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User:JrandWP/sandbox/List of googolisms

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This is a list of googolisms in ascending order.

This list contains ill-defined large numbers, e.g. BEAF numbers beyond tetrational arrays, BIG FOOT, Little Bigeddon, Sasquatch, and large numbers whose well-definedness is not known, e.g. large numbers defined by Taranovsky's ordinal notation and Bashicu matrix number with respect to Bashicu matrix system version 2.3.

This page (the main list) lists the more notable googolisms on each class; click the "More..." link at the end of each section to see more googolisms in that class.

Class 0 (0 - 6)

Name Value Approximation (Fast-growing hierarchy)
Zero 0 N/A
Googolplexianminex \(10^{-(10^{10^{10^{100}}})}\) N/A
Googolplexminex \(10^{-(10^{10^{100}})}\) N/A
Googolminex \(10^{-(10^{100})}\) or 1/googolplex N/A
One 1 f0(0)
Two 2 f0(1)
Three 3 f0(2)
Four 4 f0(3)
Five 5 f0(4)
Six 6 f0(5)


Class 1 (7 - 1,000,000)

Name Value Approximation (Fast-growing hierarchy)
Seven 7 f0(6)
Eight 8 f0(7)
Nine 9 f0(8)
Ten 10 f1(5)
Dozen 12 f1(6)
Hundred 100 (102) f1(50)
Eleventy 110 f1(55)
Twelfty (or long hundred) 120 f1(60)
Gross 144 (122) f1(72)
Baker's gross 169 (132) f2(5)
Poulter's gross 196 (142) f1(98)
Short ream 480 f2(6)
Ream 500 f2(6)
Beast number 666 f2(7)
Thousand / Niloogol 1,000 (103) f2(7)
Great gross 1,728 (123) f2(8)
Great Baker's gross 2,197 (133) f2(8)
Poulter's great gross 2,744 (143) f2(8)
Myriad 10,000 f2(10)
Lakh 100,000 f2(13)


Class 2 (1,000,000 - \(10^{1,000,000}\))

Name Value
Million 1,000,000 f2(16)
Crore 10,000,000 f2(19)
Myllion 100,000,000 f2(22)
Billion(S)[1] / Milliard 1,000,000,000 f2(25)
Dialogue 1010 f2(29)
Trillion(S) / Billion(L) 1012 f2(35)
Quadrillion(S) / Billiard 1015 f2(45)
Byllion 1016 f2(48)
Quintillion(S) / Trillion(L) 1018 f2(54)
Sextillion(S) / Trilliard 1021 f2(64)
Avogadro's number ~6.02214076*1023 f2(73)
Septillion(S) / Quadrillion(L) 1024 f2(74)
Octillion(S) / Quadrilliard 1027 f2(83)
Nonillion(S) / Quintillion(L) 1030 f2(93)
Belphegor's prime ~1.00000000000007*1030 f2(93)
Tryllion 1032 f2(100)
Decillion(S) / Quintilliard 1033 f2(103)
Undecillion(S) / Sextillion(L) 1036 f2(113)
Duodecillion(S) / Sextilliard 1039 f2(123)
Tredecillion(S) / Septillion(L) 1042 f2(133)
Quattuordecillion(S) / Septilliard 1045 f2(143)
Quindecillion(S) / Octillion(L) 1048 f2(151)
Sexdecillion(S) / Octilliard 1051 f2(162)
Septendecillion(S) / Nonillion(L) 1054 f2(171)
Octodecillion(S) / Nonilliard 1057 f2(182)
Novemdecillion(S) / Decillion(L) 1060 f2(192)
Vigintillion(S) / Decilliard 1063 f2(202)
Quadryllion 1064 f2(205)
Eddington number 136*2256 ~ 1.5747724136275*1079 f2(256)
Trigintillion(S) 1093 f2(301)
Googol 10100 f2(323)
Vigintillion(L) 10120 f2(390)
Quadragintillion(S) 10123 f2(400)
Googolex 12060 ~ 5.6347514353165*10124 f2(405)
Quintyllion 10128 f2(417)
Quinquagintillion(S) 10153 f2(499)
Trigintillion(L) 10180 f2(589)
Sexagintillion(S) 10183 f2(599)
Number of Planck volumes in the observable universe ~4.6*10185 f2(607)
Gargoogol 10200 f2(656)
Septuagintillion(S) 10213 f2(698)
Hundertime 4.71193079990*10219 f2(721)
Googoc 200100 ~ 1.2676506002282*10230 f2(754)
Quadragintillion(L) 10240 f2(787)
Octogintillion(S) 10243 f2(797)
Nonagintillion(S) 10273 f2(897)
Quinquagintillion(L) 10300 f2(996)
Centillion(S) 10303 f2(997)
Sexagintillion(L) 10360 f2(1,185)
Primo-vigesimo-centillion(S) 10366 f2(1,205)
Faxul 200! ~ 7.88657867364*10374 f2(1,235)
Septuagintillion(L) 10420 f2(1,384)
Octogintillion(L) 10480 f2(1,584)
Googocci 402201 ~ 2.814729533583*10523 f2(1,728)
Nonagintillion(L) 10540 f2(1,783)
Centillion(L) 10600 f2(1,982)
Primo-vigesimo-centillion(L) 10726 f2(2,400)
Googolchime 101,000 f2(3,310)
Millillion(S) 103,003 f2(9,962)
Decyllion 104,096 f2(13,592)
Millillion(L) 106,000 f2(19,917)
Googoltoll 1010,000 f2(33,204)
Hitchhiker's number 2276,709 ~ 5.117645330517*1083,297 f2(f2(14))
Googolgong 10100,000 f2(f2(15))


