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1963 medal count

Official report count (sans athletics and rowing)
1 Italy (ITA)32211669
2 Turkey (TUR)103417
3 France (FRA)814830
4 Yugoslavia (YUG)68822
5 Egypt (EGY)513927
6 Spain (ESP)441220
7 Syria (SYR)0134
8 Tunisia (TUN)0112
9 Morocco (MAR)0077
10 Greece (GRE)0055
11 Lebanon (LBN)0011
 Monaco (MON)0011
Totals (12 entries)656575205
Athletics + rowing (21+7 events)
  • Note: Two rowing events (coxless pairs and coxless fours) did not award bronze medal
1 Italy (ITA)108725
2 France (FRA)910625
3 Yugoslavia (YUG)44311
4 Spain2226
5 Tunisia (TUN)2114
6 Morocco (MAR)1023
7 Greece0213
8 Egypt0134
9 Turkey (TUR)0011
Totals (9 entries)28282682

Corrected 1963 medal table


Official reports' count (65 events) + athletics (21 events) + rowing (7 events) = 93 events total

  • No bronze event: 2 in rowing, 1 in boxing (93–3 = 90)
  • Double bronze events: 9 events in boxing, 2 in tennis (90+11 = 101)
  • Syria and Egypt formed the short-lived United Arab Republic (UAR) in 1958–61. In 1961 Syria (SYR) seceded and sent its own team to the 1963 Games under that name, while Egyptian athletes continued to compete as UAR until their country changed back its name in 1971. Medals won by the 1963 UAR team are retroactively attributed to Egypt (EGY) in official reports.
1 Italy (ITA)42292394
2 France (FRA)17241455
3 Yugoslavia (YUG)10121133
4 Turkey (TUR)103518
5 Spain (ESP)661426
6 Egypt (EGY)5141231
7 Tunisia (TUN)2226
8 Morocco (MAR)10910
9 Greece (GRE)0268
10 Syria (SYR)0134
11 Lebanon (LBN)0011
 Monaco (MON)0011
Totals (12 entries)9393101287