User:Timo Kouwenhoven
[edit]Timo Kouwenhoven 1972 was born in Helmond, The Netherlands. After being trained as a computer technician and electrotechnical engineer, he received a BSc (ingenieur) in informatics in 1995, specialising in factory automation. In 1996 he graduated from Middlesex University with an MSc in Co-operative Systems (CSCW). He is an alumnus of Singularity University, California.

Supporting individual knowledge workers and linking these to colleagues is a central objective in his work, building on the deployment of modern information and communication technologies. He publishes frequently and is an invited speaker for conferences and seminars relating to information management.
As a consultant/lecturer/researcher he is involved in the field of information management, specialising in:
- Information Architecture
- personas
- design and usability
- semantic technology
- information visualisation
- Information Retrieval
- search engine selection and deployment
- metadata schemas
- semantic web
- Multimedia Retrieval
- image retrieval
- spoken document retrieval
- digital asset management
- metadata schemes
[edit]- Stop met mailen, twitter je collega, interview met T. Kouwenhoven door M.J. Klaver, NRC Handelsblad, 27-10-08.
- Achtergrond artikel over Enterprise 2.0, interview met T. Kouwenhoven door E. Vlietick, Computable, nr. 4, 2007.
- Het Semantische Gat en web 2.0, T. Kouwenhoven, Automatiseringgids, week 25, juni 2006.
- Zoekmachines en web 2.0: Gaan we daar last van hebben of profijt? T. Kouwenhoven, CIBIT e-zine, mei 2006.
- S@P Jaarboek theme Audiovisual Archives, chapter on Searching and Navigating through audiovisual-archives, 2006.
- Bladeren in Beeld en Geluid, T. Kouwenhoven en J. Oomen, Informatie Professional, Cram Uitgeverij, april 2006.
- Twee taxonomieën voor één ministerie, interview met o.a. Timo Kouwenhoven, Intellectueel Kapitaal-magazine, 2005.
- Corporate Taxonomies: Informatieontsluiting met taxonomieën, Welk middel voor welk doel?, T. Kouwenhoven and K. Schwarz, CIBIT, 2005.
- Corporate e-Learning, E. Huisman, Boon, 2001. Co-author of chapter on e-Learning, Knowledge management and Communities of Practice.
- Reengineering for Learning, T. Kouwenhoven, I&I Magazine, uitgeverij Cramwinkel, 1997.
- Iterative Workflow Automation, het evolutionair ontwikkelen van workflowsystemen, T. Kouwenhoven. Workflow Magazine, 1997.
- Groupware: het group’aware maken van organisaties, CIBIT booklet, E. Kruizinga en T. Kouwenhoven, 1996.
- Kennismanagement moet voorafgaan aan Workflowmanagement, G. van Heijst en T. Kouwenhoven, Workflow Magazine, 1996.
[edit]- T. Ferreira, R. Barradas Pereira, J. Ramón, T. Kouwenhoven, C. López de Echazarreta, J. Ventura-Traveset, J. Ávila-Rodríguez, G. Hein, Navipedia — The GNSS Wiki, A Reference for Global Navigation Satellite Systems, InsideGNSS, November 2012.
- T. Kouwenhoven, K. Schwarz. Field Manual: domain model enhanced search, CIBIT, October 2005.
- K. Schwarz, T. Kouwenhoven, V. Dignum, J. van Ossenbruggen. Supporting the decision process for the choice of a domain modeling scheme. In proceedings of the first workshop “Formal Ontology Meets Industry”, Verona, Italy, June 2005.
- M. Lauwers (ed) Proceedings, Media Management in the Digital Era: changing sceneries, changing roles, International conference of the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA). Chapter: Searching and Navigating = Finding, Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, 2004.
- T. Kouwenhoven. Reengineering for Learning. ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin Volume 19, Issue 1 (April 1998), ACM New York, 1998.
- E. Kruizinga, T. Kouwenhoven. Real and Virtual: Best of Breed environments for Communities of Practice. KM Review, London, 1998.
[edit]- R. Morici (trans). E. Huisman, T. Kouwenhoven, E. Kruizinga. La Piazza di Ninive (knowledge management case studies / good practices for reforming the Italian educational system), Ministerio della Pubblica Instruzione, Roma, Italia, 1999.