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Hi Stefanie,can you please upload your presentation onto ILias. thank you,--AnTransit (talk) 13:44, 31 July 2017 (UTC)

Record of Work

Date Translation Problems & Difficulties Time spent
Week 1 Section 1 of "Trio" text Very difficult vocabulary use 1h
Week 2 Section 16 of "Trio" text - 30 min
Week 3 Section 28 of "Trio" text again problems with vocabulary (especially onomatopoeia) 40 min
Week 4 Searching for article to translate, result: "Salzstraße (Freiburg im Breisgau)" Problems finding good article for translation & most articles are translated into Englisch! 1,5 h
Week 5 Translation "Salzstraße (Freiburg im Breisgau)" part 1, part 2 & 3 translated as homework and handed in as own translation Vocabulary, prepositions and proper nouns" 2h
Week 6 Finish translation of "Salzstraße" technical problems (footnotes and linking external souces) 1,5h
Week 7 Translation of the articel"USC Eisvögel" very specific vocabulary (--> sports) 45 min
Week 8 Start translation on "Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik" Vocabulary problems (medicine, surgery..) 1,5 h
Week 9 Translation of "Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik" and hand it in as own translation - 50 min
Week 10 Some corrections on article "Salzstraße (Freiburg im Breisgau)" Still problem with external linking( e.g. some linked pages do not exist anymore 40 min
Week 11 Presentations and publication of Wiki page "Salzstraße (Freiburg im Breisgau)" - 40 min
Week 12 Presentations - -
Week 13 Presentations - -

1. Trio ist das erste Studioalbum der gleichnamigen norddeutschen Band Trio. Es erschien am 27. Oktober 1981 mit einer Bonus-Single und einem Tragegriff am Cover beim Label Mercury Records. Produziert wurde das Album von Klaus Voormann. Der kommerzielle Erfolg des Albums setzte erst Mitte 1982 mit Veröffentlichung seiner dritten Auflage ein, die das zuvor nur auf einer gesonderten Single erhältliche Lied Da Da Da enthielt. Dieses Lied hatte sich seit April 1982 im Zuge der Neuen Deutschen Welle zu einem nationalen und später auch internationalen Erfolg entwickelt. In Deutschland erreichte das Album Platz drei der Albumcharts. Das Album Trio enthält insgesamt 14 Lieder, deren Instrumentierung sich meist in der Verwendung von Schlagzeug, E-Gitarre und Gesang erschöpft. Ein Großteil der Lieder beschreibt gescheiterte Liebesbeziehungen, vereinzelt wird auch Medienkritik geübt.

Trio is the first studio album of the same-titeled Northern German band Trio. It was released on October 27 1981 at Mercury Records. It included a bonus single and has a handle attatched to the cover. The commercial success of the album only started in 1982 with the release of the third version, which included the song Da Da Da, which was only available on a separate single before. After April 1982, as part of the Neue_Deutsche_Welle the song became a national and later an international hit. The album reached number 3 in the German album charts. The album "Trio" contains 14 songs in all, most of them with drums, electric guitar and vocals. The majority of songs describe failed relationships and occasionally include media criticism.

In 1770 the Salzstraße was renamed Dauphinenstraße for a short time when Marie Antoinette, the youngest daughter of Empress Maria Theresa and Emperor Francis I of Austria, was staying in town on her bridal procession to the Royal Household of France. She was on her way to her wedding with Louis XIV, who was at that point in time still Dauphin of France, but later became the King of France. Before she continued her journey to Schuttern Abbey on 6th May, Marie Antoinette stayed two nights in the house of the Kageneck. The builings is located on the Salzstraße, on the corner of Drehergasse. On Oberlinden square there is a lime tree and a well, planted in 1729. A mosaic made of paving stone is still proof of this fact. As the tree is now diseased it has to be felled and a new one replanted. This will be carried out after the changing of the tram lines.


The Augustiner Museum, which was the former monastery of the Order of Saint Augustine, is situated on the Salzstraße. The city archives are located at Salzstraße 18. The building dates back to the 16th century and was built by the councillor Hans Graf. Its original name was "Zum weißen Kreuz"(to the white cross), until it was renamed "zum Herzog" in the year 1565 after the statue in front of the portal. The building is located on the foundation of the probably oldest building in Freiburg (1120). The entry of the city archives is in the Grünwälderstraße. Until the city center was destroyed by bombs in November 1944, the guest house " Großer Meyerhof" extended from the Grünwälderstraße to the Salzstraße. It was built by the Riegeler brewer Wilhelm Meyer in 1885. Following the destruction he had to rebuild several buildings and while doing so united them into one. The district court of Freiburg is located in the Sickingen-Palais on the north side of the street. It was built in a classical archiectural style by the architect Pierre Michel d´Ixnard between 1769 and 1773. The building burned out in 1944 but was reconstructed between 1962 and 1965. Only the front was rebuilt, whereas the interior was redesigned for its contemporary use as a courthouse.