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 # ^ Bat Ye'or (1985), p. 45
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p.62; Lewis (2002), p. 101
 # ^ Al-Mawardi (2000), p. 158
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 10
 # ^ Tritton (1970), p. 49
 # ^ a b c d e Lewis (1984), p. 17–18; Stillman (1979), p. 27
 # ^ Wehr (1976), p. 312
 # ^ Bravmann (1967), p. 307
 # ^ Al-Mawardi (2000), p. 158; Bat Ye'or (2202), p. 51; Lewis (1984), p. 14
 # ^ Lewis (1984), pp. 10–11; Bat Ye'or (2002), p. 41
 # ^ a b c d e f g The provisions of the Pact of Umar are cited as translated in Stillman (1979), pp. 157–158
 # ^ Tritton (1970); Lewis (1984), pp. 24–25; Bat Ye’or (1985), p. 48; Goddard (2000), p. 46
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (2003), p. 111; Lewis (1984), pp. 18–19; Stillman (1979), p. 26; Goddard (2000), p. 47
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (1985), p. 68
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (2003), pp. 111–113
 # ^ a b Al-Mawardi (2000), p. 161
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 16
 # ^ Friedmann (2003), p. 35
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (2002), p. 40
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 4
 # ^ Stillman (1979), p. 87
 # ^ Stillman (1979), p. 99; Lewis (1984) p. 39–40
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 32
 # ^ Stillman (1979), p. 109
 # ^ Lewis (1984), pp. 49–51
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 9; Bat Ye'or (2002), p. 66
 # ^ Lewis (1984), pp. 94–95
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 52; Stillman (1979), p.77
 # ^ a b c d e Bat Ye'or (2002), p. 88
 # ^ Stillman (1979), p.78
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 100; Bat Ye'or (2002), p. 88
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 40
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 152; Littman (1979), p. 3
 # ^ a b Littman (1979), p. 4
 # ^ Littman (1979), p. 4; Lewis (1984), p. 168; Stillman (1979), p.76
 # ^ a b c Bat Ye'or (1985), p. 61
 # ^ Bat Ye'or (2002), pp. 88–89
 # ^ Stillman (1979), pp. 37–39
 # ^ Stillman (1979), pp. 304–305; see also Stillman (1979), pp. 201–203, for examples of specific incidents.
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (2002), pp. 83–85
 # ^ Ibn Kathir, Tafsir. URL accessed on April 30, 2006
 # ^ Al-Mawardi (2000), p. 162; see also Bat Ye’or (1985), p. 179
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 39
 # ^ Stillman (1979), p. 103; Lewis (1984), p. 40
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 40
 # ^ Lane, Edward William (1871). An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, p. 305. Quoted in Lewis (1984), p. 40
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (1985), p. 60
 # ^ a b c Lewis (1984), pp. 14–15
 # ^ Lewis (1984), pp. 30–31; see Bat Ye’or (1985), p. 170, for a full English translation of the letter
 # ^ Lewis (2002), p. 81
 # ^ a b c
 # ^ Stillman (1979), p. 28
 # ^ Friedmann (2003), pp. 35–36
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (2002), p. 74
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (2002), p. 75
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (2002), p. 79
 # ^ Lewis (1984), pp. 26–27; see also Friedmann (2003), p. 35
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (1985), p. 62
 # ^ Al-Mawardi (2000), p. 66; the expression in quotes is from al-Sarakhsi, translated in Lewis (1984), p. 199; see also Friedmann (2003), p. 36
