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User:Tim Starling/Weekly reports/2008-W04

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another whole week of work on parser-related stuff. I was working hard to a self-imposed deadline -- switch-on by Thursday -- and was getting a bit stressed and frustrated. I put it live on en.wikipedia on Thursday, but took it off again after another three bug reports. It's back on now, hopefully for good. If so, the major psychological hurdle will be behind me.

I'll enable it on the other wikis next week. The theory is that we can more easily explain the migration issues to the English-speaking community, and once that's done, the bilingual regulars there will be able to explain the transition to the other wikis where they are active. I haven't had as much interest as I'd hoped in migration issues pre-switchover, so now I'm relying on the big stick (switchover) to get people interested and moving.