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I am Uwe Schindler, also known as "Generics Policeman" and with my pseudonym "ThetaPhi". I work mainly as committer and PMC member of the open source projects Apache Lucene and Apache Solr, but I am also involved in Apache POI and Apache Tika. I am member of the Apache Software Foundation. From time to time I also update the Wikipedia pages of those projects, especially when new releases are done.

Other interests are cashless payments like card payments, mobile payments Google Pay, Apple Pay, especially EMV related stuff.

I am very good at analyzing (reported) bugs and security issues in software, but also hardware. I regularily post to my blog about issues around Apache Lucene, code style, issues with Java and other related stuff. Recently I also investigated some hardware issues in the Pixel 5 phone. Originally I studied physics.

I work at MARUM, an institute related to the University of Bremen, and have a software company about fulltext search consulting.

My personal Homepage: http://www.thetaphi.de