My name is Theodore Ts'o (born 1968), and I am a Linux Kernel Developer. I started working with Linux in July, 1991, and am apparently the first North American Linux Kernel developer — or at least, so Linus tells me, and I think he's right...

I studied computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and graduated with an undergraduate degree in 1990. I then worked for MIT for 9 years, first in the Network Operations Group, and later as the lead for the Kerberos development team at MIT. In 1999, I joined VA Linux and worked there until September 2001. In December of 2001 I started working for IBM in the Linux Technology Center.
I am the primary developer and maintainer of the E2fsprogs, the userspace utilities for the ext2 and ext3 filesystems.
In the past I was a member of the Security Area Directorate for the Internet Engineering Task Force, and was one of the chairs for the Ipsec working group.
I am currently serving as Tresurer for Usenix, and I have chaired the annual Linux Kernel Summit in Ottawa, which now occurs just before the Ottawa Linux Symposium and is run as a Usenix workshop.
I was one of the founding board members for the Free Standards Group, and currently serve that organization as its Chairman.