Class 3 (\(10^{1,000,000} - 10^{10^{1,000,000}}\))

Name Value Approximation (fast-growing hierarchy)
Maximusmillion 101,000,000 f2(f2(17))
Milli-millillion(S) 103,000,003 f2(f2(19))
Vigintyllion 104,194,304 f2(f2(19))
Milli-millillion(L) 106,000,000 f2(f2(20))
Largest known prime 282,589,933-1 ~ 1.488944*1024,862,047 f2(f2(22))
Nanillion 103,000,000,003 f2(f2(28))
Trialogue 101010 f2(f2(30))
Ballium's number ~ 2.03542*10138,732,019,349 f2(f2(33))
Picillion 103*1012+3 f2(f2(37))
Femtillion 103*1015+3 f2(f2(48))
Attillion 103*1018+3 f2(f2(57))
Zeptillion 103*1021+3 f2(f2(67))
Yoctillion 103*1024+3 f2(f2(76))
Xonillion 103*1027+3 f2(f2(86))
Vecillion 103*1030+3 f2(f2(96))
Mecillion 103*1033+3 f2(f2(106))
Duecillion 103*1036+3 f2(f2(116))
Trecillion 103*1039+3 f2(f2(125))
Tetrecillion 103*1042+3 f2(f2(135))
Icosillion 103*1060+3 f2(f2(195))
Triacontillion 103*1090+3 f2(f2(294))
Googolplex 1010100 f2(f2(325))
Gargoogolplex googolplex2 = 102*10100 f2(f2(326))
Googolbang (10100)! ~ 109.957*10101 f2(f2(332))
Tetracontillion 103*10120+3 f2(f2(393))
Pentacontillion 103*10150+3 f2(f2(492))
Hexacontillion 103*10180+3 f2(f2(592))
Heptacontillion 103*10210+3 f2(f2(691))
Octacontillion 103*10240+3 f2(f2(791))
Ennacontillion 103*10270+3 f2(f2(890))
Hectillion 103*10300+3 f2(f2(989))
Ecetonplex 1010303 f2(f2(998))
Kilofaxul (200!)! ~ 1010379 f2(f2(1245))
Dohectillion 103*10600+3 f2(f2(1985))
Googolplexichime 10101,000 f2(f2(3311))
Killillion 103*103,000+3 f2(f2(9955))
Googolplexigong 1010100,000 f2(f2(f2(14)))


Class 4

Name Value Approximation (fast-growing hierarchy)
Millionduplex 10101,000,000 f23(17)
Megillion 103*103,000,000+3 f23(21)
Gigillion 103*103,000,000,000+3 f23(32)
Tetralogue 10101010 f23(35)
Terillion 103*103*1012+3 f23(37)
Petillion 103*103*1015+3 f23(47)
Exillion 103*103*1018+3 f23(57)
Zettillion 103*103*1021+3 f23(67)
Yottillion 103*103*1024+3 f23(76)
Xennillion 103*103*1027+3 f23(86)
Dakillion 103*103*1030+3 f23(96)
Hendillion 103*103*1033+3 f23(106)
First Skewes number eee79 ~ 10101034 f23(108)
Dokillion 103*103*1036+3 f23(116)
Tradakillion 103*103*1042+3 f23(126)
Ikillion 103*103*1060+3 f23(195)
Trakillion 103*103*1090+3 f23(294)
Googolduplex 101010100 f23(324)
Fzgoogolplex (1010100)1010100 = 101010100+100 f23(326)
Tekillion 103*103*10120+3 f23(393)
Hotillion 103*103*10300+3 f23(990)
Ecetonduplex 101010303
Megafaxul ((200!)!)! ~ 101010379 f23(1235)
Botillion 103*103*10600+3 f23(1986)
Trotillion 103*103*10900+3 f23(2982)
Second Skewes number eeee7.705 ~ 101010963
Totillion 103*103*101,200+3 f23(3978)
Kalillion 103*103*103,000+3 f23(9956)
Dalillion 103*103*106,000+3 f23(19921)
Tralillion 103*103*109,000+3 f23(29886)
Talillion 103*103*1012,000+3 f23(39851)
Dakalillion 103*103*1030,000+3 f23(99645)
Googolduplexigong 101010100,000 f24(14)
Hotalillion 103*103*10300,000+3 f24(16)


