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List of Doraemon's Tool


Delaying Nut :This stuff can delay accident. but accident still happen to someone that delay it.
Flashback Album :This stuff can flashback a history of picture. Only set time and person that you want flashback.
Opposite mirror :This mirror is gate to the "opposite mirror world". That everything in this mirror is opposite. (eg.Doraemon have "Fear of mice" in mirror world he loved mice)
Intergalatic Train ticket :This ticket always have ticketcutter. Only cut ticket. Intergalactic SL will come to where you cut the ticket. And pick you up to the destination.
Accident forecest antenna : Wear it on your head. If accident will come over. It will buzzing. And you will find some thing to protect yourself automatically
House emotion flitter : when you have a beloved guest. put funny flitterplate in machine. If guest come in house. He will here welcome music. If you walk on the stair it will ring a tone like you walk on piano. Otherwise when you have anoying guest. put horror flitterplate. And house will turn to hunted house.
New-Ism club's pin and microphone : If you say something about beliefs in this microphone. It will turn to a new ism. Every one that wear a pin will belive that beliefs.
Everytime everyplave ski hat : only the person that wear this hat will see a snow everywhere and can play ski. and you can adjust level of snow.
Where? When? sketch set :This stuff can sketch a picture. In everywhere and can sketch past or future picture.
Wonder diary : only have a pencil. you can write a diary about past and future.
Every where posterdoor : stick poster on the wall write time and palace you want to go on doggie door.
Future sight eye : adjust a time you want and wear this eye you can see a future.
Traveling camera : This camera have a two light lens on difference side.One side for you pictue stand and pose. Another side you can get a picture where you want to make picture (eg.Piramids,Apollo 11 landsite)and picture output is you picture on some where you want.
Floating gas : Spray this gas on the cloud it's will turn to water but still float on sky.
Universe Exploring game : This game made by ballon. Only blow every ballon and space shuttle balloon. and you can exploring every star made by ballon.
Space adventure dice game : This game is box. And cannot be open. but put you hand in the box hole and you will get in a box. There are 4 walker token you must ride a token. Roll a dice by using freeze laser. And token will automatically walk to following by dice point.
Sellman robot : sellman robot form the future
Time stop clock : you can stop a time every time you wish.
Fairy tale shoe : When you wear this shoe you can get in the fairy world. By stand on the fairy tale book.
Flashback Carmera : Adjust a camera. And press shuter button and you can see a early situation.
Versatile fishing pond : You can adjust water in this pond to every water in the wolrd. And you can get a fish form this pond.
The ghost chest : This chest have a every type of ghost for playing a hunted house.
All season pin : only stick this pin. And adjust season you want in 3m2 area it's will turn to season you choose.
Mineral Spring rope : Place this rope on the floor it wil turn to mineral spring.
Water surface pumper & Water surface glasses : This stuff can use make a simulate water suface but you can't see that water surface untill you wear water surface glasses.
Wind power yacht : This yacht can fly by using wind power.
Wonder Poster : Stick it on the wall. And drawing place you want.(e.g. House,Resturant) And it will turn to be the palace you want.
Chameleon Hat(Use in Doraemon: Nobita and the Castle of the Undersea Devil)It's like captain hat only twist a anchor pin on hat it will enlarge and you can get in then shut the door push a switch and it's will disguising like chameleon lizard.
Mate seeker : This stuff will give picture and detail about opposite sex person that you will meet on the future.
Wonder projector : It will come with a globe. use a pin to pin somewhere on the globe and that place will apear on projector
Sight seeing Projector : Adjust world coordinate you want and place that on the coordinate will apear in your room.
Sight seeing window :