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The philosophy of existentialism has made a profound impact upon Typewolf.

It dates to the time he was 12 and was trying to figure out the lyrics by John Lennon. And his short stories and poems in his book In His Own Write.

Typewolf asked his mother: "What does this really mean?" She replied "I have no idea, I think it is something called existentialism. You'll figure it out when you get older".

Now Typewolf is older, and hasn´t yet figured it out, but has the sense he is getting closer to figureing it out. At least he knows now that Lennon's lyrics have more to do with surrealism than existentialism. Or do they?

Not sure. Typewolf is much more comfortable explaining HTML, XHTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript, than existentialism or surrealism.

But his passion for existentialism hasn´t diminished.

Here are some of Typewolf's favorite existential quotes:

You are free and that is why you are lost. — FRANZ KAFKA

The universe seems neither benign nor hostile, merely indifferent. — CARL SAGAN

I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted. — JACK KEROUAC

Another major interest of Typewolf is traveling, being on the road. Typewolf has been to: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, United Kingdom, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, United States, Holland, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Iran, Singapore, Spain, Portugal and Belgium. And definitely more countries to come.