Class 5

Name Value
Mejillion 103*103*103,000,000+3
Gijillion 103*103*10300,000,0000+3
Pentalogue 1010101010
Astillion 103*103*103*1012+3
Lunillion 103*103*103*1015+3
Fermillion 103*103*103*1018+3
Multillion 103*103*103*1042+3
Googoltriplex 10101010100
Fzgargoogolplex googolduplexgoogolduplex
Ecetontriplex 10101010303
Gigafaxul (((200!)!)!)! ~ 10101010379
Googoltriplexigong 10101010100,000


Tetration level

Name Value
Hexalogue 10↑↑6
Googolquadriplex E100#5
Fzgargantugoogolplex googoltriplexgoogoltriplex
Heptalogue 10↑↑7
Googolquinplex E100#6
Octalogue 10↑↑8
Googolsextiplex E100#7
Ennalogue 10↑↑9
Bentley's Number \(\sum^{9}_{i = 0} 10 \uparrow\uparrow i\)
Googolseptiplex E100#8
Decker {10,10,2} = 10↑↑10
Googoloctiplex E100#9
Endekalogue 10↑↑11
Equinoxal 10(≡) = 10(10)(10)
Googolnoniplex E100#10
Dodekalogue 10↑↑12
Googoldeciplex E100#11
Triadekalogue 10↑↑13
Tetradekalogue 10↑↑14
Giggol {10,100,2} = 10↑↑100
Grangol E100#100
Expofaxul 200!1
Mega 2[5] = 256[4] ~ 10↑↑258
Chilialogue 10↑↑1,000
Grangolgong E100,000#100,000
Tritri {3,3,3} = {3,7625597484987,2} = 3↑↑7,625,597,484,987
Googolgoogolplex 10↑↑(10100)
Googoldex E100#(10100) = E100#1#2
Ecetondex E303#1#2
Grand Faxul ~ 10↑↑10379


Up-arrow notation level

Name Value
Zootzootplex Exponential factorial of googolplex = googolplexgoogolplex-1googolplex-2...432.
Googolplexstack 10↑↑(1010100)
Googolplexidex E100#(1010100) = E100#2#2
Grand Kilofaxul ~ 10↑↑1010379
Tria-teraksys E1#1#3 = 10↑↑↑3 = 10↑↑10↑↑10
Equiduoxal 10(≡≡) = 10(10(≡))(10(≡))
Giggolplex {10,giggol,2} = 10↑↑10↑↑100
Grangoldex E100#100#2
Kiloexpofaxul (200!1)!1
Grangoldexigong E100,000#100,000#2
Googolgoogolduplex 10↑↑10↑↑(10100)
Ecetondudex E303#1#3
Bigrand Faxul ~ 10↑↑10↑↑(10379)
Tetra-teraksys E1#1#4 = 10↑↑↑4
Giggolduplex {10,giggolplex,2} = 10↑↑10↑↑10↑↑100
Grangoldudex E100#100#3
Megaexpofaxul ((200!1)!1)!1
Grangoldudexigong E100,000#100,000#3
Googolgoogoltriplex 10↑↑10↑↑10↑↑(10100)
Deka-teraksys E1#1#10 = 10↑↑↑10
Megiston 10[5] ~ 10↑↑↑11
Gaggol {10,100,3} = 10↑↑↑100
Greagol E100#100#100
Tetrofaxul 200!2
Greagolgong E100,000#100,000#100,000
Googol-3-flex 10↑↑↑(10100)
Ecetonthrex E303#1#1#2
Folkman's number 2↑↑↑(2901)
Grand expofaxul ~ 10↑↑↑10↑↑198
A-ooga 2[6]
Grahal g1 = 3↑↑↑↑3
Tria-petaksys 10↑↑↑↑3
Gaggolplex {10,gaggol,3}
Greagolthrex E100#100#100#2
Kilotetrofaxul (200!2)!2
Greagolthrexigong E100,000#100,000#100,000#2
Ecetonduthrex E303#1#1#3
Tritet {4,4,4} = 4↑↑↑↑4
Greagolduthrex E100#100#100#3
Greagolduthrexigong E100,000#100,000#100,000#3
Equitrioxal 10(≡≡≡) = 10(10(≡≡))(10(≡≡))
Hexar \(Q_{1,0}(6)\) = 6↑↑↑↑6
Geegol {10,100,4} = 10↑↑↑↑100
Gigangol E100#100#100#100
Pentofaxul 200!3
Geegolplex {10,geegol,4}
Gigangoltetrex E100#100#100#100#2
Tripent {5,5,5} = 5↑↑↑↑↑5
Gigol {10,100,5} = 10↑↑↑↑↑100
Gorgegol E100#100#100#100#100
Hexofaxul 200!4
Gigolplex {10,gigol,5}
Gorgegolpentex E100#100#100#100#100#2
Goggol {10,100,6}= 10↑↑↑↑↑↑100
Gulgol E100#100#100#100#100#100
Goggolplex {10,goggol,6}
Gulgolhex E100#100#100#100#100#100#2
Trisept {7,7,7} = 7↑77
Gagol {10,100,7} = 10↑7100
Gaspgol E100#100#100#100#100#100#100
Gagolplex {10,gagol,7}
Gaspgolheptex E100#100#100#100#100#100#100#2
Ginorgol E100#100#100#100#100#100#100#100
Ginorgoloctex E100#100#100#100#100#100#100#100#2
Tridecal {10,10,10}
Boogol {10,10,100}
Gugold E100##100
Hyperfaxul 200![1]
Gugoldagong E100,000##100,000
Gongol hyper(10,10100,100)
Googoldiflux \(10 \underbrace{\uparrow\uparrow\ldots\uparrow\uparrow}_{10^{100}} (10^{100})\)
Equiquioxal 10(≡{≡}≡)


