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User:Tmcglashan/Charles Fayette McGlashan, IV

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Charles Fayette McGlashan, IV new article content ...

b. Jul. 15, 1961. d. March 27, 2011.

Marin County Supervisor Charles McGlashan was an environmental visionary whose efforts brought solar, wind and biomass power into countless homes and businesses in Marin County. "He leaves us a legacy that is a beacon to other counties in our state and across the country," said Susan Adams, president of the Board of Supervisors. [1]

Last May, Marin became the first county to take advantage of a 2002 law allowing communities to buy electricity on behalf of residents. Despite strong opposition from Pacific Gas & Electric Co., more than 27 percent of the county's energy today comes from clean and renewable sources, exceeding state targets.

"Supervisor McGlashan pretty much single-handedly wrestled this over the finish line," Adams said, noting that the system has already repaid taxpayers' $950,000 investment. Dawn Weisz, executive officer of the Marin Energy Authority that runs the program, credited Mr. McGlashan with helping clear the county of 68 tons of carbon dioxide a year. "He was very passionate and enthusiastic about getting things going, and making the vision into a practical reality," Weisz said.

Green energy isn't the supervisor's only environmental legacy. An advocate of alternative transportation, Mr. McGlashan served on the board of the 8-year-old Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit, and pushed for bike lanes along the rail line. He also backed a successful effort to outlaw plastic bags in the county.

"Charles wasn't just a Marin County environmental leader. He was an environmental leader for all of us in the Bay Area, and really showed what can be done at the local level when you have passionate commitment," said Joel Makower, chairman and executive editor of GreenBiz Group in Oakland.

Mr. McGlashan won, and joined the board in 2005, representing southern Marin, which includes his town of Mill Valley, from which he often rode his bicycle to work in San Rafael.

Born in Hillsborough in 1961, Mr. McGlashan graduated with honors from Yale University in 1983. He earned an MBA from Stanford University in 1991, then worked as a consultant in environmental management and business planning.

He served on the Municipal Water District Board of Directors from 2003 to 2005, and on the Marin Economic Commission from 2001 to 2005. He advised a number of environmental groups including the Marin Conservation League and Sustainable Mill Valley.

