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Wisden Obit of JEK


STUDD, Sir John Edward Kynaston, Bart., O.B.E., the eldest but the last of three brothers who captained Cambridge in consecutive seasons, gained high renown in other walks of life before passing on at the age of 85 on January 14, 1944. Altogether six brothers Studd played in the Eton XI, besides the three Cambridge captains, being G. B., C. T., and J. E. K., and the youngest of them, R. A., got his Blue at Cambridge in 1895, while an elder half-brother, E. J. C., played for Cheltenham in 1866. G. B. captained Cambridge in 1882, and now of the three he alone survives, C. T., most famous in the cricket world, having died in 1931. All three were in the Cambridge XI of 1881 when Oxford won by 135 runs, and the next year they helped in a revenge victory by seven wickets with G. B. in command, a result exactly repeated under C. T. in 1883; but strange to relate Oxford turned the tables by the same margin when J. E. K. led the Light Blues.

At Eton, J. E. K. Studd was never on the losing side in the big school matches with Harrow and Winchester, but in these seasons his best score was 52 against Winchester in 1877. After two years in business J. E. K. went up to Cambridge and was four years in the XI without doing much in the University match, his aggregate for eight innings reaching only 100, but in 1882 he and his brothers took a large share in defeating by six wickets the great Australian side who later in the season beat England at Kennington Oval by seven runs. J. E. K. scored 6 and 66, G. B. 42 and 48, C. T. 118 and 17 not out. When Cambridge batted a second time requiring 165 runs for victory, the two elder brothers put up 106, the first appearance of three figures on the telegraph board against an Australian side in England without a wicket falling.

After leaving Cambridge, J. E. K. Studd played occasionally for Middlesex, but gave his time to business and the Polytechnic, which he was President from 1903 until his death. Knighted in 1923, Sir Kynaston became Lord Mayor of London in 1928 and was created Baronet at the end of his official year. When President of M.C.C. in September 1930 he gave a banquet at Merchant Taylors' Hall to the Australian team captained by W. M. Woodfull.

Canon F. H. Gillingham, the old Dulwich College and Essex batsman, in his address at the Memorial Service in St. Paul's Cathedral, said that after coming down from Cambridge Kynaston Studd realised that games were but a preparation for sterner duties, and in his presence it was easier for men to be good and harder to be bad. He made such rapid progress in the life of the City that he became the leading citizen of this Empire. "Everything he touched he lifted up."

As a Merchant Taylor and Fruiterer and a high officer in the Masonic world, Sir Kynaston exercised his splendid influence in the quietest manner, with benevolence a leading feature in his character.

From Christopher Martin-Jenkins' Who's who of Test cricketers'


3TUDD, Charles Thomas (i86o-r93i) ,ambradge University and Middlesex 'Charles Studd was the youngest and most famous of hree brothers - the others were George and Kynaston . all of whom played for Eton, Cambridge (succesively as captain) and Middlesex. Possessing a fine ipright style, C.T. was a right-handed batsman, iarticularly strong on the off-side, and a medium-fast iowler who brought the ball over from a good height. while still at Cambridge, he played for England in the iistoric Oval Test of 1882 - the year in which he iecame the second man ever (after W.G.) to achieve he double, with i,z49 runs and 128 wickets - and that uinter he was a member of the Hon. Ivo I31igh's party o Australia which came home with the original Ashes. ;tudd achieved the double again in 1883, but a year 3ter, greatly influenced by the evangelists, Moody and ianke}, he retired from regular first-class cricket to levote himself to overseas missionary work: he ndured great hardship in China, Africa and India.

First-class career (1879-1903): 4,391 runs (30.49) including 8 centuries, and 455 wickets (r7.3o) .'est matches (5): t6o runs (zo.oo), 3 wickets (32.66) and 5 catches

STUDD, George Brown (1859-1945) Cambridge University and Middlesex The eldest of the three brothers - George, Kynaston and Charles - George Studd hit tzo against Oxford at Lord's, when he was captain in 1882. Essentially a front-foot player, he was a skilful and powerful driver, but in the field he was an uncertain catcher, though his picking-up was clean and quick. He toured Australia in i882/3 with Hon. Ivo Bligh's team in search of the Ashes, but was very disappointing in the Tests. Called to the Bar, he did not practise but like his brother Charlie became a missionary; and from 1891 until his death he lived and worked in a notorious and squalid area of South Los Angeles in California. First-class career (t879-86): 2,892 runs (zi.9i) including 3 centuries Test matches (4): 3 1 runs (4.4z) and 8 catches