Linear omega level

Name Value
\(q(6)\) (lower bound)
Moser 2[2[5]] using Steinhaus-Moser notation, ~ 3 ↑Mega 3
Boogolplex {10,10,{10,10,100}}
Gugolda-suplex E100##100#2
Kilohyperfaxul (200![1])![1]
Gongolplex hyper(10,gongol,100)
Dihexar \(Q_{1,1}(6) \approx 6\rightarrow 6\rightarrow 6\rightarrow 2\)
Graham's number g64, where g1 = 3 ↑4 3 and gn = 3 ↑gn-1 3, ~ {3,65,1,2}
xkcd number A(G,G), where G is Graham's number, ~ {3,66,1,2}
Corporal {10,100,1,2}
Graatagold E100##100#100
Forcal g1,000,000
Conway's Tetratri 3→3→3→3 ~ {33,3,2,2}
Corporalplex {10,{10,100,1,2},1,2}
Graatagolda-sudex E100##100#100#2
Force forcal gforcal
Trihexar \(Q_{1,2}(6)\)
Greegold E100##100#100#100
Suporcal Forcal(1,000,000)
Greegolda-suthrex E100##100#100#100#2
Grinningold E100##100##4
Megocal Forcal2(1,000,000)
Golaagold E100##100##5
Gruelohgold E100##100##6
Gaspgold E100##100##7
Ginorgold E100##100##8
Grand tridecal {10,10,10,2}
Gugolthra E100##100##100
Biggol {10,10,100,2}
Giaxul 200![200] = 200![1,2]
Ultron \(\approx f_{\omega+200} (100)\)
Terribocal Forcal1,2(1)
Biggolplex {10,10,{10,10,100,2},2}
Graatagolthra E100##100##100##2
Tetratri {3,3,3,3}
Septasexahexar \(Q_{3,0}(6)\)
Gugoltesla E100##100##100##100
Baggol {10,10,100,3}
Tribocal Forcal1,3(1)
Baggolplex {10,10,{10,10,100,3},3}
Graatagoltesla E100##100##100##100##2
Supertet {4,4,4,4}
Gugolpeta E100##100##100##100##100
Beegol {10,10,100,4}
Beegolplex {10,10,{10,10,100,4},4}
Gugolhexa E100###6
Bigol {10,10,100,5}
Bigolplex {10,10,{10,10,100,5},5}
Gugolhepta E100###7
Boggol {10,10,100,6}
Boggolplex {10,10,{10,10,100,6},6}
Gugolocta E100###8
Bagol {10,10,100,7}
Bagolplex {10,10,{10,10,100,7},7}
General {10,10,10,10}
Kaboodol \(\underbrace{10 \rightarrow\ldots\rightarrow 10}_{102} < \text{kaboodol} < \underbrace{10 \rightarrow\ldots\rightarrow 10}_{103}\)
Throogol E100###100
Troogol {10,10,10,100}
Giabixul 200![200,200]


