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User:UWCLStudentSpring2021/Online Deliberation/Bibliography

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This is where you will compile the bibliography for your Wikipedia assignment. Please refer to the following resources for help:

Albrecht, Steffen. (2006). Whose voice is heard in online deliberation?: A study of participation and representation in political debates on the internet. Information, Communication & Society, 9(1), 62-82.
Bächtiger, A., Dryzek, John S., Mansbridge, Jane J., & Warren, Mark. (2018). The Oxford handbook of deliberative democracy (First ed., Oxford handbooks online). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bächtiger, A., & Parkinson, John. (2019). Mapping and measuring deliberation : Towards a new deliberative quality (First ed.). Oxford, United Kingdom ; New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Bouvier, G., & Rosenbaum, Judith E. (2020). Twitter, the public sphere, and the nature of online deliberation. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Deželan, T., & Vobic, Igor. (2016). (R)evolutionizing political communication through social media (Advances in public policy and administration (APPA) book series). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global.
Esau, Katharina, Friess, Dennis, & Eilders, Christiane. (2017). Design Matters! An Empirical Analysis of Online Deliberation on Different News Platforms. Policy and Internet, 9(3), 321-342.
Friess, Dennis, & Eilders, Christiane. (2015). A Systematic Review of Online Deliberation Research. Policy and Internet, 7(3), 319-339.
Hwang, Hyunseo, Kim, Youngju, & Huh, Catherine U. (2014). Seeing is Believing: Effects of Uncivil Online Debate on Political Polarization and Expectations of Deliberation. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 58(4), 621-633.
Jonsson, Magnus E, & Åström, Joachim. (2014). The Challenges for Online Deliberation Research. International Journal of E-politics, 5(1), 1-15.
Kwak, Nojin, Lane, Daniel S, Lee, Slgi S, Liang, Fan, & Weeks, Brian E. (2018). From Persuasion to Deliberation: Do Experiences of Online Political Persuasion Facilitate Dialogic Openness? Communication Research, 9365021879305.
Serrano-Contreras, Ignacio-Jesus, Garcia-Marin, Javier, & Luengo, Oscar G. (2020). Measuring Online Political Dialogue: Does Polarization Trigger More Deliberation? Media and Communication (Lisboa), 8(4), 63-72.
Sullivan, Brian, & Hartz-Karp, Janette. (2020). The Unfulfilled Promise of Online Deliberation. Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 10(1), Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 2020-05-01, Vol.10 (1).
Xiao, Lu, & Askin, Nicole. (2014). What influences online deliberation? A wikipedia study. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(5), 898-910.
Zhao, Yuning, Zhou, Xinxue, & Wang, Tianmei. (2020). The effect of online political deliberation on the effectiveness of government response. International Journal of Crowd Science, 4(3), 309-331.