Thank you, Marchjuly, David notMD, Drm310, 331dot and Quisqualis! I'm very grateful for the responses and guidance! I accidentally created a second account last week when I was trying to access the page in question -- I had forgotten I created an account a few months ago with my real name as the user name. I'd rather use the new account and the name ThefiveWs. Do I need to do a "clean start" account or just stick to messaging with the new account? (I've been reading all the policies in an effort to get back on the right track!) From what I understand, I can post the changes here, then one of you not associated with the nonprofit in question can actually edit it? It also has an old logo attached to the article. (it says Faith Comes By Hearing, and underneath "celebrating 40 years of ministry." Now it's almost 50 years!) I'm trying to attach an updated logo file and ran out of time today... this is a rough draft and I will continue tomorrow. thanks again!
Faith Comes By Hearing is an international 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that records and provides the Bible in the languages of the world.[1] It provides audio Bibles, primarily the New Testament, in more than 1,300 languages. The organization is a member of the Forum of Bible Agencies International and the Wycliffe Global Alliance. The Chairman of the Board for the organization is Murray J. Crawford, and its president is founder Gerald (Jerry) Jackson.
Contents 1 History 2 Modern technology 3 See also 4 References 5 External links
History The ministry, which began under the name "Hosanna," was founded in 1972 by Jerry Jackson and his wife Anet Jackson as an audiocassette-lending ministry. The seed was planted for recording audio Bibles when the Jacksons served as missionaries to the Hopi and Navajo Indian reservations in Arizona, discovering written translations of the Bible were not being used since tribal members couldn't read them.[3]
Hosanna entered the international marketplace in 1986, when the ministry began working with several Haitian missionaries to record a Creole translation of the Bible.[2] From 1986 forward, the ministry used revenues as well as donations to record translations of the Bible in hundreds of different languages. In 1991, its first international recording office opened in Ghana.[2] The organization works with many partners such as Bible translators and distributors.[4]
Modern technology In 2004, Faith Comes By Hearing engineers developed The Proclaimer, a virtually indestructible audio player that uses an MP3 chip, and can broadcast recordings of the Bible to hundreds of people. Rechargeable via an electrical socket, solar energy, or a hand crank,[2] The Proclaimer's battery can last through enough charges to play the New Testament more than 1,000 times. The ministry continues to add new technological tools to get Scripture to people around the world in a language they can understand. Micro SD cards are loaded with audio Bibles and used in remote areas, and Bible Hubs are portable relay devices that wirelessly distribute Bible Apps in local languages. Military BibleSticks, personal listening devices containing the New Testament and selected Psalms, are shared with servicemen and women and veterans through partnerships and military chaplains. More than 2.1 BibleSticks have been donated to U.S. soldiers since their invention.
In 2010, the Digital Bible Platform and app launched to give developers and mobile users online access to Bible recordings and texts. Faith Comes By Hearing developers, along with partners Pioneer Bible Translators and Seed Company, developed software in 2016, called "Render," to facilitate oral translation. [14]
Gospel Films, a partnership with LUMO films, were introduced in 2018. Faith Comes By Hearing post produces the films in the languages of the world, allowing people to see and hear the gospel. [15]
All of the organization's digital expressions are powered by a system believed to be the world's largest digital Bible library called the Digital Bible Platform. In April 2013, the organization opened the Digital Bible Platform to approved developers through API (application programming interface) access.[15]
As of January 2020, the ministry has audio Bible recordings in more than 1,340 languages, and Gospel Films in more than 380 languages. [10][11][12]
See also Global recordings network Language education Audio Bible References 1. "Audio Bible Mission - Bible Strategy - Faith Comes By Hearing Audio Bible". Retrieved 2019-08-22. 2. Megan Kamerick (May 6, 2010). "Faith Comes By Hearing's audio Bibles touch listeners, funders". New Mexico Business Weekly. Retrieved March 2, 2012. 3. "History". Archived from the original on February 20, 2012. Retrieved March 2, 2012. 4. "Faith Comes By Hearing/ Hosanna Ministries". Ministry Watch. Archived from the original on February 27, 2012. Retrieved March 2, 2012. 5. "NM company brings the Bible to the battlefield". KRQE News 13. February 10, 2015. Retrieved April 7, 2015. 6. "Chaplains distribute thousands of Military BibleSticks to troops". Mission Network News. May 28, 2010. Retrieved March 2, 2012. 7. PCTV Newsdesk (December 29, 2009). "Faith Comes By Hearing Makes Historical Progress". Pakistan Christian TV. Retrieved March 2, 2012. 8. Eryn Sun (November 22, 2011). "Ministry Reaches 5 Billion People With Audio Bibles". Christian Post Reporter. Retrieved March 2, 2012. 9. "Audio Bible Ministry Announces the Word of God in 573 Languages…and Counting!". Digital Journal. August 22, 2011. 10. Viviano, JoAnne (January 18, 2013). "Ministry's audio Bible heard around world". The Columbus Dispatch. Retrieved 30 April 2013. 11. Schapiro, Jeff. "Leading Audio Bible Ministry Creates App for the Deaf". The Christian Post. Retrieved 30 April 2013. 12. " KIDZ App engages kids with the Bible". Mission Network News. 13. Yoder, Greg (April 10, 2013). "Digital Bible audio shared". Mission Network News. Retrieved 30 April 2013. 14. 15.
External links Official website