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Hello! I'm a user on Wikipedia. I'm very lazy to write more... so I have put some user boxes below so people can get more information about me :D

This user plays chess.
This user supported the mandate of vaccines, masks, lockdowns, and social distancing during COVID-19.
This user was happy that there was no COVID-19 in Antarctica for more than a year.
This user wants to own one or more cats.
This user is proud of Vietnamese nation's tradition of fondness for learning.
Thành viên này tự hào về truyền thống hiếu học của dân tộc Việt.
This user thinks in a very cubic way....
- -This user saw HIM.
Lua-0This user knows very little or nothing about Lua.
py-2This user is an intermediate Python programmer.
C-0This person does not understand C (or does not want to program in C).
This user believes that a new USSR shall rise again.
This user is interested in the history of the USSR.
This user lives in Vietnam.
This user is from, or living in Saigon
This user thinks mathematics is more abstract than philosophy.
This user LOVES Algebra, and will continue to study Algebra.

This user knows how to
Find x.
Either this user isn't a logician or this sentence is false.
This user loves problem solving.
This user knows that 0.999... is exactly 1.
=1 This user knows that 0.9...(repeating) is exactly 1 and can prove it, but wishes that other people could understand it the way he does.
This user likes pie. Pi? Not so much...
This user is interested in
This user is interested in
This user's favorite subject is computing.
This user is interested in glitches. @UV&q6m47wq58d3v%$523()*~`;^!:#[21]_-=+{}\/"'<.>,09QWERTY.exe
DAMN!This user's computer is CRAPPY!
This user is a programmer.
>> Strict binary is for
   code, not for gender!
This user wants to learn about Computer Science.
:)This user is an optimist.
This user is an ambivert
The ancestors of this user hunted
mammoth and mastodon.
So how was your day?
This user is interested in
This user is interested in military history.
-- --- .-. ... .This user knows Morse Code.
This user deeply and utterly loathes people who deny the Holocaust.
This user deeply and utterly loathes people who justify burning and nuking innocent civillians.
This user is interested in the Vietnam War.