 # ^ "Djizya (i)", Encyclopaedia of Islam Online
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 199
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 32
 # ^ a b Lewis (1984), p. 36
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 168
 # ^ Stillman (1979), p. 104
 # ^ Stillman (1979), p. 102
 # ^ Lewis (2002), p. 90
 # ^ Wehr (1976), p.515,516
 # ^ Ibn Kathir. Tafsir. Retrieved on 2006-05-14.
 # ^ Bat Ye'or (2002), p. 89
 # ^ Ibn Naqqash, English translation in Bat Ye'or (1985), p. 188
 # ^ Bat Ye'or (2002), p. 90; Stillman (1979), p. 73
 # ^ a b c Lewis (1984), p. 14
 # ^ Al-Nawawi, Minhadj, quoted in Bat Ye’or (2002), p. 70
 # ^ Kitab al-Wagiz fi Fiqh Madhab al-Imam al-Safi’i, English translation cited in Andrew Bostom (2005), p. 199.
 # ^ Ahmad ad-Dardi el-Adaoui. Fetowa [1772]: ‘Réponse à une question’ Translated into French by François-Alphonse Belin. Journal Asiatique, 4th ser. 19 (1852): 107-8. English translation from Bat Ye’or (1996), p. 361-362.
 # ^ Georges Vajda. “Un Traité maghrébin ‘Adversus Judaeos’. Ahkam ahl al-Dhimma [Laws relating to the dhimmis] du Shaykh Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-Maghili.” In Etudes d’Orientalisme dédiées à la mémoire de Lévi-Provençal. 805-813. Paris: Masionneuve & Larose. English translation from Bat Ye’or (1996), p. 361
 # ^ Tabari, Ja:mi ’al-Baya:n …, ed. M. Sha:kir (Beirut, 1421/2001), vol. 10. Pp. 125-6. English translation from Andrew Bostom (2005), p. 128.
 # ^ From Al-Suyuti’s Durr al-Manthu:r … (Beirut, n.d.), vol. 3, p.228. English translation from Andrew Bostom (2005), p. 127.
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 15
 # ^ Stillman (1979), p. 214; "Kird" Encyclopaedia of Islam Online
 # ^ Jewish History Sourcebook: Islam and the Jews: The Status of Jews and Christians in Muslim Lands, 1772 CE. Retrieved on 2006-05-13.
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (1985), p. 64; see Lewis (1984), pp. 164–166, Stillman (1979), pp. 315–316 for some specific examples.
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (1985), p. 64
 # ^ Al-Nawawi, Minhadj, quoted in Bat Ye’or (2002), p. 91
 # ^ a b Bat Ye’or (2002), pp. 91–96
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (2002), p. 97
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 36
 # ^ Stillman (1979), p. 471
 # ^ a b Bat Ye’or (1985), p. 63
 # ^ Stillman (1979), p. 417
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (2002), p. 98
 # ^ Al-Mawardi (2000), p. 161
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (1985), p. 62
 # ^ Al-Tabari, Ta'rikh al-Rusul wa 'l-Muluk, translated in Stillman (1979), p. 167
 # ^ Al-Maliki, Riyad an-Nufus, translated in Bat Ye’or (1985), p. 186; see also "Kird", Encyclopaedia of Islam Online (2006)
 # ^ Bat Ye’or (1985), p. 64
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 28
 # ^ Al-Mawardi (2000), p. 161; Friedmann (2003), p. 161; Lewis (1984), p. 27; Bat Ye'or (1985), p. 62
 # ^ Friedmann (2003), pp. 161–162
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 27
 # ^ Bat Ye'or (1985), p. 62; Friedmann (2003), p. 163
 # ^ Al-Mawardi (2000), p. 243
 # ^ Friedmann (2003), pp. 163–164
 # ^ Lewis (1984), p. 34
 # ^ Official website of Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani URL accessed on April 27, 2006
 # ^ Lewis (1984), pp. 33–34; Bat Ye’or (2002), p. 103; Littman (1979), p. 3
 # ^ Spencer (2005), p. 51
 # ^ "1839-61", The Encyclopedia of World History Online
 # ^ "1839 Nov. 3", The Encyclopedia of World History Online
 # ^ "1856, Feb. 18", The Encyclopedia of World History Online
 # ^ Lapidus (1988), p. 599
 # ^ Lapidus (2002), p. 495
 # ^ Spencer (2005), p. 59