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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Personal Info

This user is a male.
This user identifies as gay.
This user was born during the Kennedy administration.
This user is of Polish ancestry.
This user wishes he had a boyfriend.
SFSThis user is a Knight of St. Francis de Sales HS, Toledo.
WThis user attends or attended The College of Wooster.
This user is nocturnal.
This user lives in, or comes from, Ohio.
This user lives in or hails from Toledo.
This user lives in or hails from Columbus area.
This user values reason
over faith
This user is an atheist and fears that religion might have a scary effect on societies.
This user believes the world would be a happier, safer and saner place without religion.

Stylistic Info

2024-09-25This user uses ISO-8601 to express dates.
This user loathes, but is forced to observe, daylight saving time.
This user quietly contributes to Wikipedia at work.
.  TheThis user puts two spaces after a period.
It's really not that hard to use each word in its proper manner.
ANAL 4This user advocates good grammar usage.
This user is against advertisements on Wikipedia.
USage declineThis user uses American English, but is appalled at its rapid and continuing deterioration.

Geographic Info

This user has visited 1 of the 10 provinces and 3 territories of Canada.1
This user has visited 16 of the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.16
This user has visited Colorado.
Flag of Washington, D.C.This user has visited the District of Columbia.
This user has visited Illinois.
This user has visited Indiana.
This user has visited Iowa.
This user has visited Kentucky.
This user has visited Maryland.
This user has visited Michigan.
This user has visited Minnesota.
This user has visited New Jersey.
This user has visited New York.
This user has visited Pennsylvania.
This user has visited Tennessee.
This user has visited Virginia.
This user has visited West Virginia.
This user has visited Wisconsin.

Fannish Info

The TARDIS, from Doctor WhoThis user is a Doctor Who fan.
This user listens to The Goon Show on the modern-type, steam-driven cardboard wireless.
This user's got Movie Sign!
SWThis user has a shortwave radio.
NETThis user listens to radio over the Internet.
SatThis user has a Satellite radio.
AARThis used to listen to Air America Radio, a sharp left turn on the dial.
AThis user is zany to the max!
This user is a fan of Babylon 5.
This user has a
cunning plan, my lord.
This user listens to The Bob & Tom Show.
XM40This user listens to Deep Tracks on XM40.

GEThis user watches Good Eats.
XM23This user listens to Grateful Dead Radio on XM23.

ISIHACI'm Sorry...
This User Hasn't a Clue
Looney TunesBe vewy, vewy quiet - this user is hunting wabbits!
This user wants to match the stars.
XM93This user listens to PGA TOUR Radio on XM93.

This user is not a number, he is a free man.
This user is fan of the Road Rovers.
 TORCHWOOD has this user
ΔTPΔThis user likes a DAMN fine cup of coffee!
QIThis user is Quite Interesting.
WIB?This user knows that the question is: Will It Blend?
You might very well think that. This user couldn't possibly comment.
W&GThis user is wearing the wrong trousers.
This user saved Mainframe with a system ReBoot.
This user listens to Radio 4.
MPThis user is just one of the Bozos on this bus!
This user listens to Radio 4 Extra.
JAMThis user wants to talk for Just a Minute, without repeating, hesitating or deviating from the subject.
JHSTTNThis user listens to a series of lectures, given by Jeremy Hardy.
TNQThis user listens to The News Quiz podcast, and wishes other BBC comedy was podcasted as well.
TMOCThis user has visited The Museum of Curiosity.
TIMCThis user lives in the Infinite Monkey Cage.
TZThis user was once trapped in
The Twilight Zone.

Political Info

This user is a
Liberal American Patriot.
This user supports heterosexual and homosexual marriages. Against gay marriage? Don't get one. Problem solved.
This user believes the First Amendment guarantees freedom from religion.
This user is interested in politics.
FAUX NEWS This user believes that Fox News is not fair or balanced.
This user supports preferential voting as opposed to first-past-the-post.
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote.
This user does not trust electronic voting machines.
This user believes that Conservapedia is about as trustworthy as North Korea is democratic.
This user believes that both capitalism and state socialism are inherently unjust systems that concentrate most wealth and power in the hands of a few, and that humans can do better.
This user wants to tax the rich to provide health care, education and welfare for everyone.$ £
¥ €
This user wants to stop
global warming.
This user thinks we should tax pollution.
This user feels that letting oneself be struck with terror by terrorists means actually doing most of their job for them.
This user supports
universal health care.
This user does not use drugs, but figures people should be able to use recreational drugs in their own home if they're responsible about it.
This user is against compulsory state sanctioned prayer in public schools.
This user believes in the separation of religion and state.*
PC This user believes political correctness was created in good intentions, but is often overused, misused, or taken way out of context.
This user finds censorship offensive.
This user is for District of Columbia home rule.
This user wishes his U.S. State were a Canadian province instead.
This user wants Puerto Rico to either be a U.S. state
or a sovereign country.

Musical Info

This user plays the bass guitar.
GDThis user is a Deadhead.
This user enjoys music by Johann Sebastian Bach.
This user is a musician.
This user plays the piano.
Guitar-2This user plays guitar at an intermediate level.
This user plays the theremin.
This user can tune a piano.
This user dislikes iPods, and has a much cooler device.
This user enjoys Baroque music.
This user enjoys the big band sound
This user enjoys blues-rock.
This user enjoys British rock.
This user enjoys classical music.
This user listens to comedy music.
This user enjoys jazz music.
This user appreciates progressive rock.
This user enjoys psychedelic rock.
cRap This user can't stand rap music.
This user enjoys rock 'n' roll.
60sThis user is a fan of Sixties music.
The Band This user suffers from Chest Fever.
This user loves the music of
Ludwig van Beethoven.
This user loves
The Beatles.
CSNThis user has seen the Southern Cross.
DEVO"Q: Are we not men? A: "We are DEVO!"
This user sees the answers blowin’ in the wind.
This user is a fan of the Eagles.
This user admires the works of George Gershwin
JTThis user is thick as a brick.
This user admires the works of
Scott Joplin
KingThis user is a fan of the band King Crimson.
This user knows that there is no dark side of the moon really — matter of fact it's all dark.
SSThis user loves the band SS.
This user got the Steely Dan t-shirt.