Quadratic omega level

Name Value
Generalplex {10,10,10,{10,10,10,10}} = {10,3,1,1,2}
Kaboodolplex \(\underbrace{10 \rightarrow\ldots\rightarrow 10}_{\text{kaboodol}+2} < \text{kaboodolplex} < \underbrace{10 \rightarrow\ldots\rightarrow 10}_{\text{kaboodol}+3}\)
Troogolplex {10,10,10,{10,10,10,100}}
Thrangol E100###100#100
Threagol E100###100##3
Thrugold E100###100##100
Thrugolthra E100###100###3
Thrugoltesla E100###100###4
Throotrigol E100###100###100
Triggol {10,10,10,100,2}
Triggolplex {10,10,10,{10,10,10,100,2},2}
Thrantrigol E100###100###100#100
Thrutrigold E100###100###100##100
Pentatri {3,3,3,3,3}
Throotergol E100###100###100###100
Traggol {10,10,10,100,3}
Throopetol E100###100###100###100###100
Treegol {10,10,10,100,4}
Superpent {5,5,5,5,5}
Throohexol E100####6
Trigol {10,10,10,100,5}
Throoheptgol E100####7
Troggol {10,10,10,100,6}
Throogogdol E100####8
Tragol {10,10,10,100,7}
Pentadecal {10,10,10,10,10}
Tetroogol E100####100
Quadroogol {10,10,10,10,100}


Polynomial omega level

Name Value
Pentadecalplex {10,10,10,10,{10,10,10,10,10}}
Quadroogolplex {10,10,10,10,{10,10,10,10,100}}
Tetrangol E100####100#100
Tetrugold E100####100##100
Tetrithroogol E100####100###100
Tetrootrigol E100####100####100
Quadriggol {10,10,10,10,100,2}
Hexatri {3,3,3,3,3,3}
Tetrootergol E100####100####100####100
Quadraggol {10,10,10,10,100,3}
Tetroopetol E100####100####100####100####100
Quadreegol {10,10,10,10,100,4}
Tetroohexol E100#####6
Quadrigol {10,10,10,10,100,5}
Superhex {6,6,6,6,6,6}
Tetrooheptgol E100#####7
Quadroggol {10,10,10,10,100,6}
Tetroogogdol E100#####8
Quadragol {10,10,10,10,100,7}
Hexadecal {10,10,10,10,10,10}
Pentoogol E100#####100
Quintoogol {10,10,10,10,10,100}
Quintiggol {10,10,10,10,10,100,2}
Quintaggol {10,10,10,10,10,100,3}
Quinteegol {10,10,10,10,10,100,4}
Quintigol {10,10,10,10,10,100,5}
Quintoggol {10,10,10,10,10,100,6}
Supersept {7,7,7,7,7,7,7}
Quintagol {10,10,10,10,10,100,7}
Heptadecal {10,10,10,10,10,10,10}
Hexoogol E100######100
Sextoogol {10,10,10,10,10,10,100}
Superoct {8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8}
Octadecal {10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10}
Heptoogol E100#######100
Septoogol {10,10,10,10,10,10,10,100}
Superenn {9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9}
Ennadecal {10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10}
Ogdoogol E100########100
Octoogol {10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,100}
Iteral {10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10} = {10,10 (1) 2} = {10,2,2 (1) 2}
Ultatri {3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3} = {3,27 (1) 2}
Goobol {10,100(1)2}
Godgahlah E100#100100 = E100#^#100
Giatrixul 200![200,200,200]
Godgahlahgong E100,000#100,000100,000


