language speaking people, one who believed in Rig Veda and other who believed in Atharva Veda. The concept so much in controversy has been manipulated by author so easily with Dr.Ambedkar works.Second Last line in that section is equally misleading and annoying.Creator has written that Dr.Ambedkar suggested that Aryans homeland was India itself,he writes"Ambedkar disputed various hypotheses of the Aryan homeland being outside India, and concluded the Aryan homeland was India itself" which is so wrong because he did suggested that there was a migration of Aryan Speaking people from near Iran or closer parts.

I gave reply on Talk page for editing those lines. My argument is very clear and requested them to take down those lines which are Arvind Sharma understanding of Dr.Ambedkar Works.Following is my request: "First i would like to request the creator of this page to read Dr.Ambedkar's book:Who were the shudras?.It would be disservice to a great man if his real thoughts are manipulated in such way.I dont trust Arvind Sharma interpretation and his book -"Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on the Aryan Invasion and the Emergence of the Caste System in India" is a false representation of Dr. Ambedkar' thought,if he has written that Dr.Ambedkar believed Aryans homeland is India.Instead of relying on somebody else's interpretation we must write what he said himself. Firstly i am unable to get Arvind Sharma book and secondly i have read full book: Who were the shudras? and currently in possession of that book. Nowhere in that book its written that he believed Aryans homeland is India. Instead he indicated that Iran could be homeland of Aryan language speaking people.He gave a comparison between Azhi-Dahaka of Zend Avesta and Dasas. And above all most important thing purpose of this book was to highlight the identity of Shudras,origin of Shudras and their original place in Varna system which he concluded as "Kshatriyas",not searching Homeland of Aryans.But he did rejected the idea of Bal Gangadhar Tilak theory of Arctic home of Aryans."