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Tripartite Revisited
[edit]Spiritual Existance
[edit]What is man that thou art mindfull of him?[1][2][3]Created body, soul, spirit humanity has interpreted man at both extremes. Plato completely interprets him all one; that is mental - intellect - brainiac only.[4] [5]Lehman Straus[6] completely seperate and equal within his own existence to enfluence to preempt within context existence of body, soul, spirit. Tripartite humanity revisited reveals man is completely spiritual to dominate to enfluence to preempt within context existance of body, soul, spirit.[7]So that the only seperation for humanity from animals is the human spirit enfluence elevation from animals that are body and soul only existing without spirit.[8]
[edit]We are created.[9][10][11][12] We are created body, soul, and spirit.[13] . The body is your physical, biological self, which is corrupted from birth.[14] The soul is your mind, your intellect, memory, personality, character from which is the bed of free will.[15] The spirit is our human spirit, which is dead and must be reborn.[16] But this is confusing in the English Bible where the word soul is used in place of the human spirit. The human spirit is not the soul. The place where this is explicit in scripture is Hebrews 4:12. The human spirit is what was created by God in Genesis 2:7 Genesis 7:22 (what dies in verse 22 is the physical body but is referred to as that with living breath). The human spirit is your real self. Your real self as God created you is not your body nor your soul (mind, memory, intellect, personality, character). God created you to live forever with Him, to experience fellowship with Him forever through your human spirit (Romans 8:15, 16).[17]
Therefore what is eternal either in heaven through rebirth or hell through second death is the human spirit with their soul (Revelation 20:14 Matthew 25:46). God is Spirit (John 4:24); man must be born again of the Spirit (John 3:5). Man died spiritually from his created human spiritual station (the human spirit) (Genesis 2:17, Genesis 3:6). This is what happens to the disciples in the upper room John 20:22. There human spirits were dead then through their belief there human spirits were born again[18] as believers then the Holy Spirit indwelled them. Jesus did this as a precursor to Pentecost which took place worldwide in every believer at what is called Pentecost (Acts 2:4). They became new creatures 2 Corinthians 5:17 Romans 6:4 as myself and every believer since that day in Acts 2:4. And Colossians 2:13-14 has become the testimony of all believers ever since. For Old Testament believers, their human spirit was also rebirth through their faith in the coming Messiah.[19] However, these believers were never indwelt with the Holy Spirit with the exception of a few God chose to use in leadership callings. The Holy Spirit indwelt believers generally only in the New Testament through Pentecost (Acts 2:4).
[edit]But the human spirit failed with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and that disobedience to God with the temptation of Satan Genesis 3:5-7 Ephesians 2:1-3 1 Timothy 2:14 Psalm 51:5. So since that disobedience and death, the human spirit is born dead because of The Fall and is only made alive through rebirth, salvation. When Adam and Eve died in the garden, it was their spirit (human) that died not their bodies or physical death nor their souls (personality, mind, memory, intellect, character). With that disobedience and because of that disobedience they became ‘sinners’ fallen from God’s relationship Ephesians 2:1-3 1Timothy 2:14 Psalm 51:5 Genesis 3:5-7. That is why this occurrence in history is titled the dispensation of The Fall. It refers to the fall of humanity from God’s relationship with him Genesis 3:8.
So man tripartite body, soul, spirit (human spirit) is three in one with that human spirit dominating when he has been born again. What lives eternally is the human spirit of men with their accompanying soul. Think about what makes you you. What God did in the garden with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening was to talk with them (Genesis 3:8-9), to ask them how they knew they were naked. That conversation is made possible through the soul of man; their mind, character, intellect. The soul of man is separate from the human spirit and is what will accompany the human spirit to continue the person to have his mind, memory, intellect, character though matured by going through the Judgment Seat of Christ.[20]
Born Again
[edit]To be born again, experience new birth, become a new creature is what tripartite revisited reveals thus enabling man to be completely spiritual to dominate to enfluence to preempt within context existance as body, soul, spirit.[7]
The human spirit is your real self. Your real self as God created you is not your body nor your soul (mind, memory, intellect, personality, character). God created you to live forever with Him, to experience fellowship with Him forever through your human spirit (Romans 8:15, 16).[17]
Again, we are created body, soul, and spirit from which is the bed of free will. Our physical body is corrupt/perishable (1 Corinthians 15), and our true self as God intended (Genesis 1:26) is spirit. Spiritual bodies received at death (1 Corinthians 15:49) are very different from our experience on earth in our physical bodies (John 20:19–23, Mark 12:24–25). Also, our souls on earth will likewise be very different in our spiritual realm. We will be perfected through the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10 and 1 Corinthians 3:10–16). Because we will finally attain the spiritual maturity God intended us to attain on earth (Romans 7:14–25), we will live forever with God as He intended all along. This will be a very different experience from our earthly values. We will not retain our human body (corrupted) which is made incorruptible (1 Corinthians 15:38–54) but inherit a body for the Millennium [21] and possibly for heaven’s existence in Eternity Future.