Exponentiated linear omega level

Name Value
Dupertri {3,{3,3,3}(1)2} = {3,3,2 (1) 2}
Duperdecal {10,{10,10(1)2}(1)2}
Goobolplex {10,{10,100(1)2}(1)2}
Grand godgahlah E100#godgahlah100 = E100#^#100#2
Grand godgahlahgong E100,000#godgahlahgong100,000
Grand grand godgahlah E100#^#100#3
Gibbol {10,100,2(1)2}
Grandgahlah E100#^#100#100
Latri {3,3,3(1)2}
Gabbol {10,100,3(1)2}
Greagahlah E100#^#100#100#100
Boobol {10,10,100(1)2}
Gugoldgahlah E100#^#100##100
Bibbol {10,10,100,2(1)2}
Gugolthragahlah E100#^#100##100##100
Troobol {10,10,10,100(1)2}
Throogahlah E100#^#100###100
Quadroobol {10,10,10,10,100(1)2}
Tetroogahlah E100#^#100####100
Gootrol {10,100(1)3}
Gotrigahlah E100#^#100#^#100
Bootrol {10,10,100(1)3}
Gooquadrol {10,100(1)4}
Gotergahlah E100#^#100#^#100#^#100
Emperal {10,10(1)10}
Gossol {10,10(1)100}
Godgoldgahlah E100#^#*#100
Emperalplex {10,10(1){10,10(1)10}}
Gossolplex {10,10(1){10,10(1)100}}
Gotrigoldgahlah E100#^#*##3
Gissol {10,10(1)100,2}
Gassol {10,10(1)100,3}
Hyperal {10,10(1)10,10}
Mossol {10,10(1)10,100}
Godthroogahlah E100#^#*##100
Mossolplex {10,10(1)10,{10,10(1)10,100}}
Bossol {10,10(1)10,10,100}
Godtetroogahlah E100#^#*###100
Trossol {10,10(1)10,10,10,100}
Godpentoogahlah E100#^#*####100
Quadrossol {10,10(1)10,10,10,10,100}
Quintossol {10,10(1)10,10,10,10,10,100}
Diteral {10,10 (1)(1) 2}
Dubol {10,100 (1)(1) 2}
Deutero-godgahlah E100#^#*#^#100
Diteralplex {10,diteral (1)(1) 2}
Dutrol {10,100 (1)(1) 3}
Duquadrol {10,100 (1)(1) 4}
Admiral {10,10 (1)(1) 10}
Dossol {10,10 (1)(1) 100}
Deutero-godgoldgahlah E100#^#*#^#*#100
Dossolplex {10,10 (1)(1) dossol}
Dutritri {3,3,3 (1) 3,3,3 (1) 3,3,3}
Dutridecal {10,10,10 (1) 10,10,10 (1) 10,10,10}
Trito-godgahlah E100#^#*#^#*#^#100
Teterto-godgahlah E100#^#*#^#*#^#*#^#100
Xappol {10,10 (2) 2}
Gridgahlah E100#^##100


Exponentiated polynomial omega level

Name Number
Xappolplex {10,xappol (2) 2}
Grand xappol {10,10 (2) 3}
Dimentri {3,3 (3) 2}
Colossol {10,10 (3) 2}
Kubikahlah E100#^###100
Colossolplex {10,colossol (3) 2}
Terossol {10,10 (4) 2}
Quarticahlah E100#^####100
Terossolplex {10,terossol (4) 2}
Petossol {10,10 (5) 2}
Quinticahlah E100#^#^#5
Petossolplex {10,petossol (5) 2}
Ectossol {10,10 (6) 2}
Sexticahlah E100#^#^#6
Ectossolplex {10,ectossol (6) 2}
Zettossol {10,10 (7) 2}
Septicahlah E100#^#^#7
Zettossolplex {10,zettossol (7) 2}
Yottossol {10,10 (8) 2}
Octicahlah E100#^#^#8
Yottossolplex {10,yottossol (8) 2}
Xennossol {10,10 (9) 2}
Xennossolplex {10,xennossol (9) 2}
Dimendecal {10,10 (10) 2}
Gongulus {10,10 (100) 2}
Godgathor E100#^#^#100


Double exponentiated polynomial omega level

Name Value
Gongulusplex {10,10 (gongulus) 2}
Gongulusduplex {10,10 (gongulusplex) 2}
Deutero-godgathor E100#^#^#*#^#^#100
Trito-godgathor E100#^#^#*#^#^#*#^#^#100
Hecato-godgathor E100#^(#^#*#)100
Godgridgathor E100#^(#^#*##)100
Dulatri {3,3 (0,2) 2}
Godkubikgathor E100#^(#^#*###)100
Gingulus {10,100 (0,2) 2}
Godgathordeus E100#^(#^#*#^#)100
Trilatri {3,3 (0,3) 2}
Gangulus {10,100 (0,3) 2}
Godgathortruce E100#^(#^#*#^#*#^#)100
Geengulus {10,100 (0,4) 2}
Godgathorquad E100#^(#^#*#^#*#^#*#^#)100
Gowngulus {10,100 (0,5) 2}
Gungulus {10,100 (0,6) 2}
Bongulus {10,100 (0,0,1) 2}
Gralgathor E100#^#^##100
Bingulus {10,100 (0,0,2) 2}
Gralgathordeus E100#^(#^##*#^##)100
Trimentri {3,3 (0,0,0,1) 2} = {3,3 ((1)1) 2}
Bangulus {10,100 (0,0,3) 2}
Gralgathortruce E100#^(#^##*#^##*#^##)100
Beengulus {10,100 (0,0,4) 2}
Gralgathorquad E100#^(#^##*#^##*#^##*#^##)100
Trongulus {10,100 (0,0,0,1) 2}
Thraelgathor E100#^#^###100
Quadrongulus {10,100 (0,0,0,0,1) 2}
Terinngathor E100#^#^####100
Pentaelgathor E100#^#^#####100
Quintongulus {10,100 (0,0,0,0,0,1) 2}
Sextongulus {10,100 (0,0,0,0,0,0,1) 2}
Septongulus {10,100 (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) 2}
Octongulus {10,100 (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) 2}
Goplexulus \(\lbrace10,100 (\underbrace{0,0,\ldots ,0,0,}_{100 \text{ zeroes}}1) 2\rbrace\) = {10,100 ((1)1) 2}
Godtothol E100#^#^#^#100


