magine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.
Hello, my name is Thorncrag, a name that I use online. I have been a participant in Wikipedia since 2005, and contributing for several years. I contribute to articles for creation, and help authors improve articles so that they can be moved into the encyclopedia, among other things. I also utilize IRC under the same name. I am not an administrator. Other venues where I can be found: • LinkedIn • FaceBook • ClaimID.
[10:24pm] Thorncrag: frigging air freshener in the rest room.
[10:25pm] Thorncrag: i leave smelling like a frigging urinal cake.
[10:25pm] jorm: is that because you mistook the urinal cake for very large breath mint?
[10:26pm] Thorncrag: i just vomited a little in my mouth.
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