This user is your friend, he's not your only friend, but he's a little glowing friend, but really, he's not actually your friend.

ALThis user is a Close Personal Friend™ of "Weird Al" Yankovic
This user listens to Frank Zappa.

Reading Habits

Reading Habits
This user's hero is Isaac Asimov.

This user enjoys the interesting and weird works of Douglas Adams.

This user listens to
audio books.

This user keeps track of his books using LibraryThing.
This user enjoys reading humorous literature.
WWWD?What would Wally Do?
This user enjoys reading Fantasy.
LFGThis user was just going to look... with fire, and lightning, and reanimated chipmunks, and raccoons... on fire.
I prepared explosive runes this morning.This user... Well... How about you read it.
This user reads science fiction.
This user enjoys reading hard science fiction
This user reads Sinfest.
This user is a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is.
George Orwell taught this user everything he needs to know about the government.
KV This user enjoys
the works of
Kurt Vonnegut.

This user is a fan of
Robert Anton Wilson.
This user enjoys reading short stories.
Big Brother is watching this user.

Geek Cred

Electronica and Geekosity
This user uses Microsoft Windows under duress.
This user writes with the LibreOffice suite.
This user BOINCs.
This user is interested in computer engineering.
OWNThis user uses an email account with his own domain name.
This user uses an AMD processor
This user built his own PC.
This user still remembers these.
≥5 This user contributes with a computer 5 years old or more.
BASIC-2This user is an intermediate BASIC programmer.
bat-1This user is an occasional Batch programmer.
C-0This person does not understand C (or does not want to program in C).
Lisp(lambda (user)
    (setf (lisp-p user) t))
pas-2This user is an intermediate Pascal programmer.
vba-2This user is an intermediate Visual Basic for Applications programmer.
HTML-2This user is an intermediate HTML user.

This user is a beginning LaTeX user.
{{t|1}}This user knows roughly how a template works.
This user can type 65 WPM.
This user uses Azureus.
This user contributes to the
Internet Movie Database.
This user is against DRM.
This user tracks his money on Where's George?
This user has an account on YouTube as trdsf.
BBSThis user knows what a BBS is and has accessed them by phone line.
This user uses WordPress.
Fx This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
Free software logosThis user uses free software wherever and whenever possible.
GIMPThis user contributes using GIMP.

PidginThis user uses Pidgin to chat on multiple instant messaging networks.
This user contributes while using Winamp.
This user records with Audacity.
C:\>_This user uses DOS, or knows how to use it.
This Windows user has experienced one or more Blue Screens of Death.
This user contributes with openSUSE.
w/lThis user has a dual boot configuration.
> _ This user often uses the command line when operating his computer.
W101This user plays Wizard 101.
This user uses eMule.

Science and Mathematics

Science and Mathematics
This user has (co)discovered 1 planet candidate(s) at Planet Hunters. Citizen science is real science!1
This user has seen 8 of the eight planets either through a telescope or naked-eye.8
This user is a Storm Spotter for SKYWARN.
This user's personal hero is Carl Sagan.
a²+b²=c²This user is an intermediate mathematician.
ax2+bx+c=0This user likes algebra.
This user likes trigonometry.

This user does complex math problems for fun.
1+1=10This user likes binary.
4+4=10This user likes octal.
6×9=42This user jokes in base 13.
8+8=10This user likes hexadecimal.
10This user realizes that there are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who do not.
Pi ≈ 3.1415926535897932384626
=1 This user knows that 0.9...(repeating) is exactly 1 and can prove it, but wishes that other people could understand it the way he does.
This user knows how to
Find X.
This user knows how to travel 1 mile due south, due east, then due north and end up where he started.
Eagle Nebula This user is interested in astronomy.
This user is interested in space sciences.
This user enjoys studying fractals.
This user has a keen interest in physics.
This user knows the dire side effects of dihydrogen monoxide.
Do you?
This user enjoys skygazing and astronomy.
MThis editor used to be a member of Mensa.
This user has seen all of Carl Sagan's Cosmos.
SIThis user measures both in metric system and American system units.ft-lb

Hobbies and Pastimes

This user is interested in
coin collecting.
This user enjoys knitting.
This user enjoys playing golf.
This user knows the Ultimate Answer.
+This user enjoys playing retro games.
This user enjoys PlayStation 2 games.
This user still enjoys the Atari 2600.
This user is a backgammon player.
This user once loved Grand Theft Auto.
This user loves to read.
This user loves to write.
This user enjoys optical illusions, especially the impossible constructions of M.C. Escher.

This user likes to crochet.
A fountain penThis user prefers to write with a fountain pen.
I take photographs with Nikon equipment
This user supports sustainable living.
This user supports Citizen Media.
This user supports
renewable energy.
This user is a Kakuro addict
This user plays Euchre.


Things that don't fit anywhere else
This user is a bicyclist.
C8H10N4O2There is too much blood in this user's caffeine system.
This user drinks Jolt Cola to stay Awake.
This user drinks tea.
This user is NOT a vegan or vegetarian, but respects and accomodates those that are.
This user prefers dark chocolate
This user enjoys cooking.

The Bloody Obvious

Absolutely freakin' obvious by now
UBXThis user has way too many userboxes