Triple exponentiated polynomial omega level

Name Value
Extendol s(3,3{1`2}2)
Graltothol E100#^#^#^##100
Goduplexulus {10,100 ((100)1) 2}
Thraeltothol E100#^#^#^###100
Terinntothol E100#^#^#^####100
Pentaeltothol E100#^#^#^#####100
Godtertol E100#^#^#^#^#100
Gotriplexulus \(\lbrace 10,100 ((\underbrace{0,0,\ldots ,0,0,}_{100 \text{ zeroes}}1)1) 2\rbrace\) = {10,100 (((1)1)1) 2}


Iterated Cantor normal form level

Name Value
Graltertol E100#^#^#^#^##100
Thraeltertol E100#^#^#^#^###100
Godtopol E100#^#^#^#^#^#100
Graltopol E100#^#^#^#^#^##100
Godhathor E100#^#^#^#^#^#^#100
Godheptol E100#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#100
Godoctol E100#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#100
Godentol E100#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#100
Goddekathol E100#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#100
Tethrathoth E100#^^#100
Goppatoth 10↑↑100 & 10
Nucleaxul 200![200200]
Giaquaxul 200![200,200,200,200]


Epsilon level

Name Value
Grand tethrathoth E100#^^#100#2
Goppatothplex 10↑↑(goppatoth) & 10
Grantethrathoth E100#^^#100#100
Tethratrithoth E100#^^#100#^^#100
Deutero-tethrathoth E100#^^#*#^^#100
Hecato-tethrathoth E100(#^^#)^#100
Monster-Giant E100(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
Super Monster-Giant E100(#^^#)^(#^^#)^(#^^#)^#100
Terrible tethrathoth E100(#^^#)^^#100
Terrible terrible tethrathoth E100((#^^#)^^#)^^#100
Tethrathoth ba'al E100#^^#>#100
Great and Terrible Tethrathoth E100#^^#>#100#2
Gippatoth 100↑↑(2 × 100) & 10
Gappatoth 100↑↑(3 × 100) & 10
Geepatoth 100↑↑(4 × 100) & 10
Grangol-carta-tethriterator E100#^^#>#100#100
Tethriterhecate E100#^^#>#*#100
Deutero-tethriterator E100#^^#>#*#^^#>#100
Tethriterfact E100(#^^#>#)^#100
Terrible tethriterator E100(#^^#>#)^^#100
Tethriditerator E100#^^#>(#+#)100
Tethrigriditerator E100#^^#>##100
Tethrispatialator E100#^^#>#^#100
Dustaculated-tethrathoth E100#^^#>#^^#100
Tristaculated-tethrathoth E100#^^#>#^^#>#^^#100
Tethracross E100#^^##100
Boppatoth 100↑↑(1002) & 10


Binary phi level

Name Value
Terrible tethracross E100(#^^##)^^#100
Secundotethrated-tethracross E100(#^^##)^^##100
Tethritercross E100#^^##>#100
Dustaculated-tethracross E100#^^##>#^^##100
Tethracubor E100#^^###100
Troppatoth 100↑↑(1003) & 10
Terrible tethracubor E100(#^^###)^^#100
Tethraducubor E100(#^^###)^^###100
Tethritercubor E100#^^###>#100
Dustaculated-tethracubor E100#^^###>#^^###100
Tethrateron E100#^^####100
Quadroppatoth 100↑↑(1004) & 10
Terrible tethrateron E100(#^^####)^^#100
Tethraduteron E100(#^^####)^^####100
Tethra-hectateron E100#^^####>#100
Dustaculated-tethrateron E100#^^####>#^^####100
Tethrapeton E100#^^#^#5
Tethrahexon E100#^^#^#6
Tethrahepton E100#^^#^#7
Tethra-ogdon E100#^^#^#8
Tethrennon E100#^^#^#9
Tethradekon E100#^^#^#10
Tethrafact E100#^^#^#100
Tethrato-tethrathoth E100#^^#^^#100
Tethrarxitet E100#^^#^^#^^#100
Pentacthulhum E100#^^^#100