Spiritual Existance
[edit]Why tripartite? Who is responsible for this tripartite humanity? These questions not mysteries are revealed.[22] A human is intended to live 70 years (80 if with health) Psalm 90:10. Those years are intended to be spiritually dominated over the body thus enfluencing the soul to reach spiritual maturity (Romans 7:14-25, Ephessians 1:9-10, 1 Peter 1:5). The human who through his self will embarks upon this experiences the life of John 10:10. And then will be transported into eternal existance in a New Earth a New Heaven (Revelation 21:1).
[edit]- ^ Psalm 8:4 Hebrews 2:6 Biblle New King James, Revised Standard Version.
- ^ WIKI The Free Encyclopedia, SOLA SCRIPTURA, The Bible is the Final Word.
- ^ Founders Ministries,>articles 6/8/2022 The SBC Must Be Shaped by the Word, Not the World, Tom Ascol Bible,SBC,SBC 2022,Solar Scriptura, Southern Baptist, SBC.
- ^ Plato'sTheory of Soul. UNACADEMY The Soul / Definition / Plato's Theory of Soul.
- ^ Plato's The Republic see The Internet Encyclopedic of Philosophy ISSN 2161-0002 https//iep date.
- ^ Man A Trinity (Spirit, Soul, Body) Philidelphia Bible Institute 1939-1957.
- ^ a b Lewis Sperry Chafer, selected correspondence cn009 box 2 folder 77 The Trinity, 1940 Archives Dallas Theological Seminary.
- ^ 2 Peter 2:12 Bible:New King James Version, New International Version.
- ^ Genesis 1:27 Genesis 2:7 Bible: New King James Version, New International Version, online Bible Study Suite,
- ^ A New Theory on Earth's Formation 2/23/2020 Kathyrn Demseth Sullivan, Science Advances, Science Daily.
- ^ A Compelling New Hypothesis Could Finally Explain How Earth Formed 7/12/2022 Michelle Starr.
- ^ The Origin of Life: Evolution vs Design 5/17/2013 Biola University Michael Ruse, western philosohy Fazale Rana biochemist, Reasons to Believe.
- ^ 1Thessalonians 5:23 Hebrews 4:12 Bible: New King James Version, New International Version, online Bible Study Suite,
- ^ Romans 3:23 Romans 6:23 Bible: New King James Version New International Version, online Bible Study Suite
- ^ Spirit, Soul &And Body, chapter 1 God's Mirror pages 1&2.Andrew Womack founder The Gospel Truth Radio & TV broadcast.
- ^ Understanding the New Birth sermon Adrian Rogers, Love Worth Finding Ministries radio broadcast.
- ^ a b Romans 8:15,16 Bible: New King James Version, New International Version.
- ^ John 3:1-7 Bible: New King James Version, New International Version.
- ^ Daniel 9:25, John 1:41, John 4:25 Bible: New King James Version, New International Version
- ^ 2 Corinthians 5:10, Romans 14:10, 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 Bible: New King James Version New International Version.
- ^ Revelation 20:1-3 Bible: New King James Version, New International Version.
- ^ Revelation 21:3, Exodus 6:7, Ezekiel 11:20, Jeremiah 31:33, Zechariah 8:8, 2 Corinthians 6:16, Hebrews 8:10. Bible: New King James Version, New International Version.