Bachmann's collapsing level

Name Value
Pentacthuldugon E100(#^^^#)^^^#100
Pentacthuliterator E100#^^^#>#100
Hugexul 200![200(1)200]
Superior Hugexul 200![200(1)200,200]
Dustaculated-pentacthulhum E100#^^^#>#^^^#100
Pentacthulcross E100#^^^##100
Bisuperior Hugexul 200![200(1)200,200,200]
Pentacthulcubor E100#^^^###100
Pentacthulteron E100#^^^####100
Pentacthultope E100#^^^#^#100
Pentacthularxitri E100#^^^#^^^#100
Hexacthulhum E100#^^^^#100
Hugebixul 200![200(1)200(1)200]
Hexacthuliterator E100#^^^^#>#100
Superior Hugebixul 200![200(1)200(1)200,200]
Hexacthulcross E100#^^^^##100
Heptacthulhum E100#{5}#100
Hugetrixul 200![200(1)200(1)200(1)200]
Ogdacthulhum E100#{6}#100
Hugequaxul 200![200(1)200(1)200(1)200(1)200]
Ennacthulhum E100#{7}#100
Dekacthulhum E100#{8}#100
Goliath E100#{10}#100
Godsgodgulus E100#{#}#100
Godsgodgulcross E100#{#}##100
Godsgodeus E100#{#+#}#100
The centurion E100#{#^#}#100
Ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygooosh E100#{#{#}#}#100
Blasphemorgulus E100{#,#,1,2}100
Hundrelasphemorgue E100{#,#+1,1,2}100
Enormaxul 200![200(2)200]
Superior Enormaxul 200![200(2)200,200]
Bisuperior Enormaxul 200![200(2)200,200,200]
Enormabixul 200![200(2)200(2)200]
Enormatrixul 200![200(2)200(2)200(2)200]
Enormaquaxul 200![200(2)200(2)200(2)200(2)200]
Destruxul 200![200(200)200]
Great Destruxul 200![200(200)200(200)200]
Bigreat Destruxul 200![200(200)200(200)200(200)200]
Bird's number \(f_{\vartheta(\Omega^{\omega})+2}(f_{\vartheta(\Omega^{\omega})+1}(f_{\vartheta(\Omega^{\omega})}(f_{\vartheta(\Omega^{\omega})}(7))))\)
TREE[3] (lower bound)
Destrubixul 200![200([200(200)200])200]
Destrutrixul 200![200([200([200(200)200])200])200]
Destruquaxul 200![200([200([200([200(200)200])200])200])200]
Golapulus 10100&10&10
Extremexul 200![1(1)[2200,200,200,200]]


Higher computable level


Since the comparison (or even the well-definedness) of numbers of this level is unknown, the order of entries does not necessarily imply the order of the sizes. Also, several numbers are defined by an OCF, which is uncomputable, and are not known to be computable.

Name Value
Extremebixul 200![1(1)[2200,200,200,200,200]]
Extremetrixul 200![1(1)[2200,200,200,200,200,200]]
Extremequaxul 200![1(1)[2200,200,200,200,200,200,200]]
Gigantixul 200![1(1)[3200,200,200]]
Gigantibixul 200![1(1)[3200,200,200,200]]
Gigantitrixul 200!1(1)[3200,200,200,200,200]]
Gigantiquaxul 200![1(1)[3200,200,200,200,200,200]]
Nucleabixul 200![[200200]200]
SCG(13) (lower bound)
段階配列数 g100(100)
Nucleatrixul 200![[[200200]200]200]
Nucleaquaxul 200![[[[200200]200]200]200]
BIGG 200?
Kumakuma 3 variables ψ number F10100(10100)
グラハム数ver ε.0.1.0 G64(4)
Loader's number D5(99)
Bashicu matrix number with respect to Bashicu matrix system version 2.3
(N primitive)
Y sequence number f2000(1)
the least transcendental integer


Uncomputable numbers


The term "uncomputable number" here refers to the numbers defined in terms of uncomputably fast-growing functions. This table contains large numbers which are known to be ill-defined. For more details on the ill-definedness, click the "More..." link below.

Name Value Ill-defined?
1919-th busy beaver \(\Sigma(1919)\) No
Fish number 4 F463(3) No
\(\Xi(10^6)\) No
\(\Sigma_\infty(10^9)\) No
Rayo's number Rayo(10100) Partially
Fish number 7 F763(10100) Partially
BIG FOOT FOOT10(10100) Yes
Little Bigeddon Yes
Sasquatch Yes
Large Number Garden Number \(f^{10}(10 \uparrow^{10} 10)\) Not determined yet



  1. ^ (S) means "in the short scale", and (L) means "in the long scale".